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health means wealth

Jul 13, 2008, 4:48:27 AM7/13/08
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From: enqu...@healthmeanswealth.co.uk <enqu...@healthmeanswealth.co.uk>
Date: Jul 9, 2008 12:06 PM
Subject: Sunnah Days For Cupping (Hijama) Rajab
To: li...@healthmeanswealth.co.uk

Health Means Wealth

BismiLah Arrahmaan Arraheem

Assalumu alaikum wa rahmatuLah wa barakatuhu

The Sunnah days for wet cupping (hijama) in this month of Rajab are as follows:  

Tuesday 19th Rajab 1429 - Tuesday 22nd July 2008

Thursday 21st Rajab 1429 - Thursday 24th July 2008

In Cupping (Hijama) There Is A Cure And A blessing

Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "Healing is in three things: in the incision of the cupper, in drinking honey, and in cauterizing with fire, but I forbid my Ummah (nation) from cauterization (branding with fire)." [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5681), Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah (3491)]. 

Jaabir ibn Abdullah (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "Indeed in cupping (hijama) there is a cure." [Saheeh Muslim (5706)]. 

Ibn Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "Cupping (hijama) on an empty stomach* is best. In it is a cure and a blessing..." [Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah (3487)].

* 'alaa ar-reeq in arabic means to fast until after being treated with cupping. Once the treatment of cupping has been completed, one may eat and drink.

The Best Days For Cupping

Ibn Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "Cupping (hijama) on an empty stomach* is best. It increases the intellect and improves the memory. It improves the memory of the one memorising. So whoever is going to be cupped then on a Thursday in the name of Allaah.  Keep away from being cupped on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Be cupped on a Monday or Tuesday. Do not be cupped on a Wednesday because it is the day that Ayoub was befallen with the trial. You will not find leprosy except (by being cupped) on Wednesday or Wednesday night." [Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah (3488)].

* 'alaa ar-reeq in arabic means to fast until after being treated with cupping. Once the treatment of cupping has been completed, one may eat and drink. 

As for the Islamic day and night, the night enters before the day. So at sunset on Tuesday, Wednesday night comes in. Cupping (hijama) is best performed during the daytime between the athaan of fajr and the athaan of maghrib because yawm in arabic means daytime.

The Sunnah days for cupping (hijama) every month are when the 17th or 19th or 21st of the lunar month coincide with a Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. These are the best and most beneficial days for cupping (hijama). If one is not able to be cupped on 17th, 19th or 21st (coinciding with Monday, Tuesday or Thursday) then any Monday, Tuesday or Thursday of the month. 

Dry and massage cupping may be performed at any time.

We pray you find this information helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries, comments or feedback.

JazakAllah khair for your support.

The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam)  said, "Whoever revives a
Sunnah from my Sunnah and the people practise it, will have the same reward of those who practise it without their reward diminishing…"
[Sunan ibn Maajah (209)].

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JazakAllah khair.

Health Means Wealth
Remedies From The Sunnah




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