8 Juin 2005

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Jun 7, 2005, 6:28:48 PM6/7/05
to referencem...@googlegroups.com
Un projet de moteur vocal en Israël
Le Docteur Meirav Taieb-Maimon a developpe en Israël un projet de
moteur de recherche baptise Maestro, qui permettra de mettre en place
un outil entierement commande par la voix...
Source: http://actu.abondance.com/2005-23/maestro.php
International Directory of Investigative Journalists
Resources, Reports, Tools, Lists, and Full Text Documents
Investigative Journalists--Directory
Source: Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE)
International Directory of Investigative Journalists
"This is a directory of IRE members from around the world who have
chosen to be listed online." Organized regionally; also includes Index
of Interests .
Summer Reading
With summer finally upon us, I have begun my quest for quality business
reading material to keep the grey matter fresh. As it happens, I
stumbled across a pretty good list of current marketing reads from
noted author and web marketing guru Seth Godin:
800-CEO-Blog: More Reading From All Marketers Are Liars
The list is long, but I plan to take a few days at the beach this
summer so hopefully these books will keep me fresh. Will report back on
any stand outs from the list.... Happy reading!
News: L-3 to Buy Titan for About $2 Billion in Cash
L-3 Communications is acquiring Titan for about $2 billion
in cash, expanding its reach in defense-intelligence services.
News: Ballmer Beats Drum for IT Workers
At the sold-out Tech Ed conference, Steve Ballmer says
Microsoft is working on big infrastructure improvements
that will boost customer satisfaction and personal productivity.
Review: BPM Applications Get the Human Touch
eWEEK Labs review of business process management
suites from Bluespring and Fujitsu shows the category s
latest products enable companies to more efficiently connect
human workflow with enterprise applications.
Considering Linux? Consider the intellectual property risks.
Software indemnity provisions may not be top of mind. But the fact is,
somebody should be thinking about them. And they should definitely be a
factor when choosing software.
That being said, you and your company should know that-unlike some
Linux vendors-Microsoft provides customers with uncapped monetary
protection against intellectual property suits. And this isn t some
extra protection package that you need to buy into; it s just the way
we do business.

Linux & Open Source News
News: Microsoft vs. Linux: Execs Talk Truce

Microsoft has invited Michael Tiemann, president of the Open
Source Initiative, to start a constructive dialogue. Tiemann
says he ll take the offer at face value but calls it an
"attempt to quell an internal civil war" at Microsoft.
New York, Jun 7 2005 1:00PM
Un nouvel Atlas lance a l occasion de la Journee mondiale de l
environnement (JME) expose les changements dramatiques, et souvent
nefastes, que connaît l environnement partout sur la planete, indique
l agence de l ONU pour l environnement.
elabore par le Programme des Nations Unies pour l environnement
(<"http://www.unep.org/french/default-fr.asp">PNUE), l
<"http://na.unep.net/">Atlas, intitule « One Planet Many People: Atlas
of Our Changing Environment » [« Une planete, une multitude d
individus: Atlas de notre environnement en mutation »] compare et met
en contraste de superbes images satellitaires, prises au cours de
decennies passees, avec de magnifiques images contemporaines, parfois
inedites, indique un
de l agence.
La multiplication des serres au sud de l Espagne, l expansion
significative de l elevage de la crevette en Asie et en Amerique
latine, ainsi que l apparition d une peninsule geante en forme de
guignol a l embouchure de la Riviere Jaune figurent parmi les
evolutions curieuses et surprenantes enregistrees de l espace.
L <"http://www.earthprint.com/show.htm">Atlas peut etre consulte en
ligne ou achete a l adresse suivante : <"
http://www.earthprint.com/show.htm ">
http://www.earthprint.com/show.htm .
Elles sont publiees aux côtes de photographies plus courantes, mais
non moins dramatiques, de la disparition des forets vierges du Paraguay
et du Bresil, du developpement rapide du gaz et du petrole dans le
Wyoming (etats-Unis), des feux de brousse a travers l Afrique
subsaharienne et le recul des glaciers polaires et de montagne.
L Atlas analyse egalement l evolution de certaines villes de pays
developpes, y compris Las Vegas, qui se developpe plus rapidement que
toute autre metropole americaine, et Miami, dont l extension vers l
ouest menace les celebres Everglades de la Floride et les especes
sauvages et reserves d eau considerables qu elles abritent.
Des images satellitaires de Bucarest, de Londres, de Nairobi et de San
Francisco, prises specialement pour « Une planete, une multitude d
individus », y figurent egalement.
Klaus Toepfer, le Directeur executif du PNUE, a declare : « Une
personne vivant a San Francisco ou a Londres, en voyant ces images de
deforestation et de fente de la banquise arctique, pourrait se demander
en quoi ca la regarde. Elle pourrait se dire que ces changements sont
le resultat des modes de vies des autres et des habitudes de
consommation de personnes a des centaines ou des milliers de
kilometres. Mais elle se tromperait ».
« Les villes absorbent une quantite extraordinaire de ressources,
telles que l eau, des produits vivriers, du bois, des metaux et des
hommes. Elles exportent des quantites importantes de dechets, aussi
bien domestiques qu industriels, d eaux usees et de gaz responsables du
rechauffement planetaire. Ainsi, leurs impacts se fait sentir au-dela
de leurs frontieres geographiques, affectant des regions, des pays et
la planete toute entiere », explique-t-il.
« Ainsi, l issue de la bataille du developpement durable, pour un
monde qui, en matiere d environnement, sera plus equitable, plus sain
et plus viable, sera decidee dans nos villes », poursuit Klaus
2005-06-07 00:00:00.000
Adult, your latest Wordtracker keywords are ready
2. The top 300 surge report

These are the top 300 queries from the last 24 hours, which
represents the complete queries from the largest Metacrawlers
on the web (Metacrawler/Dogpile etc..) for the last 24 hours.

Nos. Count Keyword

1 3647 paris hilton
2 3602 games
3 2886 funny jokes
4 2526 games cheat
5 2107 tattoos
6 1978 ebay
7 1956 google
8 1886 top 100 baby names
9 1696 yahoo
10 1640 carmen electra
11 1589 cameron diaz
12 1500 poetry
13 1462 britney spears
14 1352 angelina jolie
15 1336 pamela anderson
16 1256 jessica simpson
17 1250 xbox cheats
18 1241 mapquest
19 1232 anime
20 1215 denise richards
21 1168 game codes
22 1156 lindsay lohan
23 1085 thongs
24 1060 firefox
25 1057 dogs
26 984 sedu hair styles
27 966 star wars
28 928 yahoo.com
29 920 hilary duff
30 917 green day
31 892 movies
32 828 msn hacked
33 826 thong
34 823 u2 tickets
35 822 play games
36 803 wedding rings
37 796 jennifer lopez
38 794 system of a down
39 776 funny quotes
40 763 x box game cheats
41 761 dog breeds
42 736 hot
43 734 weather
44 702 search engines
45 694 eminem
46 692 funny movies
47 692 path client
48 679 gwen stefani
49 659 radio stations
50 657 danica patrick

Larry Seltzer
Your E-Mail Is Getting a Reputation

I hereby declare that DomainKeys has won the SMTP
authentication battle. But the war against mail abuse isn t
over, and the next stage isn t well-understood.

The real key to authentication isn t the authentication
itself, but what that authentication enables for reputation
services. After all, authentication just tells you who the
sender is (or rather, who their domain is). It doesn t tell
you whether the sender s mail is worth reading.

Read the rest of Larry s article.
News: Microsoft Planning Lower Rights IE 7.0
A senior Microsoft executive provides details on some of the
security enhancements being added to the Internet Explorer
Microsoft Targets VoIP, Triple Play Services
Microsoft staked its claim to VoIP and other advanced Internet
services at Supercomm 2005 with a clear statement of its continued
interest in next-generation, "triple play" telecommunications
Tracking Trends via the Blogosphere
Want the latest buzz about what s going on in politics, sports,
entertainment or other current events? BlogPulse maps trends by mining
the hot topics appearing in millions of blogs.
Like Feedster, Technorati and other blog search engines that we ve
written about, BlogPulse from Intelliseek is a specialized search
engine that helps you locate information in more than 11 million blogs.

Le 30 juin, fetons le premier WiFi Day
Wireless Link, une association francaise qui travaille a la promotion
du WiFi sur le territoire, a decide de creer le WiFi Day : une
journee de decouverte qui doit permettre au plus grand... >Suite
Un outil pour detecter les copies des etudiants plagiaires
Un travail de redaction doit amener son auteur a rechercher et
acquerir des connaissances, se les approprier, et les restituer par
ecrit . C est avec cette phrase que la societe Six degres... >Suite
11 editeurs de code XML
Le format XML est concu pour l echange de donnees : a ce titre l
ecriture des balises doit etre rigoureuse. C est la qu interviennent
les editeurs XML. Panorama.
Page Rank?s Disappearing Act
The disappearance of Google?s Page Rank from computer screens across
the globe at the end of May left many wondering whether the tool was
taking a short respite or whether a permanent departure was in store
for the scale used to make or break a Web site in the eyes of Internet

Google s PageRank - Should it be discontinued?
As you might have noticed, Google wasn t displaying the PageRank
information from 27 May to 30 May. The PageRank bar in the Google
toolbar was grayed out for every web page. Many webmasters speculated
that Google might have discontinued the PageRank information. Is the
green PageRank bar really that important?
# The Branding Payoffs of Search and Movie-Star Romance
This week?s article will be about the different major branding
opportunities that search engine marketing and search engine
optimization both offer. First, though, senseless tabloid gossip.
Yahoo Auctions is now free
Yahoo Auctions is free as of today, no listing or closing fees. Both
Amazon and Yahoo should make their auctions free or near free. Auctions
are not that much dif
RSS Feeds Becoming Hot Real Estate For Online Ads
AdWeek.com - As more people use Web-syndication technology to collect
far-flung Web content in one...
# Spam Recognition Guidelines from Eval.Google
The buzz from Henk Van Ess exposure of Google s evaluation continues
to expand, and Henk himself has posted a great deal more information. A
visit to SearchBistro is highly encouraged.
Of specific note is the word document entitled "Spam Recognition Guide
for Raters" which will probably let many SEOs know that their spam
islands will eventually be doomed. Quality sites really are where it s
at and if the sandbox is part of the manual reviews, this can help you
to figure out what will qualify your site as spam vs. non-spam.
Henk has also received some legal threats and requests from GoogleGuy,
and may not have the ability to maintain his site into the far future.
He believes that Dutch press laws will keep him safe, but I m
skeptical. I suggest getting this info while it s available.
# Humor as a Link Building Tactic
Many of the web s most popular pages deal with humor - they get
thousands of emails sent out with links to them, type-in traffic and,
of course, hundreds of incoming links. If you ve got a brilliant idea
to spoof a company, news item, person, place or thing, or simply have
the creativity neccessary to make something that people will laugh
about, you can use this tactic to drive up your link popularity.
Recently SearchGuild used this brilliant marketing tactic when they
released "undergoos" - a website spoofing Google s own that plays off
the connection Larry and Sergey have historically had to undergarments.
They ve even got me linking to them...
SEOmoz is falling behind the times, but hopefully in the near future, I
ll have some comics up on the site.
UK search marketing worth 600m
UK search marketing worth nearly ?600m in 2005 Netimperative,?UK?- May
26, 2005 Interestingly, the report also predicted a swing back towards
search engine optimisation (SEO) as pay-per-click (PPC) keyword
inflation force businesses in some sectors to reappraise their search
Online Ad Spending Grows Twenty Six Percent Since 2004
According to CNet, the IAB and PricewaterhouseCoopers have issued a new
study that claims online ad revenue totaled $2.8 billion in the first
quarter, up from $2.7 billon in the previous quarter. The number is 26%
higher than the same period last year.
# Don t Make Us Beg
Time is running out to vote for Search Engine Lowdown your favorite
search marketing blog. Voting for the MarketingSherpa 2005 Readers
Choice Blog Awards closes on June 8th and you ll be kicking yourself if
you ve not got your vote in by then.
What Happens on the Web, Stays on the Web
Stephanie Rosenbloom takes a look at the impact of information hitting
the web. When the search engines discover it, they tend to hold-on to
it, long after the information ceases to be current.
Infecting High Ranking Sites with Sandboxing
Larrysart at SEOChat has a fascinating tale of ups and downs in Google
s SERPs over the last several weeks for 2 of his sites. His suspicion
is that the DigitalPoint Co-op created or excacerbated a sandboxing
penalty and that when he created a landing page on another of his sites
to attempt to get some traffic back, that site tanked as well.
The evidence is quite strong in this case and it begs the question -
could Google be penalizing with such sophistication?
Balancing Search Privacy & Data Storage
Google s long memory stirs privacy concerns out today from Reuters
should have been called "Search s long memory stirs privacy concerns,"
but as usually, everything has to be a Google issue, even the bad stuff
that isn t Google specific....
Web Search--Yahoo
Source: FaganFinder
Fagan s Guide to Yahoo s Site Searching Syntax
Canada s very own Michael Fagan has put together this excellent post
about site searching using Yahoo. Well done!
[IE] Les actions ETI dynamisent la participation des PME a la recherche
Scripps Buying Search Engine Shopzilla (AP)
AP - Media company E.W. Scripps Co. on Monday said it will spend $525
million in cash to acquire privately held Shopzilla.com, the latest
deal on Wall Street to capitalize on the growing specialized Internet
search business.

"Les actions d intelligence economique et technologique (Economic
and Technological Intelligence - ETI) ont ete lancees pour la
premiere fois au titre du Cinquieme programme-cadre (5e PC) afin
d apporter aux PME europeennes un soutien strategique en matiere
de recherche et d encourager leur participation aux activites de
recherche UE".

Collecte, analyse et exploitation des resultats de projets
d innovation

Vers une Europe de la connaissance et de l innovation

Votre entreprise est-elle innovante?

Innovation 2005
http://www.bcg.com/publications/publications_search_results.jsp?PUBID= 12

Le systeme francais d innovation dans l economie mondiale

Programme-cadre pour l innovation et la competitivite (PIC)

Le retour en grace de l innovation

Actes du colloque du 25 janvier 2005 sur Les defis de
l innovation par le systeme d information "De la recherche
a l usage"

Appel d offres concernant le renforcement de l intelligence
economique et technologique (echeance : 10/02/2005)

Le champ «Date» des automates de recherche
Le chapitre des Langages des automates de recherche intitule Le champ
de recherche Date a ete mis a jour. Les sites de recherche visites sont
AltaVista, AlltheWeb, Exalead, Gigablast, Google, MSN Recherche et
Yahoo! Recherche. Ce chapitre comprend la description de la recherche
par dates, par periodes et la recherche des pages nouvellement indexees
ou modifiees. Un tableau comparatif complete le chapitre.
Description du TrustRank de Google
TrustRank est a la fois le nom d un algorithme cherchant a reduire le
spam dans les moteurs de recherche et une marque deposee par Google en
Mars 2005. Le TrustRank est-il cense remplacer le fameux PageRank ?
Difficile de savoir pour l instant ce que...
Un nouveau moteur bicephale Google - Yahoo
Afin de trancher entre Yahoo et Google, on connaissait yagoohoogle
(devenu depuis peu twingine.com, pour des questions de copyrights dans
l appellation). On connaissait egalement Dogpile, concentre de Yahoo,
Google et d Ask Jeeves...
Depuis, DoubleTrust a fait son apparition, un site au semillant adage
"two is better than one"...
Lire la suite : http://www.pcinpact.com/actu/newsg/21634.htm
[IE] JO 2012 : Paris favori des internautes de la planete
"Les plus grands supporters de la candidature de Paris sont
les Chinois, suivis des Belges et des Grecs".

Soutenez Paris 2012 ! Contribuez au classement des regions
les plus mobilisees pour la candidature de Paris.

Blair, Jowell Step Up Support for London s 2012 Olympics Bid
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= 000102&sid=®zbz_TrdhSQ&refer==uk

Coe flies the flag but Paris holds the cards

Le face-a-face Paris-Londres

Une commission de l Etat de New York renonce au stade

Paris est plus que jamais determine

Le CIO publie le rapport de la commission d evaluation 2012
http://www.olympic.org/fr/news/olympic_news/full_story_fr.asp?id= 37


Un cyber-dissident libere apres 5 ans de prison
Huang Qi, condamne pou avoir diffuse des informations politiques sur
son site a ete libere. Il est en residence surveillee.
BenQ rachete la division telephonie de Siemens
Siemens qui s efforcait depuis longtemps de trouver un repreneur pour
son unite de mobiles, qui perd plus d un million d euros par jour et a
retrograde en deux trimestres de la quatrieme a la sixieme place
mondiale des fabricants de telephones portables, vient de confirmer la
vente de son activite de telephones portables au groupe taiwanais BenQ,
sous reserve de l accord des actionnaires et des autorites antitrust.
Le Futuroscope a sacre ses champions
La finale de la Coupe de France des Jeux Video, reunissant les 250
meilleurs joueurs et joueuses francais, vient de s achever au Parc du
Macromedia Flash se modernise et se democratise
Macromedia a reussi un coup de maître en imposant sur le Web sa
technologie Flash qui permet de creer facilement et rapidement des
animations, des sites Web et des videos interactives. Aujourd hui,
Macromedia, entre-temps devenu propriete d Adobe, est bien decide a
imposer davantage le Flash, notamment dans les produits mobiles
(telephones, PDA ...) et dans les entreprises, devoile son nouveau
programme : Macromedia Platform.
Skyrock n a plus le droit d utiliser le mot "Sky"
Plus de « Sky », de « Skyblog », de « Skymail » ni de «
Skymobile » a l'antenne de Skyrock. La Cour d'appel de Paris a
confirme, mercredi dernier, un jugement interdisant a la radio
l'utilisation du mot « Sky » independamment du suffixe « rock ».
Et ce au profit du groupe britannique de television BSkyB, appartenant
a Rupert Murdoch. Un accord avait ete conclu en 1988, laissant a
Skyrock l'utilisation de son seul nom en France et a l'etranger,
tandis que BSkyB s'engageait a ne pas l'employer. La radio, qui a
ete condamnee a verser 180.000 euros de dommages et interets, risquera
2500 euros d'amende pour chaque utilisation d'un mot non autorise.
Skyrock a decide de se pourvoir en cassation.
Quand Jonathan SCHWARTZ drague Steve JOBS par blog interpose
C'est une declaration d'amour a peine voilee que Joanthan SCHWARTZ,
le patron de Sun, envoie a Steve JOBS par blog interpose. Pour lui,
l'heure a sonne pour les deux entreprises de collaborer autour d'un
projet commun. Et d'inviter Steve JOBS a considerer Solaris 10 comme
epine dorsale du Mac de prochaine generation.
Les exportations indiennes de logiciels explosent vers 12 milliards de
BANGALORE, Inde - Selon les chiffres publies par la Nasscom (National
Association of Software and Service Companies), les exportations de
logiciels et de services en Inde ont rapporte 12 milliards de dollars
en 2004-05, soit une hausse de 34 % par rapport aux 9,2 milliards de
dollars enregistres en 2003-04.
Les telephones Bluetooth en danger
Deux chercheurs Israeliens de l universite de Tel-Aviv revelent une
faiblesse dans le protocole Bluetooth permettant de prendre le
contrôle de n importe quel terminal mobile bien que les options de
securite soient activees.
The 70/30 Rule of Search
By Gord Hotchkiss - Search Engine Guide - Every day, new research is
coming out which points to there being a vast, untapped potential in
search. We've picked the low hanging fruit, but there's a whole
tree full of rich marketing results that we have to reach a little
further for.
How Not to Work With an SEO/SEM Firm
By Shari Thurow - ClickZ - Recently, I informally surveyed SEO and
search engine marketing (SEM) firms about their most common client and
prospect complaints. Today, I offer the results.
How To Target Your Online Niche Markets
By Kalena Jordan - Search Engine Guide - Now that you have narrowed
down your target market/s, try to get inside their heads. If you were a
customer, what would YOU type in to the search engines to find the
goods and services offered on your own site?
Programme europeen eContentPlus
Le 9 mars 2005, le Parlement europeen et le Conseil ont approuve le
nouveau programme eContentPlus qui soutiendra le developpement de
contenus multilingues afin d'alimenter des services en ligne
innovants dans l'ensemble de l'Union europeenne. Fixe a 149
millions d'euros pour la periode 2005-2008, le budget du programme a
pour objectif d'attenuer la fragmentation du marche du contenu
numerique europeen et d'ameliorer l'accessibilite et la facilite
d'utilisation des informations geographiques, des contenus culturels
et du materiel educatif.
Voir toutes les informations sur le site de la CGPME
[strategic-road] Nouveau sur Strategic-Road.com 06/06/2005
- Cyberwar : Les capacites de hacking de la Coree du Nord seraient au
de celles de la CIA...
- Espionnage : La crainte des universites britanniques...
Special Report: Intel Inside Next Macs, Jobs Says
News: Apple Turns to Intel

Blog: Everything You Know Is Wrong!
With its Intel switch, Apple proves it s an organization
based on fact, not faith.

Mac OS X in the Enterprise

[ISOC-members-announce] ISOC Elections - Candidates Forum
Dear ISOC Members:

As you know, the ISOC elections process is now underway for elections
to our
Board of Trustees. The Elections Committee, chaired by George Sadowsky,
established an interactive forum between the elections committee and
candidates to post questions seeking the candidates views on issues
pertinent to ISOC. This forum is now active and can be viewed at:

+8,000% ~ Weekly Traffic Rank: 1,006 (was 349,264)

et aussi :

Le site MSN pirate :
+62% ~ Weekly Traffic Rank: 105 (was 188)
www.msn.com.cn - Site info

Election Miss Univers :
+220% ~ Weekly Traffic Rank: 817 (was 2,631)
Miss Universe Official Site.
www.missuniverse.com - Site info

La meilleure Progression de la Semaine :
+110% ~ Weekly Traffic Rank: 48 (was 100)

www.sogou.com - Site info


Jean Paul CONAN - http://Referencement.LouiseTV.com
plus vite, plus souvent, plus complet, plus loin

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