zero-padding before computing a FFT from a combination of two reals

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Apr 25, 2017, 11:46:03 AM4/25/17
to reikna

I am currently trying to write a Computation which does the following tasks:

- Take 2 arrays in1 (real, 512*512) and in2(real, 512*512) as inputs
- Apply zero-padding to both inputs to obtain in1_pad (real, 1024*1024) and in2_pad(real, 1024*1024)
- Use in1_pad and in2_pad as inputs to feed combine_complex() thus getting in1_pad+1j*in2_pad
- Compute the FFT of in1_pad+1j*in2_pad

To achieve this, I first wrote a Transformation which performs the zero-padding operation:

def zero_padding(arr_in, nrows_zp, ncols_zp):

assert not reikna.cluda.dtypes.is_complex(arr_in.dtype)

arr_in_type = Type(dtype=arr_in.dtype, shape=arr_in.shape)
arr_out_type = Type(dtype=arr_in.dtype, shape=(nrows_zp, ncols_zp))

nrows, ncols = arr_in.shape

return Transformation(
[Parameter('output', Annotation(arr_out_type, 'o')),
Parameter('input', Annotation(arr_in_type, 'i')),


## get 2D indice

VSIZE_T idx_col = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * blockIdx.x;
##VSIZE_T idx_col = get_global_id(0);

VSIZE_T idx_row = threadIdx.y + blockDim.y * blockIdx.y;
##VSIZE_T idx_row = get_global_id(1);

if (idx_col<${ncols} & idx_row<${nrows})


render_kwds=dict(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols),

This Transformation works as expected (I convert it to a PureParallel object to test it).

To implement the whole algorithm, I built a class inherited from Computation:

class TwoFFTForPriceOfOne(Computation):

def __init__(self, x, y, nrows_pad=1024, ncols_pad=2048):

# only for 2D inputs
assert x.ndim == 2

# ensure input images are real ones
assert( not reikna.cluda.dtypes.is_complex(x.dtype) and not

# array type
float_type = Type(np.float32, x.shape)
cplx_type_zp = Type(complex_for(x.dtype), (nrows_pad, ncols_pad))

# input of to_complex_trf is the output of zero_pad
zero_pad_x = zero_padding(x, nrows_zp=nrows_pad, ncols_zp=ncols_pad)
zero_pad_y = zero_padding(y, nrows_zp=nrows_pad, ncols_zp=ncols_pad)

# 2 real --> 1 complex
to_complex_trf = combine_complex(cplx_type_zp)

fft = cudaFFT.FFT(cplx_type_zp)

# FFT input is the output of to_complex_trf
fft.parameter.input.connect(to_complex_trf, to_complex_trf.output,

# connects both padding blocks
fft.parameter.input_real.connect(zero_pad_x, zero_pad_x.output,

fft.parameter.input_imag.connect(zero_pad_y, zero_pad_y.output,

self._fft = fft

[Parameter('output1', Annotation(cplx_type_zp, 'o')),
Parameter('input1', Annotation(float_type, 'i')),
Parameter('input2', Annotation(float_type, 'i')),

def _build_plan(self, plan_factory, device_params, output1,
input1, input2):

plan = plan_factory()
plan.computation_call(self._fft, output1, input1, input2)

return plan

if __name__ == '__main__':


nrows_pad = 1024
ncols_pad = 2048

# inputs
in1 = misc.lena().astype(np.float32)
in2 = misc.lena().astype(np.float32)

api = cluda.cuda_api()
thr = api.Thread.create()

# send inputs to GPU device
in1_device = thr.to_device(in1)
in2_device = thr.to_device(in2)

out1_device_pad = thr.array(shape=(nrows_pad, ncols_pad),

out2_device_pad = thr.array(shape=(nrows_pad, ncols_pad),

# inputs should NOT be complex
comp = TwoFFTForPriceOfOne(in1, in2, nrows_pad=nrows_pad,

comp_c = comp.compile(thr)


comp_c(input1=in1_device, input2=in2_device,

res = np.fft.fft2(in1 + 1j * in2, (nrows_pad, ncols_pad))

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)


If I remove the zero-padding blocks within the Computation (i.e. only combining the two inputs as a complex array and then computing the FFT, it yields the same result as a Numpy implementation. However, it seems that the zero-padding Transformation (which is OK is used on its own) is not correctly connected within the constructor of TwoFFTForPriceOfOne.

Indeed, I get no error but the output result significantly differ from the Numpy one.

If I compute the inverse FFT of the Reikna output (using Numpy), it seems that the rows are concatenated on the first row.

Apr 25, 2017, 11:51:22 AM4/25/17
to reikna
The difference is well illustrated when displaying:

res = np.fft.fft2(in1 + 1j * in2, (nrows_pad, ncols_pad))
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)


Apr 25, 2017, 12:22:02 PM4/25/17
to reikna
It seems that replacing idx_row/idx_col (obtained with get_global_id(0/1) or threadIdx.i + blockDim.i * blockIdx.i) by ${idxs[0/1]} as done in solves the problem.

However, I do not know what the difference between directly calling CUDA/OpenCL built-in stuff (get_global_id / threadIdx,...) and calling Reikna built-in variable (${idxs})?

Bogdan Opanchuk

Apr 26, 2017, 8:09:25 AM4/26/17
to reikna
Hi Florian,

The thing with transformations is that they are called (in chain, according to their connections) every time the core computation loads/saves something from memory, that is calls `load_idx()` or `store_idx()`. Therefore they can be called several times in a single GPU thread, and should rely on the array indices (the `idxs` array containing the parameter names in the function where the transformation is placed) passed to them. For example, if you look into FFT sources at , you will see how `load_combined_idx()` is called there `radix1` times in a loop. When a `PureParallel` is created out of a transformation, it calls each load/store once per thread, that's why your initial variant worked correctly.

In fact, you shouldn't even use the built-in index functions in a Computation kernel, because
a) It makes the code tied to either OpenCL or CUDA, and, more importantly,
b) If you ask for `local_size=(32,32)` in `plan.kernel_call()`, it does not mean that the underlying local size (in OpenCL) or block size (in CUDA) will be 32x32. It just means that the total number of work items/threads in a workgroup/block will be at least 1024, and `virtual_local_id(0)` and `virtual_local_id(1)` will return the values from 0 to 31. The underlying size can easily be 512x2 or 1024x1. Same goes for the global size/grid size.
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