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Two account problem solved

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Jan 30, 2022, 1:23:42 PM1/30/22
to Remember Me Forum
I resolved the issue with the two accounts. Sorry to bother anyone.

Jem Stanners

Nov 28, 2022, 6:46:13 PM11/28/22
to Remember Me Forum
Hi All
How did you resolve it please?  I have exactly the same problem, I think.
My Apple phone and Android show different verses.
Now the apple phone app has just stopped opening, and I think I have lost over 1500 verses.
I can't easily print from my PC either, (the app fights bulk printing) and I require my phone (according to my understanding of Rev. Peter's instructions) to export the verses.
I am concerned that I might lose all verses by trying to reinstall the app.
Thanks in advance.
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