I would like to invite you to join me in listing your facility and collection events at our new web site If you are interested please give me a call so we can discuss the details. We can get you your own account for this site so that you can enter your own events. We are asking a small fee to help cover the cost of the development of the site.
No matter what let me know what you think.
Willie Cade
PC Rebuilders & Recyclers, LLC
Home of the Computers for Schools Program
3053 N Knox, Chicago, IL 60641 (Warehouse)
3642 N Springfield Ave (Snail mail address)
Chicago, IL 60618-4029
773-545-7575 Voice
773-545-7502 Fax
773-562-3377 Cell
$50.00 per year. Call if you are interested and I will set you up as a user.