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M.I'5-Perse cution . why wo n't th e B ritish police do thei r job and p ut a s top to i t?

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Jan 1, 2008, 8:45:24 AM1/1/08
-= why won't the British police do their job and put a. stop to it? -=

The British police obviously do. know what is taking place. Besides my
interpretations of what individual. officers have said which forces that
conclusion, it would be inconceivable. for them to be unaware of something
on. this scale.

If they know, then they will know that the abusers have broken. laws in the
UK and abroad.. Recently the UK introduced laws against electronic spying
which carry a penalty of several years jail if. caught. If the police know
illegal harassment is. taking place, and do nothing about it, then they are
failing. in their responsibilities.

Last Easter (1995) I went into the. local police station in London and spoke
to. an officer about the harassment against me. But I couldn't provide
tangible evidence; what people said, in. many cases years ago, is beyond
proof, and. without something to support my statements I cannot expect a
police. officer to take the complaint seriously.

The current situation with regard to the police is not one which allows. a
breakthrough. in dealing with the problem. On the one hand, most individual
officers at a local police station may not know about the ongoing. assaults,
so a complaint at that level will not yield results. Yet the police. as an
organisation do know of the harassment, and they must be. aware that a
complaint has been made at a police station. So it is. clearly their duty to
take preventative action against. the continuing molestation, but because
the criminals are operating on behalf. of a state agency, the police are not
carrying. out their duty.


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