load external classes

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Gabriel Ferreira

Nov 26, 2013, 11:34:10 AM11/26/13
to reflecta...@googlegroups.com
Hi. I have two questions.

1) Is there any reflectasm .jar, or do i have to build it from the downloaded project?

2) I downloaded the reflectasm project and built my own .jar. Then, i imported the .jar on a normal Netbeans project. I tried to use MethodAccess with a class that i created on my project:

MethodAccess access = MethodAccess.get(ModelClass.class);

But i got this error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectweb/asm/ClassWriter
    at com.esotericsoftware.reflectasm.FieldAccess.get(FieldAccess.java:108)
    at pack2.ReflectTest.main(ReflectTest.java:29)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter

Then, i opened the reflectasm project on Eclipse, and i created a main class and a model class for test purposes, inside the project, and it worked.

As far as i understood, the problem is the class loader. So, if i want my classes working with an reflectasm .jar, do i need to modify the AccessClassLoader (or create my own classloader)?


By the way, my sugestion is byte class loader. So, it would allows to load classes from data bytes.

Best regards, and congratz for your project guys :)


Nov 26, 2013, 5:19:13 PM11/26/13
to reflecta...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:34 PM, Gabriel Ferreira <gabri...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi. I have two questions.

1) Is there any reflectasm .jar, or do i have to build it from the downloaded project?


2) I downloaded the reflectasm project and built my own .jar. Then, i imported the .jar on a normal Netbeans project. I tried to use MethodAccess with a class that i created on my project:

MethodAccess access = MethodAccess.get(ModelClass.class);

But i got this error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/objectweb/asm/ClassWriter
    at com.esotericsoftware.reflectasm.FieldAccess.get(FieldAccess.java:108)
    at pack2.ReflectTest.main(ReflectTest.java:29)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter

You need the ObjectWeb ASM JAR (in the reflectasm lib dir).


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Gabriel Ferreira

Nov 27, 2013, 12:31:13 PM11/27/13
to reflecta...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for your support :)


Dec 2, 2013, 4:41:22 AM12/2/13
to reflecta...@googlegroups.com

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Gabriel Ferreira <gabri...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi. Thanks for your support.
By the way, i observed something that i can't understand.

I'm trying to measure the time spent on invoking 7 methods (all do the same, but have different names) from my own model class, using MethodAccess.

For this test, i used 2 similar ways to invoke all methods, shown below:

        long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        MethodAccess access = MethodAccess.get(ModelClass.class);
        for(int i = 0; i < N_INSTANCES; i++) {
            for(String str: access.getMethodNames()) {
                access.invoke(objects[i], str, array[i]);
        long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();

        long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        MethodAccess access = MethodAccess.get(ModelClass.class);
        for(int i = 0; i < N_INSTANCES; i++) {
            for(String str: access.getMethodNames()) {
                int index = access.getIndex(str);
                access.invoke(objects[i], index, array[i]);
        long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();

The only difference between these two methods it's the invoke with method index, and the invoke with method name. These are the timers i've got:

elapsed: 48 [#1]
elapsed: 13 [#2]

(where elapsed = end_time - start_time)

But i noticed that the invoke method using method name, actually, only calls the invoke with index, as u can see below:

    public Object invoke (Object object, String methodName, Object... args) {
        return invoke(object, getIndex(methodName), args);
(source obtained on MethodAccess.java)

Why am i getting these variance of elapsed time?

Because getIndex does a bunch of string comparison to get the index. :)


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