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New blog

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David Sanders

May 28, 2009, 12:35:02 PM5/28/09
to Fort Wayne Geek Dinner
Hey folks, I started (another) new blog yesterday:

This will be my first "single topic" blog where I talk about code snippets, recipes, utilities, and news.  Basically, this is where I can post up my technical insights.  I'm hoping to talk a lot about ExtJS, since I've been using it for over a year now and all the new 3.0 stuff is going to be official soon.  But I'll also talk about things .NET, perhaps some ruby and so on, to mix it up a bit.

I might be looking for more "cooks" later to help add more content and diversity to the blog.  If you are ever interested in semi-frequent tech writing, email me off list. I'm also hoping to be able to answer questions for people, or cover short topics that people request.  Once I get anyone actually reading it, of course. :)

Thanks for the look.  You can follow @CodeCooks on twitter too to know when blog updates occur.

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