14 & 15 Mai 2005

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May 15, 2005, 2:52:45 PM5/15/05
to referencem...@googlegroups.com
14 & 15 Mai 2005
Yahoo! Search link on Google
I use Google as my primary search engine. However, nowadays, more often
than not, I tend to use Yahoo! Search too. After I search using Google
and I'm not satisfied with the results, mind you. So, a Greasemonkey
script that does this:
Notice the "Yahoo!" among the tabs. Simple. Useful. You may install
the script from here.
[bloggerDev] Re: How to get premalink with XML-RPC?

Please do not use the Blogger2 API, it will vanish this year.
On 5/13/05, OlgaFB <for_g...@notrivia.com> wrote:

>> Hi,
>> In Blogger2 API definition I see this method of getting permalinks:
>> blogger2.getPost(Struct login, Struct post [only postid and blogid
>> needed or paid attention to]) => Struct post
>> as the structure post should contain a structure postOptions which
>> should contain permalinkUrl.
>> In reality, when we try this function posting through XML-RPC, it
>> returns something completely different and no permalink there.
>> Is there any way to get the permalink of the newly published post
>> the XML-RPC API?
>> Thank you,
>> Olga.
Ce qui est bien maintenant c est que l on a disposition toute une
palette d outils dans lesquels piocher en fonction de ses besoins.
A titre d exemple, une presentation que j ai donnee lors d une
formation, sur le theme "quels outils pour quoi faire ?" dans le cadre
de l animation d un reseau (communaute virtuelle).
Superbe travail
Comment capitaliser intelligement toute ce savoir faire ?

realisateur de projets transversaux
Cette plate-forme s adresse aux entreprises qui manipulent
de gros volumes d information. Elles peuvent l utiliser pour
construire une base documentaire metier qui s alimente
automatiquement, ou pour filtrer des flux d information
afin de realiser un travail de veille.

Temis et Mondeca s associent autour de l organisation des

Les acteurs des technologies de la langue ameliorent leur
capacite multilingue

Classification automatique : le parametrage fait la difference

Temis s implante aux Etats-Unis

Total appuie sa veille sur un extracteur de texte

"Le text mining est plus transparent et plus large dans ses
applications que le data mining"

Article Title: What is Copyright and How Does One Protect It
(from our Online Writing Course)?
Author Name: Craig Lock
Line Space: 65 characters
Category (key words): writing, writing tips, writing course, copyright,
Web Site: http://www.craiglock.com/downloads/cwcourse.htm
Craig Lock
About the author: Craig Lock is an author of numerous books and the
creator of the "original" online writing course:
Re: [seo] SEO & Blogs
if you want make blog for search engines then use rediff blog is very
help to you b caz i cing that only rediff blogs can do better rakings
in Major search engines and try to put vaild content , good content is
a king in SEO and Blogs is now a days very imporant for seo b caz it
get good rakings with in one week and put good content to maintain that
rakings , d not used too much keywords..
Curt, the market leader in PPC bid management and the one I recommend
is AtlasOnePoint (formerly Go Toast). It s web-based, and not cheap,
but has saved me a lot of time managing multiple accounts.

Here s a good review by Aaron Wall:

Follow the links to the other tools he mentions and you ll soon see
that AOP really does stand apart from the rest.

A good keyword research tool to consider is one by Trellian, available
through their Priority Submit paid inclusion account system:
http://www.prioritysubmit.com/research.html - the seasonal trend info
is particularly useful.
===>> www.arnaudcestqui.com ??
Any recommendations on Keyword generation tools I use Wordtracker
today. Also has anyone see any apps that allow you to manage complex
PPC setups in one UI across a variety of search engines and other Ad
channel mechanisms?

Check out the most recent post from Searchviews (Randy Schwartz)
regarding keyword tools. Some excellent points.
[motrech] Revue de presse des outils et recherche d information du 9 au
13 mai
Bonjour !
Revue de presse des outils et recherche d information du 9 au 13 mai

Deepy, un moteur de recherche web + images, d Arabie Saoudite, en
version beta. 13/05

Le metamoteur Dogpile compare Yahoo!, Google et AskJeeves 13/05

Le UK Web Archive Consortium archive les sites de reference
britanniques 13/05

Prospective : les prochaines acquisitions de Google, MSN et Yahoo!

KwMap vous suggere des mots cles 11/05

Le Koweït developpe un moteur pour les sites en arabe 11/05

Creez vos fils RSS a partir de Google News 10/05

Grokker version on-line offre une visualisation des resultats de
Google 10/05

Yahoo! developpe un moteur de recherche de chansons et musiques

Christophe ASSELIN
Consultant Veille Strategique
DIGIMIND Progiciels de veille strategique
Ressources Internet ~ Outils de recherche
10 Benefits Of Submitting Articles To E-zines
Hi Jean,

Today s feature article is:

10 Benefits Of Submitting Articles To E-zines

Visit our sponsor:
Follow The 3 Easy Steps Listed Below And I Will
Personally Build A Money Making Website Just For You
That s 100% Ready To Take Orders And Pull In Massive
Residual Profits! Join Now And You Can Start Raking
In Cash Within 24 Hours... Guaranteed! Start Now:

1. You ll brand your web site, business and yourself
by submitting articles to e-zines. You could include
your name, business name, your credentials, web site
address and e-mail address in your resource box.

2. You will become known as an expert on the topics
you write about. This will give you and your business
extra credibility which will help you compete against
your competition.

3. Your article might also be placed on the publisher s
home page. If they publish each issue on their home
page this will give you some extra exposure.

4. You might get extra exposure if the e-zine publisher
archives their e-zine on their site. People might want
to read the back issues before they make the decision
to subscribe.

5. You will get free advertising. This will allow you to
spend your profits on other forms of advertising. You
could buy advertisements in other e-zines that don t
publish your articles.

6. You might get extra income from people wanting to
hire you to write other articles, books, or even ask to
speak at seminars. This is a great way to multiply your

7. You could allow e-zine publishers to publish your
articles in their free e-books. Since people give them
away, your advertising could multiply all over the

8. You will get your article published all over the web
when you submit it to an e-zine publisher that has a
free content directory on their web site. They ll allow
their visitors to republish your article.

9. You ll gain people s trust. If they read your article
and like it, they won t be as hesitant to buy your
product or service. You will then be able to increase
your profits.

10. You could get your article guaranteed to run in
an e-zine. You could agree to run one of their articles
in your e-zine if, in exchange, they run yours in their
e-zine. It s a win/win situation.

Quote of the Day:

"...even without success, creative persons find joy in a
job well done. Learning for its own sake is rewarding..."
-- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Warm regards,


P.S. Try this, Jean:

It really works!
[GoogleMania] Boletín 14/05/2005

Vulnerabilidad en Google Adsense
Ya se ha avisado a Google y parece que lo han solcionado, pero Adsense
tenía un gran fallo de seguridad a traves de XSS.

El "fracaso" del Web Accelerator
Ya empiezan a surgir los primeros problemas que anunciábamos que
habrían hace unos días con el Web Accelerator.
Weblogs : un nouveau paradigme pour les systemes d information et la
diffusion de connaissances ? Applications et cas d usage en contexte de
veille et d intelligence economique.
Constitution europeenne : la carte des ratifications
Le 11 mai, le parlement slovaque et le Nationalrat autrichien ont
ratifie le traite. Le 12, c etait au tour du Bundesrat allemand, ce qui
porte a neuf le nombre de pays ayant ratifie le projet de consitution
Voir notre carte interactive l Dossier
Quatre webmails gratuits de 1 Go et plus
La boîte aux lettres fournie par votre fournisseur d acces explose ?
Passez aux gigamails, qui vous offrent 1 Go et plus pour stocker vos
courriels !
Dix telephones mobiles multifonctions
Telephoner, transmettre des mails, ecouter des MP3... Les smartphones
pretendent tout faire mais cette debauche de fonctions n est pas
toujours convaincante.
Les criteres de choix
Pour evaluer ces appareils, le laboratoire s est appuye sur plusieurs
elements. Entre autres, les caracteristiques generales, la partie
telephonie, la partie burautique et Internet.

P910I, de Sony-Ericsson
Complet et polyvalent, ce smartphone se demarque aussi par son confort
d utilisation. En outre, il dispose de la meilleure autonomie de ce
Incontestablement le smartphone le plus abouti de notre selection.
Mieux equipe que les dix autres, il se demarque surtout par son confort
d utilisation, sa facilite de parametrage et l etendue de ses capacites
bureautiques. Dote de deux claviers (numerique et alphabetique), il
permet aussi d ecrire directement sur son ecran tactile de bonne
facture, via un troisieme clavier (virtuel cette fois-ci) ou un
logiciel de reconnaissance d ecriture, le tout grace a un stylet
Commode pour editer un texte Word ou un tableau Excel ; ils sont deux
modeles a proposer cette fonction. Il dispose en outre de la meilleure
autonomie de ce comparatif (8 heures 52). Autant de qualites qu il paye
au niveau du poids et de l encombrement. Un defaut mineur, compare a la
richesse de ses fonctions et a sa simplicite d utilisation.
[Gmail-Users] Re: Interesting article about Google features by Fred
Fred puts out a VERY nice newsletter... check it out at www.langa.com.
BigBlogZoo :
Dear All

I have created a directory of about 75,000 blogs and newsfeeds.

* homepage: http://www.bigblogzoo.com/
* Group home page: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/BigBlogZoo
* Group email address BigBl...@googlegroups.com

You can submit to me by email any blogs or feeds, kindly in bunches (ie
a text list of urls [preferably just urls, one per line), otherwise I
would prefer if you would wait until I put a form on the web or I
implement some sort of program.

The Group home page is acting a bit funny, but should stabilise soon.
Have a look at the webpage, if you have any comments then feel free to
contact me at : ke...@generatescape.com or leave me some comments here.

take care
myblog: http://nevereatanythingbiggerthanyourhead.blogspot.com
Nouveau : consultez GRATUITEMENT un exemplaire de Telecharger.com en
PDF ! cliquez ici
Le magazine des telechargements et du haut debit
Comment proteger son PC lorsqu on est connecte en haut debit ? Quel
outil P2P utiliser ? Comment utiliser tel ou tel autre logiciel
telecharge sur le site ? Comment se proteger des virus qui traînent
sur le Net ? Quelles sont les nouveautes recensees par Telecharger qu
il ne faut pas rater ?...
Telecharger.com passe en revue, tous les deux mois, les grands
problemes ou sujets qui interessent les internautes " telechargeurs "
ou en haut debit.
le 15 / 05 / 2005
Plus de 5 millions d'internautes ont consulte les sites Internet du
Ministere de l'Economie et des Finances en mars 2005
Alors que les delais pour la declaration des impôts sur Internet ont
ete prolonges jusqu'au 15 mai, les sites du Ministere de l'Economie
et des Finances : impots.gouv.fr, minefi.gouv.fr et finances.gouv.fr,
ont connu en mars 2005 une progression exceptionnelle de leur audience.
D'apres les resultats de Mediametrie//NetRatings, plus de 5,1
millions d'internautes se sont connectes sur ces sites en mars 2005.
Cette audience est en progression de 48% par rapport a l'audience de
mars l'an dernier et 3,5 fois superieure a la moyenne des audiences
constatees sur les 3 mois precedents.
Armageddon pour le 27 mai ?
Si vous etes abonne ou envisagez de vous abonner a internet chez le
fournisseur d acces Free, cette actualite vous concerne. Free est connu
pour avoir permis un essor rapide du haut debit en France grace a des
offres en avance sur ses concurrents (degroupage, adsl2+, telephonie
illimitee etc..). Mais cela fait maintenant un petit moment que l offre
de Free stagne, et meme si elle reste competitive, elle se fait
rattrapper par ses concurrents.
Pour reprendre une longueur d avance, un projet de grande ampleur est
en cours de developpement chez le fournisseur d acces depuis quelques
mois. Repondant au doux nom d Armageddon (pour mieux marquer qu il va
revolutionner la face du monde), tres peu d informations concernant ce
projet ont filtre de chez Free. Toutefois, il semble acquis que lors de
l assemblee generale le 27 mai d Iliad, la maison-mere de Free, ce
projet sera devoile publiquement. Le directeur general d Iliad a tout
de meme laisse filtrer quelques informations : l Armageddon devrait
etre une offre triple play (internet, telephonie, television) mais sous
une autre forme que celle connue actuellement, totalement nouvelle
selon lui. On peut legitimement supposer que la videoconference fera
son apparition, ainsi que la possiblite de transformer sa Freebox en
magnetoscope numerique, ceci etant confirme par le type de prises
inutilisees situees a l arriere de la Freebox.
A lire : In Bed with the Web, internet et le nouvel adultere
Au travail comme a la maison, nous utilisons Internet au quotidien. Or
le reseau se nourrit d'une veritable economie du sexe, a base de
sites de discussion et de rencontres, de logiciels et de peripheriques
permettant d'augmenter la « convivialite » de la navigation. Il
n'est pas possible d'y echapper. Nombre d'individus et de couples
n'en ressortent pas indemnes. La plongee dans l'univers Internet
que nous vous proposons est une plongee dans une realite non protegee.
Ce livre propose de decrypter les mecanismes qui ont conduit et
conduiront une multitude d'hommes et de femmes a tromper leur
conjoint sur Internet, et de donner aux victimes de cette forme
d'infidelite les connaissances indispensables pour en mesurer le
degre de gravite.
TV5 remporte l'appel d'offre de la Commission europeenne
TV5 et la Commission Europeenne viennent de conclure un accord pour la
production et la diffusion de magazines televises sur des themes
illustrant le Partenariat euro-mediterraneen au Maghreb.
Depuis dix ans le renforcement des relations entre l'Union europeenne
et les pays de la rive Sud de la Mediterranee ne cesse de progresser,
aussi bien au niveau politique qu'economique, social, culturel et
humain. Les emissions qui font l'objet de ce contrat visent a
informer davantage les citoyens de l'espace euro-mediterraneen de la
realite de ce Partenariat et, plus largement, a permettre une meilleure
comprehension mutuelle entre les peuples des deux rives de la
Pay-for-Performance SEO
Hi Jill,
Yesterday I met someone who is not willing to pay for SEO, but is
willing to pay a commission for any sales (the company offers
management courses) received via the website.
>From an SEO point of view the website leaves a lot to be desired, so
there will be a lot of effort involved there.
What do you think about such a proposal? One other thing -- there is no
way I will be able to gauge if any queries were generated through the
website or if these queries actually became orders.
I was going to decline this business, but I would appreciate your
feedback if possible.
Thank you so much
Liz :)
When to Spend More on PPC
At the recent Search Engine Strategies in Toronto, budgeting and the
competitive landscape continued to be discussed. Pay-per-click (PPC)
auctions are increasingly competitive, prompting marketers to ask
whether they re spending enough.
A Site With a 100 Percent Conversion Rate
› › › ROI Marketing
Which of the following goals helps plan a better Web site?
Increase sales conversions from 2 to 4 percent, a 100 percent increase.
Ensure 100 percent of visitors take the action planned for them to
Most managers would be thrilled with a 100 percent sales increase. They
d celebrate a 4 percent conversion rate. Yet that 4 percent conversion
rate doesn t tell the whole story. Let s explore what, exactly, is left
on the table.
Webmasters Expo ... le salon des webmasters!
2000 m² dedies aux Specialistes de l'Internet et du Webmastering.
50 Acteurs incontournables de la Profession a rencontrer les 17 et 18
mai 2005 a l'Espace Charenton, Paris.
I want to test my Gmail.
Please sent everything to my Gmail: lajiceshi @gmail.com
And I ll report the result to you at real time.
Google - Picasa - Hello :
PHOTOS Hello : partagez vos photos et chattez
Partagez vos photos avec vos amis et commentez-les grace a un logiciel
de messagerie instantanee d un nouveau genre.
Straight advice from one of the first 100 qualified Adwords
Google Adwords cannot be ignored as a promotional point and source of
new business for your company, and yet Google can be frustrating
because it is much different than most other advertising programs on
the internet.
The advantage is that if you can learn how to use Google s system, you
can leverage the intelligence of your staff to get highly targeted
website visitors at in most cases, half the cost of any other
advertising program out there. And these are quality visitors, with
much higher conversion potential than most other sources of traffic.
But until you can master the ins and outs of the system and understand
the thinking of Google engineers, Adwords is a nightmare with expensive
clicks, advertising accounts all but shut down and frustration for you
and your staff.
Google Buys Dodgeball
Webmaster World
"There s a fortune to be made in the handheld market and this gets
Google into your mobile phone. The potential for location based
services is tremendous. If Google knows where people are, then it can
do crazy stuff like serving location-sensitive ads direct to the
It s the SEO that Counts, Not User Centered Design
Cre8asite Forums
"Why is user centered design vs SEO [search engine optimization] a bone
of contention at all? What would a high SERP [search engine results
page placement] be without a decent destination? What would a fabulous
destination be without visibility? Jeez.... What a lot of argumentative
whining goes on over SEO!
Pourquoi la France est incapable de creer un Microsoft
Une etude du Comite Richelieu indique que parmi les 25 plus grandes
entreprises americaines, 6 ont ete creees apres 1960. En Europe, on en
compterait qu une seule dans le classement des 25 entreprises les plus
importantes. Cet article liste les raisons qui peuvent expliquer le
difficile developpement des entreprises innovantes en France. (Article
signe Annie Kahn)
Source : Le Monde - 13/05/2005
Dans quelques semaines, la nouvelle Agence de l innovation industrielle
(AII) sera soumise au vote des parlementaires dans le cadre de la loi
"pour la confiance et le developpement economique" dite, desormais, loi
Breton. Cette agence sera la enieme tentative destinee a rendre l
economie francaise et ses entreprises plus innovantes.
Encore dans les limbes, ce projet fait l objet d un fort scepticisme.
En effet, malgre les nombreuses mesures prises ces dernieres annees, la
France peine a creer des produits et des systemes innovants. Selon une
etude du Comite Richelieu, six entreprises creees aux Etats-Unis apres
1960 figurent parmi les 25 plus grandes societes americaines :
Microsoft, Cisco, Dell, Home Depot, Intel et Wal-Mart. Mais une seule,
l editeur de logiciels allemand SAP, figure parmi les 25 plus grandes
firmes du Vieux Continent.
Or, comme le confirme une note du Commissariat general du Plan parue il
y a plus d un an, dans les pays de l OCDE ce sont les firmes jeunes qui
tirent la croissance et donc l emploi. Mais ces jeunes societes n
arrivent pas a se developper en France.
Des raisons, certaines intrinsequement francaises, d autres communes
aux pays europeens, les plus "vieux" surtout, comme la France et l
Allemagne, semblent bloquer le developpement de firmes innovantes.
[mobiletel] Le W3C se mobilise pour ameliorer la navigation sur les
appareils mobiles
Le W3C se mobilise pour ameliorer la navigation sur les appareils

Le consortium W3C de normalisation du web entre en campagne pour
l adoption de ses recommandations concernant les appareils mobiles. Il
cree deux groupes de travail dans le cadre d une operation intitulee
Web Initiative (MWI).

Le consortium W3C de normalisation du web entre en campagne pour
l'adoption de ses recommandations concernant les appareils mobiles.

Il a cree deux groupes de travail dans le cadre d'une operation
Mobile Web Initiative (MWI). Leur mission sera de promouvoir des
qu'il a valides, et qui decrivent les techniques a adopter pour
la navigation sur ce type d'appareils.

La premiere structure - Best Practices Working Group - publiera des
conseils destines aux auteurs de contenus sur le web. La seconde -
Description Working Group - mettra a disposition une base de donnees
contenant des descriptions qu'ils peuvent utiliser pour adapter leurs
aux differents outils mobiles du marche.

«Pendant longtemps, l'acces au web depuis des outils mobiles n'a
pas ete
considere comme une priorite», explique le fondateur et directeur du
Tim Berners-Lee. «L objectif de MWI est de faire reconnaître leur
importance, et de fournir aux developpeurs des supports permettant
d'ameliorer la navigation des utilisateurs.»

Le W3C milite depuis longtemps pour ameliorer les conditions de lecture
appareils nomades. Une precedente initiative, lancee en 1997 et
Web Accessibility Initiative, visait deja a rendre les contenus web
accessibles notamment aux personnes handicapees.
ZDNet France 13/05/05
Free search listings vs. paid
Hi Jean,

Just got this email from a customer:

"I am reading through your ebook at the moment.
My most common search terms are already #1 ranked in
Google (regular search results). Should I also advertise in
ADWORDS for those same terms? Would it help me
anymore or is it just a waste of money?"


Dear Rob:

You should do both. Sure, free is always a great deal, but
you should still buy advertising as long as it will give you an
acceptable return on investment. It s kind of like owning stocks--
some stuff gets you 17% interest this year, other stuff makes
you 2-3%, but you dollar cost average it out and do OK.

Plus, people who depend on free search engine listings
are *extremely* vulnerable to Google s whims, and if
you read much on this subject, Google s been just
nasty these last few months. One day you re #1
and the next day you re not even in the top 1000 -
literally, that s really happening. Don t ever rely
on just one thing.

Finally, one of the best things about AdWords is that
you have complete control and you can test ideas
before you roll them out. That s a HUGE advantage
which is not possible with free search engine traffic.


Perry S. Marshall & Associates
1508 Ridgeland Avenue, Chicago IL 60402
[WD&D] Re: chaîne de production web (web production line in english?)
If I were to venture a guess, similar to that proposed by Doug, I would
think it is something like an assembly line, but for web

For example:
Graphic Artist --> HTML/CSS Layout --> JavaScript --> Server-Side
Scripting/Database --> Deployment

Where each of the segments represents one link in the chain from
conceptualization to final product.

I hope this helps!
Natalie Portman
>From Monopoly to Blogpoly
It is just a name. I got the idea to change the name of the board game
"Monopoly" to "Blog-log-poly" and then to "Blog-poly".
It is just a game. It is fun to use the board to lay out the
Blogosphere Ecosystem. It helps me to think and learn about blogging
culture by transforming the original game into this version. I had to
think about which company and enterprise to choose and set up first on
the board. The space is limited, so I picked well known names in
blogging industry. Besides the private properties, there are two public
utilities--the water works and the electric company. Then I thought of
"Wikipedia" and "Creative Commons", and then a few more, making
"criminal" into "spammer", "free parking" into "free hosting". "Chance"
and "community chest" become "comment" and "trackback". Fun -- yes?
There is not much difference for me transforming the game than writing
a poem, using similes, metaphors and symbols.
The board is done.
# Google ponders Blogger, Gmail integration
OK, the blending of Gmail and Blogger could work I guess. But what is
the real advantage? Other than making remote posting a little easier, I
am just not sure that I get what the 'real' advantage is going to
be here.... Direct and Related Links for Google ponders Blogger, Gmail
Take the RustySearch Search Engine Relevancy Challenge
If you re the kind of person who enjoys taking the Pepsi/Coke
challenge, you ll enjoy this experiment, that Barry Schwartz (aka
RustyBrick) has put together. Barry decided to build a white-labeled
search engine that pulled results randomly from one of th
Yahoo Adds New Option to Advanced Search Page
I just noticed that Yahoo has tweaked their advanced search page. You
ll now see an new option that allows you to limit your query to
material with a Creative Commons license. A Creative Commons "only"
search interface is also available....
Search Briefs
+ Major Search Engines Deliver Significantly Different Results (via
Note: This should not be big news for info pros. Greg Notess has been
talking and writing about "search engine overlap" for years. In
addition to the new Dogpile (here s an overview by Chris Sherman) also
have a look at Jux2 and Ranking.thumbshots.See Also: Make Sure to Take
a Look at the Dogpile "Missing Pieces" Tool, Perfect for Demos!

Jean Paul CONAN

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