Meetup! Wednesday, February 20

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James Archer

Feb 19, 2008, 7:02:12 PM2/19/08
Hey gang! We're officially on for tomorrow night!

WHO: You!
WHAT: Post-production in Photoshop (and maybe Aperture/Lightroom as well)
WHEN: 6:00pm, Wednesday, February 20
WHERE: map -
WHY: Conversation and education!

Detailed instructions from Rob (thanks for letting us use the space!):


My office is located in North Scottsdale near Kierland Commons/Airpark
area. The address is 14614 N. Kierland Blvd Suite S-290 and the zip is
85254 for your Mapquesters.

I'll give ya some fairly easy directions (Scottsdale Rd and the 101 is
always a disaster)

From the west side take the 101 to 56th Street. Head south to Greenway
and turn left. Second light past 64th Street is Kierland Blvd turn
right and we are about 1/4 of a mile or so on the right side.

From the East Valley take the 101 to Raintree and head I guess its
east (turn left at the exit) and take it to Hayden Rd. Turn left on to
Hayden at the first light turn right that'll be Redfield Rd. You'll
take that past the end of the Scottsdale Airport runway and you'll
turn right on Scottsdale Rd. The very next light will be Acoma, turn
left. Acoma turns into Kierland and we'll be the first office building
on the left about a 1/4 of a mile or so down from Scottsdale Rd.

You can park anywhere but under the covered parking. Actually at that
time of the night you could probably get away with it but why take

When you come up to the building go to the second floor and take the
door to your left and I'll have the door open for my office suite but
it will be the first door on your right. At some point between 6 and
6:30 the security system automatically locks the outside doors and
elevator but I'll prop the outside door open. If you need the elevator
just call me and I can send it down. If you get lost or need some
better directions give me a call 602-791-0097.
I can easily fit about 15 people, actually I could fit a lot more but
I'd have to dig up some more chairs. Just let me know who's coming and
I guess I'll see ya at 6.

Tomas J Carrillo

Feb 21, 2008, 2:31:46 PM2/21/08
For those of you that were unable to make it to the Post-Production
meet up last night, I just wanted to give you a quick summary of what
we talked about just in case anyone finds the info interesting:


• "Impromptu HDR tutorial using Photomatix" (
demo'd by Brian Shaler - By "impromptu", I mean Brian basically
chopped up this image into 3
jpegs and messed around with Photomatix's setting and was able to
create a seriously nice looking HDR in about 10 minutes or so. The
software is pretty solid and a fully functional (I think) free trial
is available for download and use.

• "General curve adjustments and sharpening work flow in Photoshop"
demo'd by Brian Shaler - A very detailed and informative guide for
using adjustment layers to tweak curves, then using two unsharpen
filters in combination to give photos that nice "pop". Also shown was
a cool vignetting technique using layer masks.

• "You suck at Lightroom" demo'd by Chris Tingom - Most of what we
learned here was due to Jerry Ferguson stepping in and showing Chris
everything he missed. :) Interestingly enough, we ended up with a
photo of some guy named Joe with a third eye in his forehead... don't
ask. The software is pretty slick to say the least and only a ~40Mb

• "Skin tone correction and Photoshop plastic surgery" demo'd by Jerry
Ferguson - Jerry did a quick run through of what he does with the
liquify, sponge, dodge, and clone tools to make his portraits look
like a million dollars - all over remote desktop. Seriously, this
demo and Brian's was priceless - lots and lots of amazing tips and
info shared - I'm still trying to absorb it all. Okay, Chris' demo
was priceless too. :)

Twitter -
PicLens Firefox Add-On -
Bryan Peterson's "Understanding Exposure" book
Cambridge in Color Tutorials -
Flickr Leech -
Lunar eclipse, and how we couldn't see jack squat because of the rain

Rob Cooley
Jerry Ferguson (Man, we were trying to figure out what happened to you
after we didn't see you at the restaurant)
Brian Shaler
Chris Tingom (Live blogging & Twittering from the meet up)
Gary and Cheryl Colan (Thanks for the dinner Gary, I'm still enjoying
my leftovers)
Tomas Carrillo

For those who attended, feel free to add anything I missed - and again
a huge huge thanks to Rob for providing the projector, comfy
conference room, Dell projector, HDMI to RGB converter, wireless, and
soft drinks!



James Archer

Feb 21, 2008, 7:17:32 PM2/21/08
Okay, Tomas is officially in charge of post-meetup summaries. That was awesome.

Sorry I couldn't make it, guys! I was hoping to meet Jerry and hang
with you all, but called away for family stuff. So it goes,

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that it was a productive and fun evening.

Now, who wants to take the baton for setting up next month's meetup.
Any takers? :-)

James Archer
Operations Director
FORTY: Interactive Marketing Agency - (602) 325-3229

Chris Tingom

Feb 21, 2008, 7:22:25 PM2/21/08
I concur, the show notes were great Tomas.

I hear that the wildflowers are going to be really good this year. Maybe a
photo shoot to some hill where there are flowers. I don't know when they
begin blooming though.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of James Archer
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 5:18 PM
Subject: [Refocus Phoenix] Re: Meetup! Wednesday, February 20

Okay, Tomas is officially in charge of post-meetup summaries. That was

Sorry I couldn't make it, guys! I was hoping to meet Jerry and hang with
you all, but called away for family stuff. So it goes, sometimes!

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that it was a productive and fun evening.

Now, who wants to take the baton for setting up next month's meetup.
Any takers? :-)

On 2/21/08, Tomas J Carrillo <> wrote:
> For those of you that were unable to make it to the Post-Production
> meet up last night, I just wanted to give you a quick summary of what
> we talked about just in case anyone finds the info interesting:
> **DEMOS**

> . "Impromptu HDR tutorial using Photomatix" (

> demo'd by Brian Shaler - By "impromptu", I mean Brian basically
> chopped up this image
> into 3
> jpegs and messed around with Photomatix's setting and was able to
> create a seriously nice looking HDR in about 10 minutes or so. The
> software is pretty solid and a fully functional (I think) free trial
> is available for download and use.

> . "General curve adjustments and sharpening work flow in Photoshop"

> demo'd by Brian Shaler - A very detailed and informative guide for
> using adjustment layers to tweak curves, then using two unsharpen
> filters in combination to give photos that nice "pop". Also shown was
> a cool vignetting technique using layer masks.

> . "You suck at Lightroom" demo'd by Chris Tingom - Most of what we

> learned here was due to Jerry Ferguson stepping in and showing Chris
> everything he missed. :) Interestingly enough, we ended up with a
> photo of some guy named Joe with a third eye in his forehead... don't
> ask. The software is pretty slick to say the least and only a ~40Mb
> download.

> . "Skin tone correction and Photoshop plastic surgery" demo'd by

Brian Shaler

Feb 21, 2008, 7:27:32 PM2/21/08
Nice follow-up Tomas!

Jim Jeffers

Feb 21, 2008, 7:31:13 PM2/21/08
Wish I could've made it out to that one :(

- Jim


Feb 22, 2008, 11:14:52 AM2/22/08
to Refocus Phoenix - Arizona Photography
I got a call on the way to the restaurant that our power went out, so
I ran home to deliver flashlights/batteries because ours were all dead
from being used as 'lightsabers' - sorry I missed hanging out
afterward. We shoulda done a lightning photography session!

In any case, I've been meaning to post up some photoshop tutorial
screencasts, so maybe I'll start with a review similar to the one I
did at the meetup. I'll link to it as soon as it's up.


Rob Cooley

Feb 22, 2008, 1:50:06 PM2/22/08
I wish I could have gone with you guys for dinner but I was just way too tired. Gary, you never called me about going shooting!

Thanks to everyone for the knowledge! Will be a big help!

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