SSCCC and Region VII Stands with You

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Chern Xun Gan

May 31, 2020, 10:18:34 PM5/31/20
to, RegionVII

Dear Students and Community Members,


In the past two days, we have seen protests in cities across the region in response to the extrajudicial killing of George Floyd. Although this incident took place miles away in Minnesota, it is clear from the reaction we have seen here in Los Angeles County that many in our community share the anger and experiences of our siblings in Minneapolis.


We know that many of our students from the fourteen Region VII colleges have taken part or are planning to take part in these protests. We hope that all of you stay safe as you participate to make your voices heard. Your voices as students and the leaders of tomorrow are especially important during these turbulent times.


This is not the first time that we here in Los Angeles have witnessed such events. Many of us were born long after the events of 1992, but the happenings of that time have long left an indelible mark on the identity of LA. This is especially poignant now, as we think about the endemic issues of systemic oppression and racial tension that still exist today.


The SSCCC and Region VII stand committed in addressing these issues in education. 1992 has taught us that LA will rebuild from the events of these few days, but our push for equity must continue. The SSCCC Board of Directors recently voted to support ACA 5, an amendment to the California Constitution that will ensure that UCs and CSUs, as well as other government entities are allowed to make conscious decisions in tackling these problems, from education to contracting and employment.


Together, we all play an important part in addressing the many injustices in our society. We encourage you to continue with your efforts and advocate for our students of multiple backgrounds, be it through your student body associations, your college’s Board of Trustees or your local legislators. The SSCCC will always be a resource to assist you.


Standing in solidarity,

Hope Ullman & Chern Xun Gan

Region VII Legislative Affairs Director | Student Senate for California Community Colleges

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