Generics Monopoly in the making , neocon landgrab and other nightmares...

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Jul 25, 2008, 4:30:55 PM7/25/08
to RN's
Nurses are the silent backbone of HEALTH CARE , they must know

This week Teva Pharma from Israel is buying Barr Pharma from N.J. , so
Teva will control 30 to 40% OF THE GENERIC DRUG MARKET IN THE USA AND
EUROPA, a monopoly and :"...with the impending brand-name patent
expiration worth billions of dollars a year..."(WP,July2008) this is a
total USA Generic Drug Industry take over......the CEO of Teva ,Shlomo
Yanai, is a friend and Congregation partner of the CEO of Kraft-
Nabisco, the biggest seller of junk-foods in the USA, Ms.Yrene
Rosenfeld, and these 2 are friends of Daniel Acheson at the FDA, the
guy that says that we dont need to know where our foods come from, and
they are all friends of the Tish brothers from Loews -Lorillard and
Newport, the biggest manufacturers of Menthol Tobacco, which is trying
to avoid regulation,menthol additives are the biggest feed for cancer-
emphysema in smokers, mostly african-american, so this group really
are controlling the producers of huge health problems as well as the
pharmaceuticals , and this is unacceptable, no country in its right
mind can let this happen, but Congress will not do anything,as
usual..........and one of their supporters in D.C. is one of the
biggest pushers for the war in Iraq, Senator Schumer,who is now
blaming everybody else for the economic disaster, like the war had
nothing to do with the financial situation in America today, they
control the media so much they edit out any mention that it was
Schumer , Lieberman , Emanuel, Murdoch,Feinstein and Boxer , among
many others, pushing for the war every day in 2002 and 2003 ! and
while their loyalty is with AIPAC , Mossad and the State of Israel
ahead of the USA and the USA Taxpayers, what a shame !


Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are worth 5 trillion dollars long term ,the
fight in Congres about them is about control of the assets in them,
the neocons are trying to grab it, study the issue and do your own
thinking, it can be the biggest theft in American History, get
involved !

1) In the House Hearings June,3,2008 and in the Senate June,23,2008,
under oath, it was very clear and agreed by all that Oil Speculation
was at least 30 to 40 dollars in the price of each barrel of oil,and
that Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley among others , had huge crude
oil , gas and heating oil futures positions.

2) In the House Hearings July 10, 2008, Congress members asked Ben
Bernanke,chairman of the Federal Reserve,why the Fed had given Bear
Stearns and JP Morgan a 29 billion dollar loan and why the weekend
deal was done after the 3 top executives of Bear Stearns
( Cayne,Schwartz,Spector) had secured their 20 to 60 million dollar
stock payments each....he just slided with technical and emotional

Bernanke was also asked why he had given the contract to administer
Bear Stearns assets to BlackRock without bidding, and he said that it
was the best choice at the time, and when asked if he was going to put
the contract out for bidding, he said no!, when asked again that since
the situation was stable, why not put the contract out for bidding, he
again said no! ...... Bernanke has no legal authority to do this, he

3) in the Senate July 15,2008 Hearings, Bernanke was asked by various
Senators about Oil Speculation, and he said flatly that there is NO
Speculation ! just like that, he covered up for his friends in Goldman
Sachs( Blankfein,CEO ) and Morgan Stanley (Mack,CEO)... and how can he
say that there is no speculation? is he incompetent ? ignorant ? or a
liar ? and when asked in all the Hearings why Investment Bankers were
getting a free ride to do as they please while Commercial Bankers have
a lot of regulations, he just excused the whole farce with the
"difficult times..." , so the Hedge Funds like BlackRock getting
billions of dollars in Taxpayers assets are free to do as they please,
while he takes upon himself the authority to distribute taxpayers
funds as he sees fit....the second grab...

4) and now comes his request to get Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under
his wing, so he can distribute fees , commissions and contracts to his
chosen Hedge Funds, like Blackrock,KKR,Blackstone,Merrill,Goldman
Sachs,Morgan Stanley,Cerberus,TPG,Lehman,Lazard,etc.etc.,and slowly
start to transfer the assets themselves , the land of Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac, about 5 trillion dollars in mortgages,to them and others,
a huge chunk of America is about to ge transfered to these groups and
others, because no one will demand to supervise Bernanke and his
partners , no one will demand an account, and Congress is about to
vote on it...the third and final grab......America, no one to blame
but ourselves !!!

5) All these Hearings details are out of the spotlight,Bernanke and
his partners, Kohn,Friedman,Fischer,etc., are about to take over 5
trillion dollars in real estate assets, some of the best in America,
and in a few years when the disaster hits the news, they will blame
Bush and the 110th Congress, but by then, the neocons will have
converted these stolen USA assets into legal assets, no one left but
the usual christians to take the blame, as usual....and if you look at
it, these land grabs are similar to the ones being done in the Middle
East and the ones done in Russia by the oligarchs in the 90's , and
what a's the same organized military-religious-
political-financial orthodox group ! , oh well, my christian community
will never get it,see it, never care and never do anything about
it....or will you?

another big issue is the Tax Evasion case , from UBS and LGT and
others , where 100 USA taxpayers or more are known to have evaded
billions in taxes, but the Media and the Senate Hearings only talked
about 5 of them, why? what happen to the other 95 ? the Senate
Investigation is run by S.Levin and S.Coleman, so what's going on ?
already one, Olenicoff, who kept 200 million dollars stashed away in
UBS and avoided 52 million in taxes, got to pay his back taxes and
that's it,he went home ! so this ruling applies to every tax cheater
in America ? of course not,Olenicoff is a neocon, so he goes
home,anybody else goes to jail and pays 100 million in penalties and
interest ! , isn't wonderful to know that America is just a colony of
the neocons?

the grab goes on.....get ready for the big one....

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