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Oleg Smirnov

Nov 29, 2023, 12:51:32 PM11/29/23
Стамбульские предложения России были неплохими, больше таких условий
Москва не предложит .. Но, как сказал Арахамия, Киев отказался идти
на эти договоренности, в том числе и потому, что приехавший в Киев
премьер Британии Джонсон призвал "просто воевать" и заявил, что Запад
на такие договоренности не пойдет .. <>


Nov 29, 2023, 4:22:48 PM11/29/23
On 11/29/2023 12:51 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> Стамбульские предложения России были неплохими, больше таких условий
> Москва не предложит .. Но, как сказал Арахамия, Киев отказался идти
> на эти договоренности, в том числе и потому, что приехавший в Киев
> премьер Британии Джонсон призвал "просто воевать" и заявил, что Запад
> на такие договоренности не пойдет

НАТО на границы 1991 года? Нет, не предложит.

"Польша заказала 218 РСЗО HOMAR-K у Южной Кореи и 486 РСЗО HIMARS у США."

Bye, Anatol

Oleg Smirnov

Dec 16, 2023, 8:39:30 AM12/16/23

.. Ukraine's new war plan ..
Now Ukraine is reorienting its defenses and adopting a new, surprising
strategy .. "What we are experiencing is basically a controlled
rearguard action. You build a minefield and watch as many Russians as
possible die in it and their tanks are destroyed. And when they make it
through there, you retreat a kilometer and let the Russians drive into
the next minefield that has been set up in the meantime." ..


The above description is exactly what things looked like to the regime's
troops when they sought to implement the summer "counter-offensive" (and
managed to advance few kms near Robotino <>).

Now, after they had experienced this approach applied to them by Russian
military, the silly German outlet presents this "surprising strategy" as
a brillliant invention of the regime's own military thought.

The meditation on "killing as many Russians as possible" is also notable.

The western post-"Protestant morals" are essentially close to paganism.

> <>
> Unrealistic US expectations helped doom Ukraine's counteroffensive ..

Oleg Smirnov

Dec 19, 2023, 8:45:28 AM12/19/23

Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, has estimated the number of
mercenaries who have fallen fighting on the side of the Kiev regime in
this war .. at nearly 6,000, the majority of them being Polish.

"More than 1,400 mercenaries from Poland who fought in the ranks of the
regime's troops have been eliminated in the special military operation"
.. Shoigu has also said that about 470 of these killed mercenaries have
American nationality, while about 350 are British .. Estimated the
casualties among the regular Kiev troops at 383,000, counting dead and
wounded .. "NATO military personnel directly control air defense
systems, operational tactical missiles and multiple launch rocket
systems. "When we prepare attacks with these means, we record American,
Polish and British speeches in radio interceptions," he said.

> <>
> .. Tensions at the top, exhaustion .. frustration ..

Oleg Smirnov

Dec 21, 2023, 8:19:14 AM12/21/23

The Kiev regime must copy 1944 Nazi Germany ..

The regime needs to look at what Germany did in WWII to stand a
chance against Russia, according to Ben Hodges, former commander
of US Army forces stationed in Europe .. In an interview with the
Australian YouTuber Perun <>,
published over the weekend, he repeatedly cited examples from the
Second World War .. "I mean, think about what Germany did in 1944
.. Hodges did not help his case by arguing that the regime needs
to "improve their recruiting system to maximize available
manpower," including mobilizing "too many military-aged males and
women walking around in Ukraine that should be in the military"
as well as thousands of men who fled to the EU as refugees ..


This once again shows the fact that the Atlanticists consider the
Ukraine's population a kind of 'low race', some cheap expendable,
which isn't a shame to waste just to do some troubles for Russia.
Silly Ukrainians should feel proud. It may get funnier when in
Europe they start catching those citizens of the Ukraine who were
smarter and lucky to escape from the regime-controlled territory,
in order to send them to utilization. Rustem Umerov, "minister of
defence" of the regime, yesterday promised so. Although, Umerov's
own children are citizens of the US, have nothing to fear.

> <>
> .. Unmistakable sense of gloom in Kiev ..

Oleg Smirnov

Dec 21, 2023, 10:32:47 PM12/21/23
The Kiev regime reportedly has no soldiers left who are willing to
train to operate Leopard 2 tanks in Germany .. [The] training centres
in Germany are running at half the capacity .. Ukrainians are in
shock after Volodymyr Zelensky's announcement to mobilise almost half
the population for war .. <>

> <>
> .. Videos of soldiers shoving people into cars ..

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 3, 2024, 12:02:10 PMJan 3
Число oкраинцев, которые доверяют <Единым новостям>
резко сократилось с 69% в мае 2022 года до 43% в прошлом
месяце .. <>

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 9, 2024, 7:30:29 AMJan 9
Зеленский <политически уже умер>, заявил нардеп от фракции <Голос>
Роман Костенко .. Он должен понять, что политически он уже умер. И
сейчас он должен принимать не такие решения, которые ему будут давать
возможность переизбраться на следующих выборах или которые будут
поддерживать его рейтинги .. <>

Iakov Senatov

Jan 9, 2024, 7:33:39 AMJan 9
On 1/9/2024 1:29 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> Зеленский <политически уже умер>, заявил нардеп от фракции <Голос>
> Роман Костенко .. Он должен понять, что политически он уже умер. И

Но навсегда останется в сердцах Евреев и прогрессивного человечества,
как первый Еврей в истории, отомстивший за Голокост ужасными смертями
сотен тысяч укронациков.

Вот это отомстил, так отомстил. Любо!

Благословлѧю на ​добрыꙗ​ дѣла. Вашь Іаковъ.

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 11, 2024, 4:11:34 PMJan 11

.. Biden's escalation management approach - i.e. restricting the
quantity and type of weaponry supplied to the Kiev Nazi regime to
fight the Russians - while having resulted in the destruction of
Ukraine, has, so far, steered Russian President Vladimir Putin
clear of targeting Europe with nuclear weapons or bringing war to
the U.S. homeland .. Russia is capable of destroying the United
States ..


"Destruction of Ukraine" is good.

Американские правые рассказывают ***украм об их предназначении.

Oleg Smirnov

Jan 11, 2024, 4:14:28 PMJan 11

Practically today Ukraine is a concentration camp that is moving
towards Europe. No freedom of speech, no human rights, no freedom
of religion. Also, most of the male population is being destroyed.
So what is the future of the country? You and I discussed then, we
talked about the loss of territory, about the loss of population.
Today there are simply catastrophic processes taking place. This
is a pain that goes through millions of families. And who is to
blame for this? Biden, Nuland, Blinken, Demo-corruption, Zelensky,
Poroshenko and the rest of this organized criminal group ..

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