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What scientists have found relativity to be ridiculous?

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Laurence Clark Crossen

Feb 28, 2024, 6:16:50 PM2/28/24
to Relativity skeptics
Essen said that Rutherford did, and we have a quote from Rutherford to that effect. Essen did and Callahan demonstrates it in his book, Euclid or Einstein?

Laurence Clark Crossen

Feb 28, 2024, 6:19:32 PM2/28/24
to Relativity skeptics
I add myself to the list. While I am an amateur I find that elementary logic is sufficient to show relativity is ridiculous and many excellent professional scientists bear this out.

Laurence Clark Crossen

Feb 28, 2024, 7:43:19 PM2/28/24
to Relativity skeptics
Let us count the ways relativity is ridiculous.

1.  It involves many elementary logical fallacies and claims these are only apparent to the uninitiated.
2. It involves reification fallacy in conceiving of space as curved.
3. The ad hoc reasoning of SR is allegedly rescued by the ad hoc reasoning of GR.
4. It pretends to explain the cause of gravity.
5. It pretends to follow Galileo's and Eotvos' experimental findings yet actually flagrantly violates them by have light affected by gravity twice the amount everything else is.
6. It is imagined that it had anything to do with the development of the atomic bomb.

Laurence Clark Crossen

Feb 28, 2024, 7:45:51 PM2/28/24
to Relativity skeptics
7. It was invented by Einstein employing extremely poor reasoning as shown by Callahan, e.g. p. 264: "It is at least wonderfully accurate reasoning; it is reasoning that proves nothing at all, except that the reasoner can't reason.

Laurence Clark Crossen

Feb 28, 2024, 7:48:55 PM2/28/24
to Relativity skeptics
List of scientists finding relativity ridiculous:

1. Rutherford.
2. Essen.
3. Callahan.

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