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I have been unable to look up any verses in the RSV for some time in V5 App for iPhone

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Jem Stanners

Nov 28, 2022, 8:42:22 PM11/28/22
to Remember Me Forum
Hi, Whom it may Concern.
Some months ago, I started getting a message to the effect that any scripture references I wanted to look up and remember in the RSV Revised Standard Version, could not be found/located or similar.  Since I have only just found the forum, I have not asked earlier.

If anyone could help me to get the RSV going again, I would be very grateful.  I have memorized many verses in RSV over the last 50+ years, and I do not want to have to unlearn them in order to add "surrounding" verses.  The other versions are great, but they are not what I learned in 1970, and you cannot learn "mixed" versions, can you.  LOL.

Many thanks, Jem Stanners

Rev. Peter

Dec 2, 2022, 3:15:13 PM12/2/22
to Remember Me Forum
I completely understand the need for sticking to the translation that you are used to. RSV is still available, though (see screenshots)

Screenshot 2022-12-02 at 21.12.27.pngScreenshot 2022-12-02 at 21.12.06.png

Jem Stanners

Dec 6, 2022, 4:08:07 AM12/6/22
to Remember Me Forum
Thank you Rev. Peter. I will try again when I have switched over to V6..
Thanks Jem Stanners
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