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Top three favorite things about Remember Me

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Alan Wood

Jan 1, 2022, 7:32:39 AM1/1/22
to Remember Me Forum
I see that many users love Remember Me from their posts.  I do too!  I could list many, many things I love about this app, but let me try to pick my top three:

1.  The flash cards with temporary audio recording.  When I memorize, I want to be able to orally recite, and so this feature helps me practice exactly what I want to do.
2.  If I make a mistake, the frequency goes right back to daily.  I need to slowly build from short, to mid, to long-term memory, and if I make a mistake, I have to work through those phases.
3.  I can memorise passages in context, sorting labels in Reference order and proceeding one verse at at time.

How about you, what are your top three favorite features?
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