04 Juin 2005

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Jun 4, 2005, 8:43:34 AM6/4/05
to referencem...@googlegroups.com
Les 10 chantiers Internet qui attendent le gouvernement
Tarifs ADSL, droits d auteur, vote en ligne, amorcage... Le Journal du
Net repertorie les dossiers NTIC les plus brulants que devra gerer
(aussi) la nouvelle equipe ministerielle.
Did Google s Success Overwhelm DMOZ?
With the recent closing of the Open Directory Project s Status Check
Forum, search engine experts like Danny Sullivan have suggested that
perhaps it s time to change their name to the Closed Directory Project.
Transparency issues aside, the ODP (aka DMOZ) has gone through some
rocky times, ironically its fate tied to Google s decision in 2000 to
mirror the ODP s content on their directory.google.com subdomain.

Discontinuation of site status checks
Following discussion by, and consensus of Moderators and Administrators
of this forum, we have chosen to discontinue site status checks
effective May 21, 2005. Closure of the existing Site Submission Status
forums will happen by this date, and we will not be accepting any new
status check threads after this time. The submission status forums will
be archived.
There were a number of factors involved in making this decision, but
probably the biggest was that these requests were always beyond the
mission of this forum. The original mandate of this forum was to put a
better light on the ODP by allowing the public to interact directly
with the editors. At some point the submission status requests seem to
have taken over and almost become the focus.

Je n ai pas encore lu l article en question (ce qui me prend du temps
mon niveau de connaissance de l anglais).
En tant qu editrice Dmoz, je donnerai une reponse plus complete des que

En tout cas il n est nullement question d une fermeture de l annuaire
l ODP !
Seule la possibilite des demandes de statut d un site a ete supprimee.
Les explications :
-- Monique Brunel | www.webmaster-hub.com | | www.opquast.com |
www.mozilla-europe.org | Accessibilite des sites Web et qualite des
services en ligne Audit - Conseil - Formation Webatou BE 873.780.255
L Icann accepte l extension .xxx pour les sites a caractere
Les sites Internet a caractere pornographique seront bientôt dotes d
un signe distinctif : l extension de leur nom de domaine... L Internet
Corporation for Assign Names and Numbers (Icann) vient... >Suite

Adult Sites Go XXX
In my latest attempt to ensure that as many spam filters as possible

catch WinInfo, I must report on a new development in the world of adult

entertainment. This week, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers (ICANN), a nonprofit entity that oversees Internet
addresses, approved the use of the suffix .xxx to denote adult
entertainment sites. These sites will be able to purchase
yournamehere.xxx Internet domains by the end of the year, setting up a
virtual combat zone (as we call a red light district here in Boston) on

the Web.
Get appointments, addresses and more into Microsoft Outlook® quickly
and easily from anywhere on your PC, such as an e-mail or web site,
without errors or re-typing!
anagram™ is a tiny and unobtrusive program for your PC that stays out
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anagram™ instantly and intelligently translates the meaningful text
from any application into Outlook® Contact, Calendar, Task and Note
items. Why enter a new address or appointment into Outlook® by hand
when anagram™ can do it for you?
"Wave a magic wand and watch ... names and phone numbers pop themselves
into your contact list ... anagram looks almost magical when it does
its thing."
- Michelle Johnson,Boston Globe
News: XML in Office 12 Spells Third-Party Opportunity
Microsoft s decision to make XML-based file formats part of
Office 12 documents will likely present new opportunities,
and a few challenges, for third-party application and
software vendors hoping to capitalize on the move.
Search Engine Forums Spotlight
Secrets of eval.google.com Revealed?
Search Engine Watch Forums
"I can already see this story light up all search industry media like a
Christmas tree."
Q&A Session With Jim Lanzone, VP of Ask Jeeves
Google Tightens The Noose

Back in the old days of Pay Per Click - say,
a couple of years ago, you could be smarter
than everyone else just by having 1000+ keywords
instead of a few dozen. Nobody else was bidding
on them and you could get all kinds of 5 cent

Well now everyone has monster-power keyword
tools and it s not much of an advantage anymore -
in fact for many people it s a liability, as I shall

I m sure that every time you do a search on
Google, you invoke more computing power than even
existed in the entire world just 30 years ago.
And... every single keyword that every Google advertiser
is bidding on slows down their system just a little bit.

And Google doesn t really like it when people
clog up their system with thousands and thousands
of keywords... especially if the ads aren t proven to get
good CTR s, it s a financial risk just for Google to display


....And if you ve been putting off buying the Definitive Guide,
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all the latest strategies in detail. We ve added about 50
pages of new content and updates, so you can play this
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Also, my personal AdWords coaching intensive begins
on Tuesday June 7 - I ve got a waiting list for GOLD seats
but there s still some room on the BLUE team. Apply at

To your success,
Perry Marshall
1508 Ridgeland Ave | Chicago IL 60402 USA
Ouverture de la Semaine nationale de la securite informatique
L Internet plus sur, ca s apprend ! . Le slogan a ete choisi par les
pouvoirs publics et plusieurs acteurs de l industrie, mobilises autour
de la Semaine Nationale de la Securite Informatique... >Suite
· Un Centre regional pour l enseignement du francais en Europe
centrale et orientale (Crefeco) a ouvert ses portes le 26 mai a Sofia
(Bulgarie). Espace commun d informations, d echanges d expertise et de
conseil, il doit contribuer a l amelioration des enseignements du ou en
francais notamment dans les cinq pays de la region membres de la
Francophonie (Albanie, Bulgarie, Macedoine (ARY), Moldavie et
Roumanie). Troisieme du genre mis en place par l Agence
intergouvernementale de la Francophonie, apres le Crefap a Hanoi pour l
Asie-Pacifique et le Crefoi a Antananarivo pour l ocean Indien, le
Crefeco est dote en personnel, equipements et moyens necessaires a ses
activites par l Agence tandis que le gouvernement Bulgare met a
disposition les locaux et prend en charge le secretariat administratif
du centre.
· Le multilinguisme pour la diversite culturelle et la participation
de tous dans le cyberespace etait le theme d une conference
internationale organisee a Bamako (Mali) les 6 et 7 mai par l Unesco en
partenariat avec l Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie via
son Institut des nouvelles technologies (INTIF), l Academie africaine
des langues (Acalan) et le gouvernement du Mali, dans le cadre du suivi
de la premiere phase du Sommet mondial sur la societe de l information
(SMSI). Les resultats de cette reunion qui a permis de degager des
actions concretes a mettre en œuvre pour assurer au monde numerique
une reelle diversite culturelle et linguistique seront diffuses lors
des forums internationaux et rendus accessibles aux participants de la
deuxieme phase du SMSI a Tunis. Une vingtaine d experts francophones
dans les domaines de la diversite culturelle et de la pluralite
linguistique ont participe a cette conference, a l invitation de l
Agence de la Francophonie.
Contribution de la Francophonie au Sommet mondial sur la societe de l
Un pas en avant pour le secteur des medias et des TIC en Europe
La communication vocale par IP, la television sur l Internet, la
musique en ligne, les films sur telephone mobile, tout cela est
desormais une realite. Et pour couronner le tout, l economie europeenne
semble beneficier grandement de toutes ces nouvelles technologies de l
information et de la communication (TIC).
Saviez-vous que ces nouvelles technologies representent pres de la
moitie de la croissance de la productivite de l UE ?
" Il n existe pas de maniere simple de generer rapidement de la
croissance et de creer des emplois en Europe. Pourtant, il y a matiere
a penser que des investissements massifs dans le secteur des
technologies de l information et de la communication (TIC) pourraient y
contribuer ", a recemment declare Viviane Reding, Commissaire en charge
de la societe de l information, dans un entretien au Parliament
Afin de soutenir la croissance et l emploi dans la societe de l
information et les medias, la Commission a lance i2010 [Doc], une
strategie globale basee sur la reglementation, la recherche et les
partenariats avec le secteur prive. Une attention particuliere sera
portee sur les reseaux securises a large bande et a haut debit offrant
des contenus riches et diversifies en Europe.
Presente le 1er juin, i2010 est axee sur trois priorites (les 3 " i ")
la creation d un espace de l information i2010 (EN), c est-a-dire d un
marche unique, ouvert et concurrentiel, au sein de l UE dans le domaine
des services de la societe de l information et des medias ;
une innovation accrue dans le domaine des TIC (EN) (L Europe est en
retard en ce qui concerne la recherche sur les TIC) ;
l inclusion et l amelioration des services proposes aux citoyens (EN)
afin de combler le fosse entre ceux qui ont acces a la societe de l
information et ceux qui en sont exclus.
i2010 est la premiere initiative de la Commission adoptee dans le cadre
de la nouvelle strategie pour la croissance et l emploi. Les Etats
membres sont invites a arreter leurs priorites pour la societe de l
information dans leurs programmes de reforme nationaux d ici la
mi-octobre 2005 pour contribuer a la realisation des objectifs de
Societe civile: participez aux debats sur la politique commerciale de l
UE !
Vous representez une ONG, une association ou une federation ? Les
questions de politique commerciale de l UE font partie de votre domaine
d action ? Vous souhaitez dialoguer directement avec les autorites
communautaires competentes ?
Participez activement au processus de dialogue avec la societe civile
(EN) mis en place par la DG Commerce de la Commission europeenne !
Sur la base de debats ouverts et transparents, la Commission
Un programme pour l analyse visuelle des pages web

ErgoEstudio a developpe VisioAnalyzer, un outil qui permet de connaitre
parcours du regard de l utilisateur devant son ecran d ordinateur. Il
de mesurer le comportement de l utilisateur, sa maniere de lire en
ligne et
de voir les elements graphiques d une page web. Cet outil permettra de
developper des sites plus ergonomiques et plus confortables pour le
Le systeme est compose d une camera video de haute resolution et de LED
infrarouges situees sur le cote de l ecran. Les images recuperees sont
traitees par le programme qui calcule, selon la position de la pupille,
zone ou regarde l utilisateur.
Lorsque l utilisateur parcourt une page web, il ne le fait pas de
lineaire, mais il effectue d abord une "exploration". Ces premieres
sur un portail conditionnent grandement l avis de l utilisateur sur
page, et par consequent son audience. Le programme permet donc de
l utilisateur vers le contenu desire.

Contacts :
- ErgoEstudio - tel : +34 945 29 80 50 - courriel :
in...@ergoestudio.com -
Sources : VNUNET, 19/05/05
Redacteur : Francois Perruchas, fran...@ingenio.upv.es
I believe that Keyword Max offers a timing feature, at least for
Overture (oops, Yahoo). Check it out at keywordmax.com.
David Culbertson
Le shmilblick dans Google = Shmoogle
Voici un Google bien en desordre :
Google Sitemaps
Google Sitemaps est un nouveau programme collaboratif permettant de
signaler a Google, les changements intervenus sur votre site,
facilitant ainsi l inclusion de vos nouvelles pages dans l index.
Accessible avec votre compte Google et, comme toujours, en version
Beta, Google Sitemaps se presente comme un fichier XML respectant un
certain protocole, et contenant toutes les urls de votre site. Des
Source: http://www.zorgloob.com/2005/06/google-sitemaps.asp
[SEM2] Google Sitemaps Program - Take Advantage
Hi All,

Google releases a new protocol to help site owners communicate details
of their site to Google: a site map that can include info about
crawling priority, etc.


What is your take? Do you worry about implementation details? Will
there be fallout amongst some vendors who currently help site owners
improve indexability?
Interview Roberto Solimene de Google
Le directeur des ventes aux entreprises de Google Europe commente la
politique produit du groupe et presente deux solutions de recherche
pretes a l emploi lancees ces jours-ci.
Source :
GoogleGuy nous dit tout !
Vous connaissez tous GoogleGuy ? Zorgloob s efforce de vous rapporter
ses propos au travers de "GoogleGuy Says". Et bien la, j avoue que j ai
du mal a suivre les mises a jours, tellement il s exprime sur
Webmasterworld ! C est donc a consulter d urgence dans deux "posts"
intitules "GoogleGuy s posts" et "Questions for GoogleGuy". On y
apprend par exemple que la mise a jour des Backlinks
Source: http://www.zorgloob.com/2005/06/googleguy-nous-dit-tout.asp
Un projet de moteur sur l info cachee
L Universite de Buffalo, aux Etats-Unis, serait en train de travailler
sur un projet de moteur de recherche permettant de retrouver de l
information "cachee" sur le Web, information qui ne serait pas aujourd
hui indexee ou revelee par les moteurs de recherche "classiques"...
Source: http://actu.abondance.com/2005-22/uir.php
> NetBooster lutte contre la fraude au click
Edito : VDSL2 vs. reADSL2 : ADSL des villes contre ADSL des campagnes
En l espace de quelques jours, l Union Internationale des
Telecommunications a annonce la normalisation de la technologie VDSL
2+, dont le debit devrait atteindre 100 Mb/s sur un simple fil de
cuivre, tandis que l ARCEP, successeur de l ART, annoncait l
autorisation de deploiement du RE ADSL2, une technologie ADSL "longue
portee" pensee pour etre deployee dans les zones a faible densite. Qu
il s agisse de tres haut debit au cœur des villes ou de haut-debit
dans les zones peri urbaines ou semi rurales, le "DSL" s impose donc
comme la principale technologie d acces a internet et devraient enfin
permettre de mettre un terme a la fracture numerique.
Les artistes reclament une redevance a 5 €/mois pour legaliser le P2P
Souhaitant peser sur le debat parlementaire sur les droits d auteur,
une alliance d artistes et d associations reclame la legalisation du
P2P pour 5 € par mois Societe
Nokia veut des telephones a 5$ par mois pour les pays du sud
Apres la Logan de Renault, c est au tour du marche de la telephonie
mobile de se pencher sur des solutions "low cost" pour adresser les
pays emergents Terminaux
TV illimitee pour les abonnes EDGE Orange
Quelques semaines apres l offre pro, Orange devoile son offre grand
public EDGE permettant de regarder la television et de telecharger de
la musique
"Apres le cinema, la television et l ordinateur, le mobile devient le 4
ecran. On peut regarder ce que l on veut, partout et tout le temps."
explique Didier Quillot, directeur general d Orange. "L engouement pour
la television a ete une bonne surprise et nous a pousse a elargir l
offre afin d en faire la plus riche du marche avec 42 chaînes
accessibles a 85% de la population" complete Julien Billaut, directeur
Marketing Orange.
Orange presente Edge nouvelle pierre de la maison haut debit mobile
Apres Bouygues Telecom, l operateur lance donc la technologie EDGE pour
le grand public. Objectif, assurer une meilleure couverture en
complement de "la rolls de la mobilite": la 3G
Google est-il boulimique jusqu'a la nausee ?
Off the record : Le salon SES 2005 a Londres a, aussi, ete
l'occasion de debattre de l'avenir d'une societe mondiale de
l'information dominee par Google.
Search Dominates New Advertising Spending
By Jim Hedger - Search Engine Guide - Advertisers are paying too much
for the returns gained in traditional advertising while paying less for
better returns from paid-search advertising.

Monitor and Increase Your Search Engine Visibility with the DIY SEO
By Tinu Abayomi-Paul - Search Engine Guide - There are many tools that
any webmaster can use to monitor their site s search engine position,
and use to increase the visibility of your site in major search engines
like Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Quixtar Caught in Search Engine PR Battle
By Jennifer Laycock - Search Engine Guide - The idea of manipulating
search results is nothing new, but there is a recent trend toward using
search engine results as part of online public relations campaigns
designed to both promote and criticize businesses.

Search Engines Know More Than You Think
By Dan Thies - sitepoint - The search engines today have a pretty good
idea what the topic of a web page is, how that relates to other topics,
and even the type of information resource the page/site represents.
Atlas OnePoint has "time based" rules that you can set to move bids up
or down based on time of day or day of week. The system accesses the
Google API to do this. These are some of the most often used rules in
the system.

Dynamic Logic is a company whose major skill is answering:
"Does my branding campaign work online?"
Which is a serious question for big consumer marketers...
LE CHIFFRE Monde : 2,6 milliards de dollars pour les jeux sur mobile
Le volume d affaires genere par les jeux sur mobile dans le monde
devrait atteindre 2,6 milliards de dollars en 2005 contre 1,35 milliard
en 2004 selon Informa Telecom & Media
L attribution du .net est au point mort !
VeriSign aura-t-il le contrôle des enregistrements des domaines .net
durant les six prochaines annees ? L ICANN vote, mais ses membres ne
sont pas d accord !
Hourtin : l aventure est terminee
La 26eme edition de l Universite de la communication d Hourtin est
annulee pour des raisons financieres liees a "l incertitude de la
politique en France"
Articles : Un apercu du prochain Mozilla Firefox
La fondation Mozilla vient de publier une version alpha du prochain
Mozilla Firefox 1.1 (nomme « Deer Park »). Cette version de test
public permet surtout a tout un chacun de se faire une idee de ce que
apportera cette prochaine version
Le 3912 entame la guerre des renseignements
L editeur de l Annuaire universel a lance ses services de
renseignements telephoniques et en ligne. Revendiquant des tarifs 40 %
moins eleves que France Telecom, il espere atteindre rapidement 33 % de
parts de marche. (02/06/2005)
Panel Mediametrie//NetRatings : l audience des sites en avril
En avril, les classements etaient consacres au domaine de la sante et
aux sites ayant le plus d affinites avec les moins de 18 ans.
Installer des applications en transparence sur le bureau Windows
De nombreux logiciels existent deja pour ajouter quelques fonctions «
accessoires » a l interface de Windows, c est par exemple le cas de
True Launch Bar ou bien encore de Desktop Sidebar, mais aucun n agit
comme Konfabulator. Il s agit ici d un moteur Javascript tournant sous
Windows et capable d exploiter de petits fichiers appeles « Widgets
». Ces fichiers n ont pas de fonctions predefinies et il est possible
d en developper pour faire a peu pres tout et n importe quoi
Fixing Bad Web Site Copy

Let s face it - a lot of web pages and web sites out there
could use a little improvement in the copywriting

>From boring prose to bad sentence structure, from poor logic
to inadequate copy optimization, I ve seen it all. And this
is what your customers are reading as they jump on to your
site! If they have to sludge through bad writing, they will
get a negative feeling about your product or service. Is
this the impression that you want them to have? Definitely

The bottom line is that bad copy means fewer sales. That s
how important it is. Don t discount it. And one other point
- an impressive site design can never rescue poor copy.

So what s the process that a copywriter goes through when
they are re-writing a site? Good question. There are lots of
different methods and approaches, but here s what I look at
when I first set my eyes on those broken letters and words:

1. The Copy Itself - What s written?
2. The Copy and how it relates to the design - How does it
look on the page?
3. Search Engine Friendly - Is the copy optimized?

The Copy Itself - What s Written?

The first thing that I look at when I m analyzing a page of
copy is the copy itself. In this day and age, there really
are two fundamental things that most people do when they are
reading copy on a web site: First, they "scan" read -
they don t read every word. And second, it s better
comprehended when the copy is written the way people speak.
Here are the other things to look for when you re analyzing
the copy:

o Are bullets and lists utilized? The copy can t be in
standard block paragraphs like you see in books and
magazines. Remember, you re competing for their time. If
they don t get the info they need fast, they ll jump to
the next web site.

o Is there too much copy on the page? If you have more than
450 words per page, you have too much. How many times have
you seen the never-ending Home Page as you scroll forever to
find where it ends? This technique only works for those
cheesy direct sales letters you see on certain sites. And
they only work sometimes.

o Does the copy grab you? Is it interesting and
informative? Does it address your needs? And does the copy
have a rhythm to it? It should.

o Is there variety in the writing? Are all the sentences
long with multiple adjectives and adverbs? The goal is to
combine short sentences with a few long ones. The trick is
to make the copy flow. Using fragments is not a bad thing.
Quite the contrary actually. The occasional fragment or
sentence that starts with "But" or "And" can re-capture
reader interest and keep it lively. Try it out. You ll like
it. And your customers will too! (See how effective it is?)

o Are Headings and Sub headings utilized? If not, get them
in there fast. You gotta have them there to break up the
page into digestible parts. It also helps the eye focus.
There are a ton of sites out there that have absolutely NO
headings or sub headings. That s a bad thing.

o Are you using AIDA? Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.
I m sure you ve heard it before: Grab the reader s
attention, build interest, and create a desire so they will
take action. Are you closing the deal with your customer?
This is the ultimate goal of any copy. Make the reader do
something. Fill out a survey, submit a request, sign up for
a service, or buy the product. Whatever it is, you must have
a call to action in the copy.

The Copy and How it Relates to the Design - How Does it look
on the page?

What good would the copy be if it was placed on the page in
long lines and block paragraphs?

Not too good.

Recently, I was working on a Home Page re-write for a
financial services company who was having a conversion
problem. They had no issue getting people to the site. They
just couldn t make them buy once they got there.

After taking a look at his site, I was struck with one
startling reaction - the copy was placed on the page like
it was a college essay with no variation or eye catching
design elements integrated. Clearly, it was a web site
template and no customization was used at all.

Their competitors Home Pages were very different. They all
employed easy to read charts, testimonials, and other design
elements. And my client had none of these. Obviously,
something had to change, or his conversion rate would
continue to suffer. Here are some of the things you want to
look for when you consider the copy and how it relates to
the design:

o Is there contrast in the type of fonts, the size of
fonts, and the colors that are used? Some of the most
eye-catching web sites use lots of contrasting fonts, with
various sizes, and complimentary colors. This can only help
the copy, as it wraps it up in a great looking package and
truly brings it to life. Here are three examples of great
copy wrapped up in brilliant design:

o Is the copy broken up into readable/scanable sections?
..or is it simply placed on the page haphazardly without
regard for the needs of your customer? Like my example
above, you need to ensure the web page can be scanned in 30
seconds or less. Remember, we re dealing with short
attention spans.

o Are the areas that you want your customer s attention
drawn to clearly visible? If you re using a "Learn More",
"Buy Now" or other clickable button, is it obvious? Make
sure it stands out on the page and can t be mistaken for
something else.

o Is the design simple and easy to navigate or is it
cluttered? Some of the very best web sites are really very
simple in appearance, even if they do have lots of content.
Don t "drown" your copy in a complex design structure or
have a million different web pages on your menu. White space
is important. Let the copy breathe!

Search Engine Friendly - Is the Copy Optimized?

Of course, the grand puba of them all - Is the copy
optimized? Not the site itself (Although that is critically
important), but the copy. And is it optimized the right way?
We ve all seen those web sites that use a keyword phrase 59
times on one page. Who exactly do they think is going to
read that garbage? Exactly. No one.

And Search Engine Optimization is always a moving target.
It s a complex process that must be constantly fine tuned
and tweaked to keep up with the Search Engine s changes and
your competitor s moves. Because you can bet that you have
a few who are jockeying for that first page placement for
the perfect keyword phrase. When it comes to optimizing your
web site copy, here is what you need to look for:

o Above all else, keep this in mind: Copywriting for the
web is a balancing act. You want to ensure you have used
your keyword phrases enough times without compromising the
readability of the page. If you re looking for a quick rule
regarding keyword density, think 5%. More often than not,
staying close to this number will get you where you need to

o Do your Keyword Research! Whether you use Overture (now
Yahoo) or Word Tracker, be sure you take a look at the
keywords people are using or the keywords you think they
should be using to find you. Then jump over to the
competitors web sites and view their "Source Code". (Go to
their home page, right click, and select View Source) When
you do this, you ll see their Meta Tags with the keywords
they are using. These may or may not be the right ones to
use. But, you should definitely take a look to see what they
are using. The next step is to see where they are ranking
for those keywords. Try to find them on Google or Yahoo.
That will give you a good benchmark.

o Focus your Keyword Phrases. Don t use more than three
keyword phrases per page. Actually, it would be better if
you used one or two. And don t include every keyword phrase
on every page. Break it up, and use your Services page to
get specific.

o Do your Linking Research! The next step is to compare
your links with what your competitors have. Here s a site
to bookmark immediately: http://www.linkpopularity.com .
Along with Word Tracker or Overture, it will become your new
best friend. Remember, that inbound links are a very
important component of the overall SEO effort. With Google,
it s extremely important. One thing to know is that
optimizing the copy alone won t get you the rankings you
want. You have to approach the SEO copy effort holistically.
And if a copywriter says they can get you higher rankings by
just working on the copy alone, you may want to take your
business elsewhere. It s rarely that easy. With
linkpopularity.com, you simply type in your url into the
link analyzer, and take a look at the results. Then do it
for your competitors. Presto! You have just unlocked a great

o Use Keyword Phrases in Links, Headings, and Sub headings.
These are all places that you must use keyword phrases in to
get higher rankings. What s that you say? No Headings and
Subheadings on your web page? That s a good place to start
if you re doing a copy re-write (or even starting from
scratch) Also, be sure you definitely link your pages
together with text links. This helps the search engines know
your pages are related.

o Use Go Rank s Keyword Density Analyzer. Jump on to
http://www.gorank.com/ as soon as you get the chance. They
have a number of different SEO tools you can utilize for
your SEO copy project. Along with Overture and Link
Popularity, I use it on every client I work with. The best
tool is the Keyword Density Analyzer. Use it and be amazed
at what it tells you.

So there you have it! Your Website Copy makeover lesson is
concluded. Hopefully, there were a few tricks or tips that
you may not have known about. You ll find that if you
follow the advice in this article, you will have a better
looking, and an easier read site. And eventually, you ll
get higher rankings for your selected keyword phrases.

Good Luck!

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[SEM2] Google SiteMaps: What Do You Think?
Google releases a new protocol to help site owners communicate details
of their site to Google: a site map that can include info about
crawling priority, etc.


What is your take? Do you worry about implementation details? Will
there be fallout amongst some vendors who currently help site owners
improve indexability?
[SEM2] Re: Backordering Domains
Here are a few services that I know of. Haven t used them myself so I
can t comment on/recommend but if a particular domain means a lot ($$)
to you, if might be a good idea to sign up to a few to cover your
[SEM2] Re: Backordering Domains

I recently used GoDaddy s service for the first time for a backorder
and was
less than thrilled. Someone else grabbed the name anyway, using a
registrar. HOWEVER, I learned a bit in the process, which may be
helpful to
you. Realize that this info is somewhat specific to each different
registrar; the exact process and timing is apparently different from
registrar to another. The point is, to get the whole picture, you need
ask the right questions of the right one(s).

Roughly, though, here s how it works:

1. When a domain goes delinquent, the registrar will allow a "grace
to kick in, meaning that it will continue to be active for a period of
although technically expired. At this point it is still under control
of the
registrar under which it was registered. All the registered owner needs
do to cure the delinquency is pay at least one year s renewal.

2. If it still isn t renewed, then after another period of some days
(usually weeks), it will be shut off - the domain will no longer be
accessible when called up in a browser. The cure is still just for the
to renew, and it will be turned back on.

Up to this point, it s still under the control of the same registrar,
that if and when the original owner still doesn t renew it, that
can transfer it to anyone it wishes (and who pays that registrar to

IF the registrar was GoDaddy and IF you paid Godaddy to snag it for
you d have an excellent chance to get it, as Godaddy s policy is to
only ONE backorder for any particular domain, and since they also still
control it, if at the end of the process you are the backorderer, you
almost certainly get it. Your order will trump any order from a
registrar (but only for a short time)

However, there is a potential complication:

ANY registrar can sell a backorder (or do so for no extra charge, if
registrar s policy is to do that) for the same domain. So one person
get a backorder from Network Solutions, another person from yet another
registrar, etc., all for the same expired (but yet to be released for
re-sale) domain.

And - here s the catch - there is a Step 3:

3. At some point, if the domain has not either been renewed by the
owner OR registered to someone else by the same registrar, it no longer
still under the original registrar s control. Rather, it goes back into
general pool, and then it s strictly first come, first served. If
people have backordered it, each from different registrars, at the
point it
goes back into the pool, whichever one get s its order in first snags
it, if
even it s first just by a millisecond. All the others who had it

My losing was because I didn t understand the system and its timing,
and so
I didn t place my backorder with GoDaddy until just a couple of days
it was released under step 3. By that time, Godaddy no longer had
It was really back with Network Solutions (but note this wasn t made
when searching WhoIS; it still SHOWED GoDaddy as the registrar).
who d backordered it through yet another registrar was able to get it
because Godaddy s request on my behalf didn t beat it in to Network
Solutions by at least a millisecond.

What I later realized is the time to backorder it is immediately or
after it goes delinquent, not several weeks afterward - or at least
that s
how it would be for a GoDaddy-registered domain; you should check what
exact policies and timing are for your specific situation and whichever
particular registrar(s) are involved).

GoDaddy doesn t guarantee you ll win out, but they will allow - if you
don t
succeed - for you to transfer your backorder to another domain name
another, etc.) until one actually DOES succeed. The policies of other
registrars, of course, may be different from GoDaddy s.

I was pretty disappointed to lose that one, as it had very nice traffic
I had a perfect site to pop in it s place at a moment s notice that
have been 100% appropriate and relevant for anyone searching for the
original site on Google (or had it bookmarked), and thus AdSense would
been especially fine to integrate into it and get a good CTR.

I m not all that knowledgeable on this expiring domain issue, so if any
this is inaccurate, someone else please chime in and correct me.


Don Levy
Chief Cheese Chaser
Los Angeles


Empowering artists and entrepreneurs

>> From: Joshua Golden <jo...@tablexi.com>
>> Organization: Table XI, Inc.
>> Reply-To: "SE...@googlegroups.com" <SE...@googlegroups.com>
>> Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2005 15:24:49 -0500
>> To: <SE...@googlegroups.com>
>> Subject: [SEM2] Re: Backordering Domains
>> GoDaddy has a good service for this... costs something like $18.95.
>> https://www.godaddy.com/gdshop/domain_alert/landing.asp?se=%2B&ci=716
>> Josh
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: SE...@googlegroups.com [mailto:SE...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of
>> kenneth...@cox.net
>> Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 3:13 PM
>> To: SE...@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: [SEM2] Backordering Domains
>> Does anyone know of a good utility/service to backorder/watch domains
>> for lapsing. I suppose I could manually put entries onto a calendar,
>> but something more automated would be great.
>> - Thanks,
>> Ken

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