3 Juin 2005

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Jun 2, 2005, 6:23:14 PM6/2/05
to referencem...@googlegroups.com
Google s new human controllers
Google hires people to check on search engine results.

Redakteure helfen Google
Wie beim Artikel auf Searchbistro beschreibt, arbeitet Google mit
Redakteuren um ihre Suchmaschinenergebnisse zu verbessern. Die Seite
bietet auch einen Flash-Film mit dem Userinterface auf eval.google.com
Wikipedia Editors Discuss SEO
Wikipedia has some fascinating reading on the topic of SEO, not in the
body of their article on SEO, but rather in the discussion section of
the page, where many of the editors show great bias towards the
industry as a whole and the individuals involved therein.
It s worthwhile sometimes to see how people view search engine
optimization and optimizers - mainly to see how far we as an industry
have to progress before legitimacy can be achieved.
# Google s Fancy Translations Math
Gregory M. Lamb takes on the Google machine translation efforts today.
Even though Google s efforts are impressive -- and will win them top
honors from the National Institute of Standards and Technology --
Systran CEO Dimitris Sabatakakis is quoted ...
Google Rater Hub - Details Of Human Review System Unveiled
Google Secret Lab, Prelude from Henk van Ess s new Search Bistro blog
looks at how Google uses human reviewers to improve search quality. Ess
has a screenshot and a Flash movie of how the system works, for Google
s temporarily hired Q&A checkers. Very nice details so far that I ve
never seen posted anywhere before. However, this type of system isn t
new. WebCrawler used to have a feedback system like this back in the
late 90s, and other major search engines have had human reviewers, as
well. Gather enough data of what s deemed good and bad, and the hope
Googles Secret Army? - Eval.google.com
Slashdot spot a story about recruitment of manual spam hunters,
complete with flash animation at eval.google.com. Unfortunate choice of
url... ...
DHTML Utopia: Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM
What do Flickr, Google Suggest, Google Maps, and GMail have in common?
They all employ some of the latest methods in modern, unobtrusive
DHTML. In the first four chapters from his new book, DHTML Utopia:
Modern Web Design Using JavaScript and DOM , Stuart introduces the
basics of DHTML and DOM, then kicks off the script-fest as he handles
DOM events and explores browser sniffing techniques.
Yow! TN Offers RSS Feeds and Podcasts!
Wow! The governor of TN has both a podcast and a blog with an RSS feed!
How hip! Check em out at
http://www.tennesseeanytime.org/rss/index.html. I had a little dream
that his...
Tucows Offers Some Updates
Software download site Tucows ( http://www.tucows.com ) which I ve been
using for approximately one million years, has added a couple of new
features to its site.
First are some new categories of software. There s a new category for
iPod software ( http://www.tucows.com/downloads/Windows/PDA/IPod/ ) and
a category for the Sony PSP is promised to be added soon. Furthermore
the site now has RSS feeds! Whee! The iPods category, for example, has
RSS feeds for the newest, most popular, and top-rated software.
Hub of British Podcasts
If you re into UK stuff, check out this new service that s listing UK
podcasts. It officially launched today (though there s content back to
last November), so it s only got 35..
Jasco Reviews Google Scholar...Again
Professional Reading Shelf
Geospatial Data--Databases
Geodata.gov to release enhanced website tools
Geodata.gov coming in about one month.
The June 2005 Edition of Peter s Digital Reference Shelf is Now Online
This month Peter Jacso offers an another in-depth review of Google
Scholar along with a look at Highwire Press Archive.
Dr. Jacso remains far from impressed and that s putting it mildly with
Google Scholar. His first review of GS was published in December 2004.
In this new review he writes, "Google Scholar still does not reveal any
of the essential facts about the content, composition, source coverage
and time span of its database.
European Union--Legislation
"This site provides user-friendly fact sheets which summarise EU
legislation. The fact sheets are divided into 32 subject areas which
are the Activities of the European Union. You will find not only
summaries of existing measures, but also a follow-up of legislative
proposals in policies as diverse as External Relations and Employment
and Social Affairs. With almost 2,500 fact sheets updated daily, the
coverage is comprehensive and up-to-date."
# Google Provides "Weather Update" for Bourbon
Google Provides "Weather Update" for Bourbon Many of you are following
the most recent Google Update. In the past, at the Indexing Summit at
SES NYC 05, Danny Sullivan requested the search engines to give the
Webmaster a "Weather Update". By that he meant, he wants the search
engines to let ...
# Google Running Secret Quality Labs?
Henk Van Ess has started off a new blog, Search Bistro, with a scoop he
claims to have found: Google's evaluation labs. Henk says that one of
his students at the University of Amsterdam was a participant in the
Google Rater Hub, which pays people to rate the accuracy of Google
search results in order to improve results and reduce spam. Henk links
to a job posting looking for a "Quality Rater" for Google,
mentioning the job tasks as ""help with work on a search quality
evaluation" and "Candidates will evaluate search results and rate
their relevance". Henk claims that the site is at eval.google.com
(which is 404 if you aren't in the program) and has posted a Flash
movie of it in action.
DMOZ and the Nofollow Tag
The Open Directory Project has been suffering sever criticism over the
past few months in the SEO community. From allegations of corruption
(which I have seen firsthand) to ardent defenders to endless threads on
the evils, benefits, waiting times and inequities of the directory,
everyone has an opinion on the subject.
Google s Rating Hub Revealed
Henk Van Ess has revealed, via his SearchBistro site, Google s "secret"
lab - online at http://eval.google.com that lets users recruited by
Google as search testers to rate and analyze search results to help
select the best algorithm.
eBay Buys Shopping.com
eBay Buys Shopping.com Big news this evening in the world of search
engines, eBay has reportedly acquired Shopping.com. Apparently the
reasoning for eBay becoming interested is when eBay executives were
informed that merchants who upload their shopping feeds and list
products on Shopping.com were also doing so on eBay. Shopping.com s
business ...

eBay ???????? Shopping.com
??? ????? ????????, ????? ??????? eBay ???? ?????????? ???????
Shopping.com, ??????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ?? ????? ????
?????? ? ?????????? ????????????? ??????????? "???????" ?????? ? ??????
???????? ?????????? ?? ??????...
# GoogleGuy Shares Advice About Bourbon Update
Via Searchblog and Threadwatch some advice from GoogleGuy about the
Google update named "Bourbon" that s currently underway....
# Popularity Is Bad
Darren Rowse has a good article at WebProNews explaining the dangers of
having a site that becomes very popular in a short period of time.
While (obviously) a very popular new site will be getting lots of
visitors (that is the definition of popularity), they won't be coming
from search engines, no matter how many thousands of inbound links you
score. That's because any brand new site accumulating huge numbers of
hits smells of search spam to any intelligent search engine. While
Darren advises to start growing your site slowly, I say to hell with
it. If your site is getting so many links that Google is watching you
closely, then you are already doing just fine. Ride the wave of
popularity, and in a few months, Google and all the other engines will
catch on.
Website Ranking: Seven Questions for Stephen Mahaney
Stephen Mahaney gives a lot of credit to his team. A team that is
publishing one of the most well-read resources on boosting website
rankings ? The Unfair Advantage Book on Winning The Search Engine Wars.
This search marketing resource...
Mediaterre, reseau mondial d information francophone pour le
developpement durable
L Institut de l energie et de l Environnement de la Francophonie ( IEPF
) et Centre International de Ressources et d Innovation pour le
Developpement Durable (ex Agora 21proposent le site Internet du Systeme
mondial d information francophone pour le developpement durable,
Mediaterre :
Mediaterre est une initiative partenariale qui vise a mettre en place
un systeme d information integre et accessible a tous les niveaux, dans
des conditions favorisant l appropriation des donnees et des
connaissances par et pour les citoyens.
l Ordinateur portable pour 200 dollars
Ce projet finance par le Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR) indien d'un ordinateur portable a 200 dollars sera disponible
a la vente dans trois mois.
Vinay L. Deshpande, directeur de Encore Software , a annonce que ce
systeme proposera les fonctionnalites essentielles d'un ordinateur
conventionnel. Il lira musique et video, offrira des applications de
conversion de texte en conversation et des supports de langues locales
integres. Pour l'instant Kannada, Hindi et Marathi; bientôt enTamil
et Telugu. Il pesera 500 grammes et sera compact. Il pourra etre
synchronise avec un ordinateur PC habituel (bien que la ne soit pas le
ITrain : Formations a Internet pour le Sud... et pour tous. Une
approche professionnelle
«Le but d ITrain est de creer des modules de formation flexibles,
efficaces, integrant les questions de genre et de culture sur Internet.
ITrain donne des moyens pour susciter l interet des utilisateurs et
encourager les formateurs a adapter l Internet a leurs besoins en
La telecollaboration facile - Programmes, outils, guides
Le Carrefour education publie une chronique sur les programmes de
formation du Quebec, du Canada et d ailleurs en vue de faciliter les
projets de telecollaboration : La telecollaboration facile .
Google Search Appliance moins cher et en francais
Google commercialise desormais sa solution de recherche pour
entreprises en version francaise, avec des baisses de tarifs
importantes a la cle.
Google semble determine a imposer ses technologies au sein des
entreprises francaises. Le specialiste de la recherche vient en effet
de lancer officiellement la version entierement francisee de Google
Search Appliance 4.4 (GSA, voir edition du 13 janvier 2005), sa
solution de recherche destinee aux intranets. Cerise sur le gateau :
les tarifs de l ensemble des solutions professionnelles ont ete
largement revus a la baisse.
L Anti Passport : Liberty Alliance
Huit societes recoivent la certification d'interoperabilite Liberty
Liberty Alliance (consortium mondial pour la mise en place de
specifications ouvertes d'identite federee et de services Web a base
d'identite) annonce que les produits de huit societes ont passe avec
succes les tests de certification au cours du dernier evenement de
conformite organise par Liberty.
Copernic Desktop Search remporte le 2005 World Class Award
Copernic Desktop Search a ete selectionne par le magazine PC World pour
remporter le 2005 World Class Award dans la categorie Desktop Search
Software (Logiciels de recherche sur PC).
ICT nieuws : Gratuit ne rime plus avec Internet
Des editeurs toujours plus nombreux en Grande-Bretagne demandent
paiement pour la consultation de leur contenu en ligne, indique la
derniere etude de l Association of Online Publishers (AOP).
Un sondage aupres de leurs membres a montre que 63 pour cent exigent
aujourd hui un paiement pour le contenu en ligne, alors qu ils n
etaient que 58 pour cent l annee derniere. Ces paiements pour le
contenu en ligne representent actuellement 19 pour cent de l ensemble
des recettes des membres de l AOP. A noter encore que les paiements
pour les consultations aleatoires, les fameux micro-paiements puisqu il
s agit de montants relativement faibles, reculent en faveur des
abonnements payants. Pour de plus amples informations:
De Google a Seekport, les moteurs font salon a Londres
L'edition londonienne du salon Search Engine Strategies, plus
marketing que search, s'ouvre les 1er et 2 juin 2005 au Business
Design Centre.
L iPod sans iTunes grace a Winamp
Le lecteur multimedia surpasse iTunes dans sa gestion de l iPod en
offrant des fonctions jusque-la inaccessibles avec le logiciel d Apple.
Y compris pour les chansons achetees sur la boutique en ligne du
Les fans du lecteur multimedia Winamp n ont pas besoin d iTunes pour
contrôler leur iPod. Mieux, ils ont acces a des fonctions
inaccessibles, voire interdites, avec le logiciel maison d Apple. Le
tour de passe-passe necessite simplement le telechargement (gratuit) et
l installation d un plug-in (autrement dit, une extension logicielle).
ml_ipod, c est son nom, permet de synchroniser plusieurs iPod et de
copier leur contenu sur le disque dur d un PC. Ce qu iTunes ne sait pas
L heure de la 3D en ligne arrive-t-elle ?
Apres des annees de faux depart, l heure du deploiement massif d
interfaces 3D en ligne arriverait, pense Tony Parisi, l un des auteurs
du langage VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) et president de
Media Machines.
Pourquoi maintenant ? Parisi voit trois motifs techniques : la
generalisation du haut debit, celle des cartes graphiques et des
moteurs 3D dans les ordinateurs recents, et la maturation de standards
ouverts tels que ceux du Web3D Consortium.
Les contours de l Internet 2.0
Nous sommes en train de vivre un changement d ere sur le Web. Et ce
changement a au moins deux facettes : un côte technique et un côte
"social". La chronique d Alain Lefebvre, conferencier et fondateur du
projet 6nergies.net.
Une video sur les systemes de reputation
Dans: Breves/ Services et applications/ eBusiness/ Identite numerique -
Par Daniel Kaplan le 01/06/2005
Release 1.0, le site anime par la "gourou" Esther Dyson, met en
ligne une serie de videos de 15 mn sur quelques "nouvelles idees qui
comptent". Premiers titres : le voyage aerien a la demande, les
dossiers medicaux personnels et surtout, les systemes de reputation en
[SEM2] Re: Backordering Domains
GoDaddy has a good service for this... costs something like $18.95.
Google shares gallop higher
By Adam Shell, USA TODAY
NEW YORK - Who says real estate is the only place to make big money?
Investors who own shares of Google (GOOG), the dot-com darling of the
moment, are raking in gains at such a furious pace, it s hard not to
flash back to the go-go 1990s.
Un nouveau dossier special de Strategic-Road.com :
Europa - "No" comments
Europe - Commentaires du "non"
Un projet de moteur sur l info cachee
L Universite de Buffalo, aux Etats-Unis, serait en train de travailler
sur un projet de moteur de recherche permettant de retrouver de l
information "cachee" sur le Web, information qui ne serait pas aujourd
hui indexee ou revelee par les moteurs de recherche "classiques"...
Source: http://actu.abondance.com/2005-22/uir.php
Google Zeitgeist Avril 2005
Google publie aujourd hui son Google Zeitgeist pour le mois d Avril
Source: http://www.zorgloob.com/2005/06/google-zeitgeist-avril-2005.asp
Forum Affiliation
Le net est en perptuelle evolution et un domaine qui progresse encore
plus vite est bien celui du webmarketing. Tous les webmasters se
retrouvent donc un jour ou l autre confrontes au choix des mult...
Google Secret Lab, Prelude
By Henk van Ess - Search Bistro - What is it? It s a lab of humans from
all over the world (from China to The Netherlands, from Korea to
Brasil) They are paid to check search results of Google every day. Most
of the employees, called international agents by Google, were recruited
through universities all over the world. The aim is to avoid spam, to
get the right sites at the top of the listing and to test new features,
not shown to the public yet.
Yet MORE Cool Tools that are also Free!
Bienvenue sur http://www.arcep.fr
La croissance sur le marche des telecommunications a ete
forte en 2003 : elle atteint 4,7%, contre 3% en 2002 et est
beaucoup plus importante que la croissance du PIB en valeur
(+2% en 2003): c est l un des nombreux enseignements tire de
l'enquete annuelle 2003 que l ARCEP a menee sur le marche des
services de telecommunications aupres des operateurs declares
ou titulaires de licences au 31 decembre 2003.

L enquete detaillee vient juste d etre publiee et est disponible
sur le site des la page d accueil.
On m a pique l idee :
Search Headlines from Around the Web
Today s SearchDay is a headlines-only issue. Tomorrow s issue will
feature our regular Search Engine Forums Spotlight.
NOTE: Article links often change. In case of a bad link, use the
publication s search facility, which most have, and search for the

Jean Paul CONAN - http://Referencement.LouiseTV.com
plus vite, plus souvent, plus complet, plus loin

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