Looking for a front end developer

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Matt Carey

Feb 18, 2010, 11:42:18 AM2/18/10
to refresh-th...@googlegroups.com
Hi Everyone

I hope you don't mind the job post...

We are looking for a Front End Developer to work within our existing team. We are looking for someone with a keen interest in HTML/CSS.

We are after the following:

* You enjoy writing the cleanest HTML & CSS possible
* You have knowledge of at least one CMS/blog platform
* It would be a bonus if know, or have played around with JQuery, but not essential
* PHP/MySQL skills are a bonus but not a requirement
* You are interested in all the current trends on the web, including progressive CSS
* You can work in our studio in Reading (no remote workers I'm afraid)

Lift is a small design studio (5 people) producing work for a range of clients, from big corporate clients to small arts organisations. One of our current developers is moving on and we need someone to fill the space in the team

We work in a brand new, custom built studio in Caversham (on the outskirts of Reading, on the Oxford side). You will be expected to work in the studio with the rest of the team. We like to make our working environment comfortable, so we provide big screens, an Aeron chair and a company iPhone.

We are looking for someone on an initial 6 month contract, with the option to then make the position permanent. We are also looking to employ someone as soon as possible!

If interested please get in touch!


Lift: creative communication design
phone: +44 (0)118 948 4862 **New number**
mobile: +44 (0)7979 757983
aim: studiolift
web: http://www.studiolift.com

*This email is confidential and intended for the addressee only

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