[FEEDBACK REQUESTED] CCC Strategic Vision 2017

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Alexa Victoriano

May 31, 2017, 7:50:19 PM5/31/17
to RegionVII

Hello Student Leaders,

Just a reminder that feedback for the CCC Strategic Vision project will be collected until midnight tonight. If you have time, click the link below to share your comments:

Student Leaders, Community Members & Interested Parties,

During the March 20th Board of Governor's meeting, the members were updated on what Chancellor Oakley is calling the Strategic Vision for the California Community Colleges. Oakley quoted that "the purpose of the project is to articulate the importance of the CCCs for a public audience, identify clear goals for the system, and provide broad recommendations about how to accomplish those goals. My hope is that the document will serve as a guide for me and our Board of Governors over the next several years."

Over the last several weeks, consultants hired through the Chancellor's Office have been engaging with leaders from the various constituent groups in our system. During those conversations, they mentioned that the next step in the project was to get more responses from a wider range of individuals.
To do just that, the Chancellor's Office, with the Foundation for California Community Colleges, has launched a Virtual Town Hall to gather additional feedback from all stakeholders across the system. You can find a video explaining the project by clicking HERE.

The questions that the forum is seeking feedback on are below:
  • What is the biggest challenge facing the California Community College system today?
  • What is the most prominent policy, program, or practice you've come across in the California Community Colleges?
  • Is there anything about this particular moment in time that presents an opportunity for the California Community Colleges?
  • Could the system do a better job of holding itself accountable? How?
  • How can the Chancellor's Office and the Board of Governors better support your work?

Please follow the link below to share your thoughts on the questions and to provide any additional comments.

We hope you can find the time to look over the virtual town hall and provide and feedback you may have! Feedback will be accepted until May 31, 2017.

Feel free to message me if you have any questions.



Alejandro Lomeli

Vice President of System Affairs

Student Senate for California Community Colleges

O 562-938-5244C 310-200-3285


Best Regards,
Alexa Victoriano
Regional Affairs Director | Region VII 
Student Senate for California Community Colleges

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