26 Mai 2005

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May 25, 2005, 6:05:20 PM5/25/05
to referencem...@googlegroups.com
Google page hijacked
Google has never done anything about the page hijack problem, where
spammers take over the page popularity of a web page belonging to
another site. Now the company has had one of its own pages hijacked!
EU and Iran Avert Nuclear Deadlock
EU powers and Iran have agreed to continue talks over Tehran s
controversial nuclear programme amid signs they could strike a deal
EU to Boost Development Aid
The European Union has agreed to increase public spending on
development aid by 20 billion euros ($25 billion) over the next
five years, reinforcing Europe s role as a leading donor to poorer
News: Microsoft May Face EU Fine Process Within Weeks
Microsoft now has only weeks left until the European Commission
decides whether to take steps toward fining it up to $5 million a day.
VoIP Blog - VoIP News, Gadgets
eStara s 3 million VoIP users
Tom Keating s VoIP Blog
VoIP Blogger & VoIP News Journalist
VoIP News, VoIP Opinions, my blog analyzes the VoIP industry and
general technology. Gadgets are one of my favorite topics.
Al Bredenberg VoIP & CRM Blog
Commentary and reporting on business and technology by Al Bredenberg,
Web Editorial Director at TMCnet
Radicati: VoIP Poised to Change Consumer Calling
A report released today by The Radicati Group says that new mainstream
Internet telephony applications are about to change the way consumers
(not just enthusiasts) make phone calls. (Nothing surprising there, I
guess, but it s interesting to see Radicati commenting on this -- they
do publish some great content about messaging trends.)
Is a 77% Failure Rate Acceptable?
Protecting Business Server Data at Small and Medium Businesses
June 9, 2005 @ 4 p.m. Eastern/1 p.m. Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
Register & Attend Online
If you are unable to attend the live event you may still register and
will receive an e-mail when the on-demand version becomes available.
Event Overview:
A Yankee Group survey of IT executives found 42% of respondents had
unable to recover data from tape in the last year as a result of either
media failure or operator error. Another study revealed that over 35%
companies do not test their backups and of those that tested, 77% found
their tape backups failed to restore.
Please visit www.eSeminarslive.com
for a complete list of upcoming Ziff Davis Media eSeminars.
Google under fire Publishers claim copyright infringement in site s
library project.
Publishers protest Google library project
SAN FRANCISCO - A group of academic publishers called Google Inc. s
plan to scan millions of library books into its Internet search engine
index a troubling financial threat to its membership.
The Association of American University Presses said in a letter to
Google that the online search engine s library project "appears to
involve systematic infringement of copyright on a massive scale."
Europe : Verites, contre verites
Feature Article: Salesforce.com Debuts CustomForce 2.0, Scores Merrill
Lynch as Customer
By Robert Liu, TMCnet Executive Editor
Salesforce.com took its strategy to delve deeper into the enterprise to
the streets of Manhattan on Tuesday as the CRM innovator rolled out the
second leg of its on-demand operating environment as well as announcing
a new marquee customer. Before the media, analysts, customers and
partners gathered for an event dubbed "CustomForce Day" at a midtown
hotel, Salesforce.com Chairman and CEO Marc Benioff announced
CustomForce 2.0, a toolkit that customers can use to ...
Maybe you want to capture new prospects? Or bring back old customers?
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Welcome to Custom Copywriting, one of the best sources for copywriting,
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Custom Copywriting, you can reach us from 6am to 11pm, 7 days a week,
by phone or email, and 24 hours a day for emergencies.
News: Future Reviews Human-Machine Connection
Reporter s Notebook: Top technologists at the FIRE
conference discuss black boxes for humans, LCDs on every
surface, security and danger.
Feature: Searching to Break Even
At what point does it make sense to install a system to
improve the retrieval of information from your company s
intranet, servers and even your e-mail inbox? This Premium
calculator evaluates the cost of installing so-called
categorization, classification and search software, and
identifies the number of employees that would have to use
the system to reach the break-even point.
(Note: Requires fee.)
Telephones portables : nouveau record mondial de ventes
180 millions de terminaux ont ete vendus au 1er trimestre, un chiffre
en hausse de 17% sur l an dernier. Nokia continue de gagner des parts
de marche, Siemens continue d en perdre
Telephoner depuis un Fixe est 1000 fois moins cher que depuis un
Telephoner en VOIP a l etranger est 1000 fois moins cher qu avec un
Et telephoner a l etranger depuis un Mobile ca vous amuse ?
La Position de l UNICE sur la Directive des Services (Bolkenstein)
Naissance des class actions en France pour defendre des groupes de
Nous sommes plus de 40 millions a etre concernes ! clame sur sa
page d accueil le site Internet www.classaction.fr. Celui-ci vient d
etre inaugure par un groupe d avocats francais, dont... >Suite
Yahoo Launches Personalized Movie Recommendations
Looking for a film recommendation based on your own personal tastes and
interests? Check out Yahoo s new personalized movie recommendations,
launched today.
Le temps de travail en Europe
Il est en moyenne de 1.697 heures par an dans l UE. Dans les nouveaux
Etats membres il atteint 1.840 heures. En France, il s etablit a 1.568
heures par an.
New York, May 25 2005 11:00AM
Le Secretaire general a salue hier le succes du deuxieme tour des
elections presidentielles et legislatives en Republique centrafricaine,
qui marque la fin de la transition pacifique dans le pays et permet le
retour a l ordre constitutionnel.
« Le Secretaire general prend note de la proclamation le 24 mai 2005
par la Commission electorale mixte independante (CEMI) des resultats
officiels du second tour des elections presidentielles et legislatives
en Republique centrafricaine, qui conclut avec succes et de maniere
pacifique la transition et permet le retour a l ordre constitutionnel
dans le pays », indique un
transmis hier par son porte-parole.
RE: [referencement] Savoir si les moteurs suivent le chemin !
Merci a tous pour vos reponses.
Mais comment etre sur que les moteurs suivent ce lien, en dehors de
les pages de resultats sur une recherche?
En gros, que je ne me fatigue pas pour rien en faisant un site
parallele en

Que pensez-vous de la solution utilisant les User Agents
paru dans un article tres interessant sur:
BBS: The Documentary
Boing Boing points to a documentary on BBSes (Bulletin Board Systems, a
sort of precursor to the WWW). According to the creator s web site: "
BBS: The Documentary is an 8 episode series about all aspects of the
history of the dial-up Bulletin Boa ...
AdSense Favicons
It looks like Google is experimenting with adding more glitz to their
advertisement blocks: little icons next to the title. I suppose any
variation makes people click on the ads more for a short period of time
(until they get used to the variatio ...
Google Indexing Redirect Problems Continue
We had high hopes that the issue was resolved, but not only is it not
resolved, Google itself is a victim of a redirect via scrapped content:
"... it definitely should serve as a wake up call for Google and
hopefully this will find a remedy for the situation once and for all.
If someone can highjack a PR 9 page of Google s own site, with a lousy
PR 5 domain, it means any page, from any site, can be highjacked."
# Blogebrity A-List
Are you a blogger? If so, you may find yourself in the A-, B- or C-List
of bloggers. [Via IG.]
ODP Forum Closes Status Check Service; Time For The ODP To Close?
Been wondering what s going on with your Open Directory submission? The
Resource Zone site has long offered a way to ask ODP editors to do a
site status check, a great safety valve for frustrated site owners. But
now there s...
Competition Research Tool of note for both Adwords and SEO
Swiss Army Knife of Adwords Competition research
Continuing on this competition research theme, I tried to review this
site before but it didn t work so in a fit of depression I gave up, but
now it seems that golexa is back up from Ed Schmidt and a few friends.
It is almost too much information, but it is a heck of a hack.
Basically almost everything you want to know about a domain you can
find there, although it is more for SEO research than Adwords as such.
Nevertheless its definately worth a visit and a few searches on your
favorite keywords.
Here s the feature list of all the stuff they have from their website
that you can access from each search:
The first Search Engine with a "Site Analyzing Control Panel" for EACH
With GoLexa.com you get 1-CLICK: Google Results Alexa Thumbnails Alexa
Traffic Rank Google Page Rank Link Stats Site Report Link Pop Keyword
Check Traffic Report WayBack Machine Page Size Check Site Speed IP
Address Ads Search Engines Source Code Spider Ping .
Google Results-Golexa.com gets its results from Google.com via the
Google API.

Alexa Thumbnails-The thumbnails are provided by Alexa.com See Alexa
Alexa Traffic Rank-(From Alexa Website)"A site s ranking is based on a
combined measure of reach and pageviews. Reach is determined by the
number of unique Alexa users who visit a site on a given day. Pageviews
are the total number of Alexa user URL requests for a site." More Info
Google Page Rank-(From Google Website)"PageRank performs an objective
measurement of the importance of web pages." More Info
Link Stats-This will provide you with Indexed Pages, Inbound Links and
Outbound Links. Powered by: http://www.prsearch.net
Link Popularity-This tells you how many links there are from other
sites to yours. Powered by: http://www.seochat.com
Keyword Checker-This will give you a list of words on a page. One word
and 2-3 word combinations. Powered by: http://www.searchengineworld.com

Traffic Report-View traffice stats from Alexa.com. Includes Reach, Rank
and Page Views. More Info
WayBack Machine-This shows what a page looked liked months and years
ago. Powered by:http://web.archive.org
Page Size Check-This calculates the page size in bytes. Separate stats
for text and images. Powered by: http://www.searchengineworld.com
Site Report-This will give you server info, domain info, location, dns
info and alot more. Powered by: http://toolbar.netcraft.com
Site Speed-This will give you the page loading times for various
Connection Rates. Powered by: http://www.websiteoptimization.com
Ip Address/Country of Origin-This will give you the IP address and the
country from which the site is hosted at. Powered by:
Ads-This will show you the Google Adsense Ads that would appear on this
page according to the content of the page . Powered by:
Ping-This will ping the websites ip address. Powered by:
View Source Code-This will show the source code and some other info.
Powered by: http://web-sniffer.net
Spider Simulation-This will show what a search engine spider sees when
it crawls a page. Powered by: http://www.se-spider.com

More than some people want, but pretty cool for a lot of different
More Free Logos
Exalead Combines Search Features
Exalead Combines Search Features Found a link to Exalead through Seth
Godin's site. Although Exalead's results are not as relevant as the
top search engines, Exalead is doing some interesting things on the
presentation side. In addition to normal search results, Exalead allows
users to filter by related search terms, related categories ...
# A Google Ad Exchange Service? Domains Suggest It Might Happen
The Google Exchange from MarketWatch looks at the possibility of Google
offering some type of advertising exchange service. In other words,
beyond putting its own ads across the web, Google might also serve as
an AdBrite-like ad broker for others:...
Les Olympiades des Metiers - Worldskills Competition
offrent une formidable vitrine internationale aux metiers
de la « Premiere entreprise de France »

Mercredi 25 mai : Ceremonie d ouverture au Ice Hall a 19 h
Jeudi 26 mai : Competition de 10 a 18 h
Vendredi 27 et samedi 28 mai : Competition de 9 a 18 h
Dimanche 29 mai : Competition de 9 a 15 h
Mercredi 1er juin : annonce des resultats & ceremonie de clôture au
Ice Hall a 18 h
Mercredi 25 mai : Forum des leaders
Lundi 30 et Mardi 31 mai : Symposium "Les jeunes et le travail"
Fiabilite des stats sur les liens sponsorises
Wysistat, societe francaise specialisee dans la mesure d audience, a du
faire face dernierement a un constant recurrent : nombre de
responsables de sites Internet les avaient deja questionne au sujet d
un decalage entre les donnees issues de Wysistat et celles fournies par
les prestataires de services comme Google, Overture, Espotting sur le
nombre de clics sur les liens sponsorises. Wysistat a donc souhaite
faire une analyse plus fine de cette difference au travers d une etude
publiee sur leur site web. En clair, les stats fournies par les
prestataires de liens sponsorises sont-elles exactes et conformes a la
realite ? Les conclusions de l etude sont interessantes et montrent
plusieurs phenomenes...
Source: http://actu.abondance.com/2005-21/wysistat.php
Nouveaux outils de recherche
De nombreux et nouveaux outils de recherche ont vu le jour recemment
sur le Web. En voici une selection : Bilarius, EasyBee, BigClique,
Source: http://actu.abondance.com/2005-21/nouveaux-outils.php
>> Hey Tim,
>> Thanks for looking at this.
>> I m using XHTML 1.0 Transitional; ampersands escaped; and
>> I ve been testing for accessibility via Site Valet at
>> http://valet.webthing.com/.
>> I don t believe the testing is browser-dependent since code
>> is simply being checked against standards.
It shouldn t be, providing the code in the js is sound, but you will
know that sometimes developers write sloppy code which they
don t test properly and which will not run on all browser JavaScript
OK, below is XHTML1.1. It validates, and I am not seeing any JavaScript
errors. It should be ok. I have removed the deprecated
Let me know.
L ecologie au quotidien
ENVIRONNEMENT. La Semaine du Developpement Durable et l operation "Defi
pour la Terre" de Nicolas Hulot invitent les Francais a accomplir dix
gestes du quotidien qui contribuent a freiner la degradation de la
LE CHIFFRE France : Le Web, deuxieme canal de contact client
79 % des responsables marketing des entreprises en France declarent
utiliser le Web pour s adresser a leurs clients et 78 % indiquent
utiliser l e-mail selon Ballaster Consulti
Un format XML se pose en standard pour la bureautique
L OASIS a approuve la specification OpenDocuments 1.0, un format XML
pour les documents bureautiques (...)
La console Gizmondo(TM) de Tiger Telematics inondee de visiteurs a l
expo E3
Comme l ont decouvert des milliers de joueurs convaincus, la console
Gizmondo, qui tourne sur Windows CE, le systeme d exploitation ameliore
et en temps reel de Microsoft, est pourvue d un ecran couleur TFT de
2,8 pouces (71 mm), d un processeur Samsung ARM9 de 400 MHz ainsi que d
un accelerateur graphique GoForce 3D 4500 de NVIDIA. Gizmondo offre les
options suivantes : jeux a la fine pointe de la technologie, service de
messagerie multimedia, lecteur de musique MP3, lecteur de films MPEG4,
appareil photo numerique ainsi qu une connexion au reseau GPRS
permettant les jeux en reseau etendu. En outre, la console, qui
contient une puce GPS pour les services geodependants, est equipee de
la technologie Bluetooth permettant a plusieurs personnes de jouer
simultanement. Enfin, elle accepte les cartes peripheriques MMC.
Le jeu video francais un pied dans la tombe ?
Le jeu video francais un pied dans la tombe ? Le jeu video francais
s'enfonce dans la crise. C'est (...)
Microsoft viendra vanter les merites de .Net a JavaOne
(25/05/05) - Pour la premiere fois depuis l ouverture de sa bataille
juridique avec Sun (...)
Jusqu au 5 juin 2005, Dibcom et France Televisions Interactive ont
choisi de demontrer en avant-premiere la parfaite qualite de reception
de la Television Numerique Terrestre en voiture. En effet, deux mois
apres le lancement de la TNT en France, DiBcom a ete selectionne par
France Televisions Interactive pour equiper avec des recepteurs TNT 10
vehicules Peugeot. C'est la premiere fois en France qu'une flotte
aussi importante de voitures est equipee de la TNT mobile. Pendant
toute la duree du tournoi de Roland Garros, ces vehicules diffusent en
direct les matches de France 2, France 3 et France 4. Depuis sa
creation, DiBcom s'est positionne sur la marche de la reception de la
TNT mobile et reste le precurseur de cette technologie. En choisissant
de participer a cette operation pendant un evenement sportif phare, que
sont les internationaux de Roland Garros, DiBcom souhaite demontrer que
sa technologie permet une parfaite qualite de reception de la TNT
mobile. La TNT mobile est aujourd'hui une realite et repond au besoin
des utilisateurs finaux d'avoir acces a leurs programmes TV preferes
en tout lieu et a tout moment. Les decodeurs TNT integres dans les
voitures Peugeot a l'occasion de Roland Garros sont d'ores et deja
disponibles aupres de distributeurs majeurs comme Alpine et VPJ System
La Commission europeenne a fixe a 2012 la date butoir a laquelle les 25
Etats membres devront avoir completement enterre la radiodiffusion et
la television analogiques et etre passes au tout numerique, a indique
un porte-parole de Bruxelles. Selon Martin Selmayr, porte-parole de la
commissaire a la Societe de l information et aux Medias Viviane Reding,
"le passage total au numerique sera une premiere au monde et l UE sera
alors a la tete du progres". L executif europeen, qui invite les Etats
membres a accelerer le passage au tout numerique, prevoit d ores et
deja que d ici 2010 la radiodiffusion et la television seront en
majorite numeriques dans l UE. La Commission rappelle dans un
communique que la radiodiffusion et television numeriques offrent "une
meilleure qualite d image, un meilleur son, une meilleure reception
portable et mobile, davantage de chaînes de television et de stations
de radio, et des services d information perfectionnes". En outre,
precise-t-elle, etant donne que la radiodiffusion et television
numeriques utilisent plus efficacement le spectre des radiofrequences
-la television numerique ne necessite qu un tiers ou la moitie du
spectre dont a besoin la television analogique- "elles permettront de
liberer des ressources du spectre pour d autres utilisations, telles
que de nouveaux services de radiodiffusion et de telephonie mobile".
Selon Martin Selmayr, la Finlande, premiere de la classe, devrait etre
totalement passee au numerique des 2008. L Autriche, l Allemagne, l
Espagne, l Italie, Malte et la Suede ont quant a eux choisi une
echeance pour 2010, six autres (la Belgique, la Grece, la Slovenie, la
republique slovaque, le Royaume-Uni et la Hongrie) ayant opte pour
"2012 au plus tard". Les 12 autres, dont la France, n ont pas encore
notifie leurs intentions a la Commission. Bruxelles estime que la
plupart des telespectateurs de l UE acheteront au moins un recepteur
numerique d ici 2010. Ces recepteurs sont soit des decodeurs distincts,
soit font partie integrante des televiseurs modernes. Bruxelles evalue
a quelque 20 millions d unites par an le seul marche communautaire des
recepteurs numeriques de television.

Jean Paul CONAN - http://Referencement.LouiseTV.com
plus vite, plus souvent, plus complet, plus loin


May 26, 2005, 5:35:55 PM5/26/05
to referencem...@googlegroups.com
Le NON de Cecilia SARKOZY :
BURN-OUT SARKOZY : Ma femme Cecilia a demande le divorce
Un side effect de l affichage en "couple" de Francois Hollande et
Nicolas Sarkozy en une de Paris-Match ?
Ce sont les Suisses du matin.ch qui crachent le morceau !
Cecilia demande le divorce !
NICOLAS SARKOZY Le president de l UMP a egalement ete infidele durant
ses annees de mariage « Elle ne reviendra pas ! » Les proches de
Nicolas Sarkozy sont unanimes : Cecilia est eperdument amoureuse de
Richard Attias, directeur de l agence de publicite Publicis Events.
Elle a quitte son mari, il y a deux semaines, et sa decision est
definitive. A tel point qu elle a demande le divorce a son mari, voila
quinze jours. Une demande qui n a pas du tout ete du goût du president
de l UMP.
Et vous, etes-vous au bord du burn-out ? Pour savoir si vous etes un
gros travailleur ou un drogue du boulot, faites le test du thermometre
: ... > Ma femme a demande le divorce BURN-OUT
80 % des investissements pub-TV au Maghreb sont realises par le Maroc
Cette enquete de SIGMA Conseil contient un certain nombre de
renseignements sur les taux d'audience des TV au Maghreb, mais
egalement sur l'evolution des investissements publicitaires...
Une enquete du SIGMA Conseil, datant du mois d'avril dernier, sur les
medias au Maghreb central, revele que les chaînes de television
nationales ont la preference des Maghrebins, puisqu'en Tunisie et en
Algerie les taux d'audience quotidienne avoisinent les 50% (48,3%
pour TV7 et 49,5% l'ENTV Algerie). Au Maroc c'est 2M qui caracole
en tete avec 45,7%, loin devant la chaîne publique TVM avec seulement
21,1% en termes d'audience.
Toujours selon l'enquete de SIGMA Conseil, les chaînes satellitaires
arabophones dominent l'audience des chaînes recues par l'antenne
parabolique en Tunisie et au Maroc, a la difference de l'Algerie où
les chaînes francaises gardent un niveau respectable d'audience
(22,6% pour TF1, 16,3% pour M6 et 8,4% pour France2), alors qu'en
Tunisie et au Maroc leurs taux demeurent relativement bas (5% en
Tunisie et au Maroc pour TF1, environ 3% pour M6 et 2% pour France2).
Sent on behalf of Maria Fernanda Fau, UNICE Communications Director
26 May 2005
Good news for the wto:
Pascal Lamy to be the next WTO director general
UNICE wishes Pascal Lamy success as the next WTO Director General as of
1 September 2005.
"This nomination is excellent news for the WTO and the Doha
Development Agenda negotiations under way" said Philippe de Buck,
UNICE Secretary General. "It shows that the 148 WTO Members coming
from developing and developed, small and big countries are taking the
multilateral trading system and its effective functioning very
UNICE commends Ambassador Amina Mohamed, Ambassador Glenne, Ambassador
Stephenson, the four candidates and all WTO Members on the exemplary
selection process. It is a strong signal that the organisation has
gained in maturity and that its members were keen to give the new
Director General a full mandate. The smooth transition process will
facilitate the preparation of the 13-18 December Ministerial Conference
in Hong Kong and is a positive sign for future cooperation among WTO
Members. "Let us move on in the cooperative spirit and with the
strong political willingness which led to Pascal Lamy's nomination"
said Philippe de Buck.
UNICE is committed to supporting the strengthening and deepening of the
multilateral trading system and the successful conclusion of the DDA on
the basis of a significant and balanced outcome in the interest of all
WTO Members as soon as possible.
Note to the editor:
UNICE is the voice of more than 20 million small, medium and large
companies. Active in European affairs since 1958, UNICE s members are
38 central industrial and employers federations from 32 countries,
working together to achieve growth and competitiveness in Europe.
Willkommen bei JobDumping.de - die erste Lohnauktion im Internet
Message de J. Andre.
Appel a publication
pour un numero d articles courants
de la revue Document Numerique

Date limite de soumission : 4 juillet 2005

La revue Document Numerique (http://dn.revuesonline.com/) s est donnee
pour tache
depuis quelques annees de faire la synthese des travaux en cours dans
des domaines
specialises en relation avec les « documents » tels que, en vrac, la
fouille de textes, la
numerisation des documents patrimoniaux, les problemes de temps et de
concurrence, le
concept de dossier, etc.
Pour offrir aux chercheurs l opportunite de publier leur travaux
recents sans attendre le
prochain appel cible de cette revue (ou d autres revues) correspondant
au theme precis
de leur travail, la revue Document Numerique propose un appel a
originales portant sur l ensemble des domaines couvert par « le
document numerique »,
sans focalisation thematique.

Appel complet au format PDF disponible sur le web :
(rubrique appel a contribution (col de gauche), cliquer sur "en
savoir plus >>".)
Jacques Andre
Irisa/Inria - campus de Beaulieu
F-35042 Rennes cedex, France
tel. +33 2 99 84 73 50
fax: +33 2 99 84 71 71

Message emis par la liste d information en Ingenierie des
Renseignements : https://www.irisa.fr/wws/info/info-ic
Archives : https://www.irisa.fr/wws/arc/info-ic
Depots documents : https://www.irisa.fr/wws/d_read/info-ic/
Responsables : Jean Charlet <j...@biomath.jussieu.fr>
Francky Trichet <tri...@irin.univ-nantes.fr>
:: Ton Job... et ton fric
Lycos delocalise dans les Pays de l Est et un site d emplois
pas comme les autres debarquent en France.
:: Pas de ca ici
Une municipalite interdit un salon informatique dedie a la
securite informatique.
:: Les rouges n aiment pas le rose
La Chine continue son travail pour un web plus blanc... en bloquant
un site dedie a la communaute Gay.
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Any is the net gains On-line can make money, this had in before
stationmaster and the overwhelming majority person s idea to be same:
Rip by nose. Really receives the Dollar until some people, only then is
doubtful does, all is free in any case. Nobody advises, own slowly
tried to find out, but also really became aware many truths. Writes an
experience and everybody share in this stationmaster: Television
station everybody should know that, advertisement business the money
makes the advertisement for the television station, the television
station puts out the person again which a part of Qian Gei reads the
advertisement. The natural television station is cannot do this, but
the email company is this. For instance: Advertisement business for the
email company 15 Dollar, the email company puts out 12 Dollar to make
the advertisement again, an advertisement cent, may make 1,200
advertisements, 1,200 people looked always some people can buy the
advertisement business the product. So the positive cycle,
advertisement business is willing to disburse money makes the
advertisement, is because is cheap; The consumer is willing to accept,
is because may obtain the extra income.
s the overseas email corporate growth such why prosperous, free on-line
makes money the development has mainly experienced following several
stages. First stage: In June, 1997 in the world first "free made money"
the company to appear (clicks on kind). Puts in your main page this
company s advertisement, if some people click on this company the
advertisement, then you may obtain certain quantity US dollar. The same
year November, provided clicks on the kind to make money the service
advertisement business agent (specially to provide clicks on kind to
make money active company) to appear. Second stage: In August, 1998,
the new type made money the company, introduced the member made money
the company also to appear. So long as you join into its member, then
immediately obtains several US dollars, and introduced the friend
joins, but also may deduct a percentage, always introduces, many
several US dollars. Third stage: In July, 1999, the broadcast
advertisement strip (a kind specially broadcasts the company which
advertisement software) makes money to appear, so long as accesses the
net software which simultaneously moves he to provide then to make
money, a hours 0.4 - 1$ different. in the same year in August, to
receive and dispatch e-mail (email) the company appears, only must
receive and dispatch this company e-mail or transmits e-mail through
this company to be possible to make money, from this time on round
cannot receive, the network makes money the company like mushroom
growth, spreads the net to blossom. Along with Chinese add gradually
WTO, late accepts was inferior to early accepts, early contacts early
makes money! Let your belt-bag ?? get up! The net gains type:
????? ?????,????????????????????:?????
Les personnalites qui representeraient
le mieux l Europe
Enquete realisee par telephone les 17 et 18 mai 2005 pour VSD aupres d
un echantillon national de 953 personnes representatif de l ensemble de
la population agee de 18 ans et plus. Methode des quotas (sexe, age,
profession du chef de menage PCS) et stratification par region et
categorie d'agglomeration.
Le meilleur president pour l Europe
Question : Selon vous, parmi ces personnalites europeennes, laquelle
ferait le meilleur president de l'Europe ?
La meilleure "Marianne" pour l Europe
Question : Laquelle de ces personnalites, selon vous, incarnerait le
mieux l'image de l'Europe dans le monde et dans les differents pays
Oui" ou "Non" ? Un module en ligne pour tester ses connaissances sur la
Constitution. Par e-doceo
Que vous soyez pour ou contre la constitution, e-doceo, editeur de
solutions e-learning vous
Les eurodeputes resistent aux brevets logiciels
Ils proposent 200 modifications au texte propose par la Commission
europeenne, qui n avait pas tenu (...)
[SEM2] mixing all 3 keyword match types
Hey guys. Just wondering if I m the only one that uses normal keywords,
along with the SAME keywords, but in backets and quotes, for almost
everyone of my ads, except in some cases where I will get best results
just using broad match.

Does it make the keywords interfere with one-another? from what I have
seen, I think it just makes it so that the click through is higher for
the words in brackets/quotes than for the ones that are broad match,
but if someone happens to search for a variation of your broad match
that does NOT have that particular keyword in brackets/quotes in your
ad campaign, then the broad match keyword will get the click. I think
in all other cases your bracketed/quoted keyword will get the click
over the broad match ones.

>From my experience I don t think the keywords really fight with
eachother when you mix all 3 match types together.

PLEASE correct me if I am wrong, and please let me know if there are
any downfalls to this strategy that I should know about. Thank you :)

- Matthew Betourney
[Gmail-Users] Re: Why??
Jim Barr wrote:

> You encountered what is commonly referred to as a "User Error."
> This sounds like a perfect application of Google s forthcoming Wireless
> Neural Action Prediction User Interface. Until then, we are
> unfortunatly stuck with such difficult to understand buttons like "Save
> Draft" and "Delete Draft".
> (Also, note that the button reads "Delete Draft" not "Trash Draft"...)
> I guess Gmail needs to add an "Are you sure you want to delete this?"
> dialog followed by the "Are you absolutely sure you want to delete
> this?" dialog followed by the popular "Are you really, certainly,
> irrevokably, completely sure you want to delete this?" dialog finally
> followed by the "Never mind. Saving it anyway..." dialog.
> That should do it...
Oh, come on. The arrogance and sarcasm in so many of these posts is
getting to be nauseating. The original poster was frustrated with
making a mistake, so what. Maybe he/she learned from it. No need for
the "so sorry for you idiotic mortal" overkill. It ain t funny. Or
Search Google, Ebay, Yahoo, etc. and Make Money(with Proof)
Netbux, pays to search the internet. You will earn $0.02 for every
search, maximum per day for your individual searching is $0.80. Also
the friends you refer make the same amount for you. With 10 friends
thats around $250 a month.

Here is a forum where we posted screenshots of being paid:

When I go searching, I search with these other programs simultaneously,
to make the process a bit faster:
(These are similar to Netbux)


(by Google)
Start Your Own Import/Export Business With Out Investing
How can you become involved in the import/export business? Can you
really earn a significant income as an International Trade Broker?

Here s Solid Proof...

See for yourself just how quick and easy becoming involved in the
Import/Export Business can make you money.

Simply follow the four steps below:


Go to this Web site: http://trade.swissinfo.net/
It s called the SwissInfo.

Scroll down and click on the Link "Search Options".

Scroll down to "Archived Trade Leads" and choose "Offers To Buy."

Enter a product name to search for Buyers, example "DVD Players."
You will see requests from companies around the world who want to Buy
the product that entered at the search option.

For now, focus on the companies that want to "Buy" items in large
quantities only. Some Buyers will want large quantities of items like
20 Million Tin Cans or 20 Tons of Cotton or 100,000 DVD Players etc.


Now go to this Web site: http://www.thomasregister.com
It s called the Thomas Register.

The Thomas Register is a searchable data base with more than 64,000
manufacturers in the US and abroad. These manufacturers produce any
product you can imagine.

Now take one Buyer request from the SwissInfo Site and do a search
for that item in the Thomas Register.


If you have a Buyer from the SwissInfo site who is requesting 100,000
DVD Players. Enter DVD Players into the #2 area "Product and Services"
box at the Thomas Register Web site then click the #3 button titled
"Find It Button".

The Registry will come up with dozens of manufacturers of DVD players
who sell them wholesale.


At this point all you have to do is call the manufacturer and request a
price for 100,000 units of DVD Players.

Once you get the price you may want to call another manufacturer and
if you can get a better price...

Now email the Buyer for the DVD Players at the SwissInfo (contact info
is listed). Tell them you have on hand 100,000 DVD Players. Give them a
price with your commission added on as a go-between. You are now an
International Trade Broker.

Example Of How You Make Your Money:

If the manufacture will sell the 100,000 DVD s for wholesale at $50.00
each, you tell the Buyer that you can get them for $52.00 each.
The Buyer may only want to pay $50.50. That s great!

Simply agree to their offer and the deal is closed. You haven t had to
sell a thing. All you ve done is bring Buyer and Seller together and in
the process made 50 cents on every DVD sold. That s a whopping $50,000
in less than 30 minutes.

These transactions are done every day by people just like you who have
the knowledge of where to look and what they are looking for. Of course
not every transaction may close.

However if you send 5 emails a day to 5 different "Buyers" that s 25
emails per week and one hundred emails a month.

If only a few of these deals go through, you will make a substantial
amount of money working approximately 1 hour a day on the Internet!
Simple yet powerful when you have the knowledge.


I will show you how to start up and operate your own import/export
business with no investment. Learn how to earn money in international
trade without the need to handle any goods, raise or expend capital.

To learn how easy it is to get paid with this program, download our
Brokers Guide at: http://www.LGM-Enterprises.com/RegSoft-Broker.html
[SEM2] Google Index Update (I can t believe I m posting this)
There is much talk on other forums about the latest Google index
update, which seems to have been moderately disruptive to some sites

However, I find I have to read through many posts without getting a
real sense of what might be going on.

Anyone want to take a stab at distilling any credible assertions or
findings about this latest update?

Anecdotally regarding my own site (content site), I notice a lot of new
backlinks being displayed by Google. In the index generally it looks as
though topical blog posts, at least the more credible ones, are getting
a bit more of their due in the index. I always found the lukewarm
treatment of topical blog posts a bit ironic given that Google owns
Blogger, so maybe they are doing a better job of ferreting out quality
publishers for higher ranking.

That doesn t speak much to the commercial side of things, but when I
try to search on more commercial terms I find that many of my and my
friends commercial pages are even farther down in the SERP s than they
were before, which suggests that Google has done nothing particularly
special with this update -- merely renewed its commitment to "burying"
commercially-oriented pages in areas where there may be informational
type pages available to be indexed higher.

As such I hereby dub this update "NPR." (Or for my Canadian friends,
CBC Radio. Or for our UK listeners, BBC.)

None of these comments are germane to the very competitive spamfest
type words, i.e. adult, casino, etc., of course. In those places it is
obviously a case of may the best spammer win.

But what of the hypothesis that Google continues to privilege
informational-class pages over commercial-intent pages in the organic
SERP s? Without getting into all the fine detail of HOW they are
looking to bust up linking schemes and other optimization methods,
doesn t that still work as a general assessment of what is going on?

40,000-foot-viewing SEO doofus,

PPCall: Not Yet Sweet Nectar for Marketers
By Greg Ives - Search Engine Guide - Not to keep dumping on PPCall, but
I came up with some more issues recently that made me ask, "will PPCall
be sweet nectar for marketers?"

New Kid on the Search Block: Pay-Per-Call
By Paul Bruemmer - Search Engine Guide - ...all good news for
America's small to medium sized businesses without websites. It can
also be used to good advantage by firms with complex products and
services that require a personal or "high-touch" sales approach to make
the sale.

TrustRank & the Company You Keep
By Aaron Wall - search-marketing.info - ... if a large percentage of
your links come from sites which are not well trusted search engines
could either discount those links, or produce a negative weight against
your site which more than compensates for the gains given from link

The Law of Unintended Consequence
By P.J. Fusco - ClickZ - For those in the search engine optimization
(SEO) business it s difficult, if not impossible, to get a client to
accept the fact that "stuff happens," even when minor changes, much
less major changes, are made to their Web sites.
Free-Reprint Article Written by: Hunter Waterhouse
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Article Title:
Why Blogs Have Become the Search Engine Optimization Equalizer

Article Description:
The one thing that eight of our top ten sites have in common
is that they are content driven destinations and they add new,
original, and exclusive content on a daily basis.

Additional Article Information:
947 Words; formatted to 65 Characters per Line
Distribution Date and Time: Tue May 24 21:26:16 EDT 2005

Written By: Hunter Waterhouse
Copyright: 2005
Contact Email: mailto:not...@keywordtext.com

Article URL:

For more free-reprint articles by this Author, please visit:
[TheWriteArticles] Why Blogs Have Become the Search Engine Optimization
Why Blogs Have Become the Search Engine Optimization Equalizer
Copyright © 2005 Hunter Waterhouse
Keyword Text


For those who are unaware of Alexa, it offers an interesting tool
to webmasters. The service is designed to value websites based on
the number of people who visit those sites and the activities of
those people while they are on a site.

Keep in mind that their results are skewed to the activities of
those who use the Alexa toolbar. If your website is Business-to-
Business oriented, then the results may be useful to your needs.
If your site is Business-to-Customer oriented, then the Alexa
results are far from accurate in documenting the importance of
your website.

The reason why the Alexa results are skewed to the Business-to-
Business market is because most people using the Alexa toolbar
are involved in Business-to-Business activities, either as an
user or provider of B2B services.

On May 24, 2005, Alexa s ranking of the Top Ten English Language
websites were as follows:

* http://www.yahoo.com
* http://www.msn.com
* http://www.google.com
* http://www.passport.net
* http://www.ebay.com
* http://www.microsoft.com
* http://www.amazon.com
* http://www.fastclick.com
* http://www.google.co.uk
* http://www.aol.com

( This info came from: http://www.alexa.com/site/ds/top_500 )


Sure, five of these top ten sites are search oriented sites, but
that is not the answer.

Passport.net is owned by Microsoft and must be accessed when
someone is logging into the msn.com network. Fastclick.com is a
site that helps advertisers buy advertising across a huge network
of sites. These two sites do not fit the profile.

The one thing that eight of our top ten sites have in common is
that they are content driven destinations and they add new,
original, and exclusive content on a daily basis.


Blogs are the great equalizer because they simplify the task of
adding content to a website on a daily or weekly basis. They make
it simple for the average joe to add content to their site on a
daily basis with just a few clicks of the mouse.

What is more, the spider search engine companies recognize this
and make it a point to spider the blog networks on a regular
basis, sometimes a daily basis.

It may take a spider search engine up to three months to spider
your site if you go directly to their submission page to add your
domain to their database. On the other hand, with a blog, you can
put a story about your domain on a blog with a link to your
domain, and your website can generally get crawled within a week
or so of putting your link on the blog.


Daily additions to your blog should be your goal. If you do not
have time to do daily additions, you should at worst do a weekly
addition to your blog.

Just like in the real world of websites, if you don t update your
blog on a regular basis, the spiders will save their time and
resources by not spidering your blog on a daily basis. If however
you do update on a daily or near daily basis, then the spiders
will visit your blog with the same fervor you bring to your blog.

Additionally, it sometimes seems like the search engine spiders
are giving some addition weight to the results culled from the
blogs. The point in this additional weighting is that blogs are
filled with personal comments and recommendations rather than
sales pitches.


There are in fact several blog programs available that you can
either load into your own domain or that you can use from a
third-party, remotely-hosted server.

To see a list of the blogging programs that are available, check
out this link:


My personal favorite is http://www.blogger.com which happens to
be owned by Google. Blogger allows you the ability to use the
software from their servers or to integrate the blog software
into your own site with very little effort on your part.

I was able to integrate their software into our own site and to
customize the display of the blogger to fit our domain s format,
and I was able to pull that task off in just about 30 minutes ---
with most of that time dedicated to the custom display of our

Add to the simplicity of setting up the blog, the fact that since
blogger.com is owned by Google.com, they will always be very keen
to spider our blog on a regular basis.

>From launch of our website, to the spidering of our site by
Google took just about ten days. Within three days of the launch
of our site, Google had spidered the main page of our site.
Within ten days, Google had already spidered the whole of our

Compared to other websites we have launched, this was the fastest
turn-around time from new release to traffic from the search
engines. We believe the difference in this case study had to do
more with the addition of the blog on the day of our launch than
anything else we may have done to promote our domain.


The big sites on the internet got to be that way because they
consistently add new, original, and exclusive content to their

While you and I may never have as much content on our sites as
the big boys do, we can benefit from the lessons they teach to

Now that you have also learned this important lesson, it is time
to put this knowledge into action. Make it part of your daily or
weekly schedule to add fresh, interesting content to your
website. Your banker will thank you.
New York, May 24 2005 6:00PM
L ancien Secretaire a la Defense americain a mis en garde contre le
danger nucleaire qui nous entoure et qui est, selon lui, plus grand que
ne le pensent les dirigeants politiques, lors d une conference de
presse et alors que se deroule la Conference des Parties au TNP, au
siege de l ONU. Il a aussi prevenu qu une attaque nucleaire sur le
territoire americain etait possible dans la prochaine decennie et emis
des propositions pour empecher la proliferation nucleaire.

« Le danger auquel le monde doit faire face maintenant, en ce qui
concerne les armes nucleaires, est plus grand que ne le pensent la
plupart des dirigeants politiques et des experts militaires », a
declare Robert McNamara, ancien Secretaire a la Defense de John F.
Kennedy et Lyndon B. Johnson, ancien President de la Banque mondiale et
ancien president du constructeur automobile Ford, lors d une conference
de presse donnee aujourd hui au siege de l ONU a New York et organisee
par le <"http://www.gsinstitute.org/index.html">« Global Institute
Policy » et par <"http://www.epsusa.org/">« Economists for Peace and
Security ».

src="/News/dh/latest/media/video.gif" width="10" height="10"
border="0"> <font color="red" size="1" face="Verdana"><strong>·
Retransmission de la conference de presse</strong></font><font
size="1" face="Arial"> [1h22mins]</font>

« William Percy, ancien Secretaire a la Defense et aujourd hui
directeur du programme securite a l universite de Stanford, n est pas
un alarmiste mais un scientifique. Dans un discours qu il a prononce a
l Academie Nationale des Sciences a Washington au mois d août dernier,
il a declare qu il n avait jamais eu autant peur d une explosion
nucleaire que maintenant et qu il y avait plus de 50% de chances qu une
explosion nucleaire ne se produise sur le sol americain dans la
prochaine decennie », a rappele Robert McNamara.

« Graham Allison, ancien doyen de la Kennedy School a l universite de
Harvard, vient de publier un livre sur le terrorisme nucleaire qui dit
la meme chose », a-t-il ajoute.

« Nous n avons pas conscience de l enorme danger nucleaire qui nous
entoure. Si les gens en etaient conscients, ils ne tolereraient pas ce
qui est en train de se passer en ce moment a la Conference de reexamen
du Traite sur la non-proliferation des armes nucleaires », a poursuivi
Robert McNamara.

« Au moment meme où nous parlons, les Etats-Unis ont deploye environ
6 000 ogives nucleaires strategiques. Chacune d entre elles est, en
moyenne, 20 fois plus puissante que la bombe qui a explose sur
Hiroshima et qui a tue des centaines de milliers de gens. Sur ces 6 000
ogives nucleaires, 2 000 sont en etat d alerte, pretes a etre lancees
dans un delai de 15 minutes, par la decision d un seul homme, le
president des Etats-Unis. Et ce qu on appelle le football , comme vous
le savez, les codes et les regles qui guident le president pour le
declenchement d une attaque nucleaire, l accompagnent 24 heures sur 24,
365 jours sur 365 », a-t-il explique.

« Les Russes ont probablement le meme nombre d ogives nucleaires et
les memes procedures », a ajoute l ancien Secretaire a la Defense.

« Si je devais definir les politiques des Etats-Unis et de l OTAN en
une phrase, au risque d apparaître simpliste et provocateur, je dirais
qu elles sont immorales, illegales, denuees de necessite sur le plan
militaire, tres dangereuses quant au risque d un declenchement
accidentel ou involontaire et nocives pour le regime de non
proliferation » a-t-il affirme.

Revenant sur la <"http://www.un.org/french/events/npt2005/">Conference
de reexamen du Traite sur la non-proliferation des armes nucleaires qui
se deroule en ce moment au siege de l ONU a New York, Robert McNamara a
estime que les objectifs de cette conference devaient etre non
seulement de renforcer le traite mais aussi d assurer que la Coree du
Nord et l Iran ne deviennent pas des puissance nucleaires.

« Il existe une haute probabilite, voir une certitude, que la
Conference echouera dans la realisation de ces objectifs », a-t-il

« La Coree du Nord, comme vous le savez, declare qu elle sait comment
produire l arme nucleaire et continuera sur ce chemin. L Iran semble
avancer dans la meme direction. Ces deux pays continuent de poursuivre
leur programme nucleaire. D autres nations suivront. L Iran et la Coree
du Nord ne marqueront pas la fin de la proliferation. En Asie, le
Japon, la Coree du Sud et Taiwan vont aller dans cette direction. Au
Moyen-Orient, l Egypte, l Arabie Saoudite et la Syrie feront
probablement de meme », a explique l ancien Secretaire a la Defense.

« Que pouvons-nous faire pour empecher une telle proliferation ? », s
est-il demande.

« Premierement, il ne faut pas voir ce probleme comme relevant de la
seule preoccupation et de la seule responsabilite des Etats-Unis ». «
Si la proliferation continue, ces armes finiront par etre utilisees.
Comme je l ai dit a Moscou en 1987, la combinaison de la nature
faillible de l etre humain et des armes atomiques conduira a leur
emploi », a-t-il prevenu.

Deuxiemement, Robert McNamara a exhorte la communaute internationale a
gerer la question du nucleaire dans l enceinte du Conseil de securite.
« Le Conseil devrait demander au Secretaire general de surveiller la
proliferation, et ce dernier devrait en rendre compte au Conseil s il
estime que le risque augmente. Dans ce cas, le Secretaire devrait
recommander l action requise pour inverser la tendance ».

L ancien Secretaire a la Defense a ainsi fait echo au
du Secretaire general prononce a l ouverture de la Conference des
Parties au TNP qu il a qualifie de « magnifique », affirmant que c
etait la meilleure declaration qu un fonctionnaire international ait
jamais faite sur cette question (voir notre
du 2 mai 2005).

« Bien qu il ne declare pas directement que le Conseil de securite
devrait assumer la responsabilite de la prevention de la proliferation,
il indique, a mon avis, qu il attend une evolution en ce sens »,
a-t-il explique.

Troisiemement, « le Conseil de securite devrait declarer qu aucun
Etat ne disposant pas a l heure actuelle d armes nucleaires ne serait
autorise a en acquerir et que ceux qui en possedent devraient s engager
a ne pas accroître leurs forces, contrairement a ce qu ont pu suggerer
les Etats-Unis ».

Quatriemement, « les Etats-Unis et la Russie devraient faire cesser l
etat d alerte nucleaire. Certains experts russes ont ainsi admis qu en
raison d un manque de financement, leurs systemes de commande sont hors
de contrôle ».

Cinquiemement, les cinq Etats qui possedent officiellement des armes
nucleaires devraient faire, selon Robert McNamara, les quatre
declarations suivantes. « D abord affirmer qu ils n utiliseront pas l
arme nucleaire les premiers - les Etats-Unis n ont encore jamais fait
cette declaration. Ils devraient aussi reiterer leurs garanties de non
utilisation a l encontre d un Etat qui ne dispose pas de l arme
nucleaire. Ils devraient egalement accelerer la reduction de leur
arsenal - c est une exigence de l article 6 du TNP, qui a force de loi
aux Etats-Unis, et pourtant il paraît tout a fait utopique
2005-05-24 00:00:00.000


Veuillez consulter le site du Centre de nouvelles ONU pour plus d
information http://www.un.org/french/newscentre/

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