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Export my verses to a text file of csv format.

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Takahisa Kusuda

Jan 10, 2022, 10:10:07 PM1/10/22
to Remember Me Forum
I have been greatly blessed by this app and keeping my habit of reviewing verses.
Now I have about 200 verses memorized. I want to keep them all to a file for my use on a various occasion.
I have looked and try to find any function to make it but so far I cannot find any hint to export all the verses to a file.
Could any one give a hand or even a hint? I would much appreciate it.

Japan Navigators.

Abdul,Razaku Abdullayi

Jan 25, 2022, 8:46:25 AM1/25/22
to Remember Me Forum

From Alexis Coffi
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Alexis Coffi

Rev. Peter

Feb 5, 2022, 2:03:07 PM2/5/22
to Remember Me Forum
You can find instructions on
In order to export all verses, make sure you are on the list "All" when exporting them (instructions about adding the list "All")

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