Career Move

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Mar 8, 2008, 8:17:26 PM3/8/08
to RN's
Hey There Folks,

I'm at a crossroads and I need some opinions.


I'm 45 with a wife, 3 kids mortgage, car & minivan...

I work about 15 minutes from home in the music publishing business.
Pays the bills but it's a dead end job that I could probably work at
for the next 20 years. I hope/think.

I have a degree in Advertising so I have some college credits. Started
going to school at my local community college with the plan of
becoming a nurse in 4 or 5 years. Took bio and got an A. I am taking
A&P 1 and I'm acing that as well, so I'm doing really well
academically. I like it! If I keep going I will be ready to enter the
nursing program at night in the fall of 2010 with the expectation of
graduating in the spring of 2012. When I enter the program I will have
to tell my current employer I need to leave at 3:00 for personal
reasons. I can't tell them that I'm going to school to leave them in a
couple of years. I'm sure you all understand this. I need to be at
school by 4:00 every day. No exceptions!

My problem is I will be approaching 50 years of age when I graduate.


Will anyone hire a 50 y/o male nurse who is just starting out? I know
I'll have to pay my dues and work the night shift to start and
probably deal with a whole bunch of b/s being the low man on the pole.
That's not a problem. In fact I look forward to the challenge.
What sort of salary can I expect? In my current position I have
budgetary responsibilities, & supervisory/managerial responsibilities.
Read between the lines... I get a decent salary to do what I do but I
don't have anything extra.
Will I be able to leverage this experience in a nursing career?

My reasons for choosing nursing were based on long term economic
goals, my altruistic nature and my empathy for people.

If at the age of 50 I can't find a job then what did I do it all for.

Write to me privately or post to the group.

Best regards,


Lynn Thomas

Mar 9, 2008, 6:57:30 AM3/9/08
theres a world wide shortage of nurses = so you should be able to get a job. with your management background you could go into nursing managment if you are so inclined. life change ..... <g> good luck I hope it brings you much happiness as well as financial reward .... though you will have to keep studying ..... its fun really though hard with a family I guess. I live in australia though so my opinion probably not relevant as I lack detailed knowledge of the american context.
good luck

Epictetus 55-135 CE

Mar 11, 2008, 4:52:26 PM3/11/08
to RN's
Hi Spartacvs,
Yes you will be able to get out of nursing school at 50 and be
employed for the simple reason there is a shortage and also the
average age of RNs in the United States is around 45. So no problems
there :-) Your overall life experiences will help you as well as your
managerial background. That is something I wish I had had under my
belt so to speak as a new RN 5 years ago.
I myself graduated at the age of 38 and the age thing has never been
a problem.
About the wages that varies according to where you live I have worked
in the Midwest as a graduate RN for $16 an hour to 24 in that region.
Here on the west Coast where I live now I have earned as much as 26 to
41 dollars an hour. It varies due to your clinical skills such as
cardiac, med surg, or ICU. ICU nurses make the most but it is also the
most stressful as well as ER too.
Good luck to you and its hard but its worth all the work and trial.
Sounds like you have thought out all the +s and - s to it... hang in
there and welcome to the world of nursing.
Hope I have answered some of your questions .


Mar 12, 2008, 2:58:55 PM3/12/08
to RN's
You will have so many job opportunities that you will have to be
careful about which you accept.Just get some basic clinical experience
behind you before taking on any added responsibilities and develop a
working relationship with the younger nurses and those in
authority.Taking on more than you can handle is built in to most
nursing jobs so be sure you have others around for support and
advice.I am retired now but still get job offers from time to
time.Good luck.


Mar 13, 2008, 12:49:02 PM3/13/08
to RN's
You don't need to worry about it, with ongoing shortage for nurses.
Suggestion: If you got a chance to work in a county hospital go for
it, they offer retirement after 5years with a certain age parameter.
Good luck!!!


Apr 11, 2008, 12:12:35 AM4/11/08
to RN's
As a nurse who started at 40+ and then after a MVA that kept me from
working for 8 years, at 55 I took a nursing refresher course this past
fall and now starting back again. I think you should go for it.
Specialize in a critical area and you can make great money. Even more
you can get your Masters and be a NP in your field of specialty. Just
be sure the nurisng school you go to is BSN so you don't have to
bridge from ADN to MSN. I am in NICU and the pay is good. If you go
straight in to critical care you get sign on bonuses and such once you
get experience. JUst remember this, you will not be able to get off on
all the holidays with your family and that is a bummer. And shifts
usually run 12hr, but you have 4 days off in the week, wchich is
great. I think you will do well. Most men really like emergency
medicine and love the ER.
Good Luck,
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