21 & 22 Mai 2005

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May 22, 2005, 2:17:47 PM5/22/05
to referencem...@googlegroups.com
IBM appelle ses 130.000 collaborateurs a bloguer
Le groupe mise sur les blogs de son personnel pour creer une dynamique
commerciale. Un guide de bonne conduite a ete realise pour l'occasion.
One Month Left For Google Puzzle Championship
Google's 2005 U.S. Puzzle Championship will be held in just under a
month, on June 18, 2005. You have until June 16 to register. The rules
state that participants have two and a half hours to answer as many
questions as possible. The top two winners will become a part of the
U.S. Puzzle Team and will compete in the 2005 World Puzzle Championship
(winners may additionally be chosen for the Canadian team). Team USA
won last year, and U.S. champion Roger Barkan made it to the individual
finals, placing third. Before you even think of entering, check out
last year's test (PDF), with its tough questions. To give an example,
one shows four similar drawings and asks:
Each of the four pictures contains some specific differences between it
and some of the other pictures. Of the 10 specific differences, find
those that are unique to just one of the four pictures. Enter the
number of differences that appear only in picture A, followed by those
that appear only in B, followed by those only in C, and then those that
appear only in D.
Pay Per Click Advertising: Google AdWords, Looksmart and more.
In part 3 on her pay per click advertising tutorial Kalena Jordan takes
a look at Google Adwords and other, smaller, PPC search engines.
Google: The Portal coming soon to a browser near you
Ah, so they are going 'Portal' after all it would seem! This is a a
little bit of a shock. Still, I am not too sure people are going to
care about something that Yahoo has offered for much longer. And that
my friends, is your own space on the portal itself.... Direct and
Related Links for 'Google: The Portal coming soon to a browser near
Ask Jeeves buys Excite Europe
"This just in...who cares!" No really though, back in the day both
companies were major players. Unfortunately today I can honest say that
I have not met anyone that seriously uses either resource any longer.
So maybe this buyout will give them some leverage against Google and
Yahoo?... Direct and Related Links for 'Ask Jeeves buys Excite Europe'
Why Don't Google's RSS Ads Support Wordpress?
Recently, Google has been expanding its beta of AdSense for RSS feeds.
Problem is, it only supports Google's own Blogger and Typepad, at
least at the moment. Now, with Blogger hemorrhaging users, and the fact
that MSN Spaces announced last week that it has now overtaken Blogger
as the number one hosted blogging service, you'd think Google would
just design their RSS feeds to work in RSS, not for specific software.
Even though Google somewhat wants to promote Blogger, the lure of more
AdSense ads (and thus more money) should have proven too hard to
resist. Besides, they built a custom version for Jason Calacanis...
In the meantime, the maker of Wordpress, the very popular software that
powers this blog, is unhappy. Of course, he was caught gaming Google
mere weeks ago, so maybe he's the wrong person to be telling them
what to do :-)
Now's as good a time as any to note that I recently updated this blog
to Wordpress 1.5. This should fix the comment registering bug people
have been having. Thanks to Noam for inspiring me to do so.
# Criteria for Google's Country-Specific Indices
"What ARE the criteria that Google uses to decide whether a site gets
listed in the country-specific indexes?"
Reactions To My Google Personalized Home Page
So the My Google service -- ahem, Google Personalized Home Page -- is
now out. What's being said? Here's a round-up of things I've spotted so
far. I may add other interesting things to the bottom of the list,
The Quero Toolbar for Internet Explorer
This is a toolbar for purists - those of you that have not (yet) been
tempted to clutter your browser with add-ons.
Really, Really, Not an Unportal (For Sure Now)
Danny sums up industry reaction to Google's homepage 'fusion'
initiative. He neglected to add "... and Andrew Goodman took off early
for the Victoria Day long weekend." Since I don't blog and drive, or
blog and golf, my reaction is still in beta.
Probably, though, the appropriate reaction to the opportunity to spend
a sunny Saturday setting up a personalized home page to replace a
perfectly-functioning My Yahoo page, when I could be planting the
garden with Mom & Dad, would be to focus on the plants.
A micro-comment might be that Google's unique approach to RSS (within
GMail but presumably also in the fusion environment as well) will add
yet another way that people can read content via feeds, thus speeding
adoption. Choosing an RSS reader is getting to be a full-time job. For
some reason, I now have several on the go, including the Firefox
browser. But ultimately I expect to just use My Yahoo.
That in itself is a topic and a trend that is worthy of a separate
full-length treatment. RSS is great, but could it be heading for the
same disastrous clutter-fest as email, where advertisers and spammers
crowd out what was once a good thing?
I'm also working hard on some updates on the contextual advertising
game and the web analytics space. Or is it hardly working?
You Like Bourbon?
It would appear that the general concensus at webmasterworldis that a
significant shuffle is underway at Google. Update Bourbon has begun.
Check out these datacenters to see if you will be hungover for the next
Good luck!

Google Update Bourbon - real deal
Has the sandbox been busted?
Incremental indexing caused a false update alarm earlier in the week.
However today, a cumulative effect points to a full blown update.
# Dealing with a Yahoo! Penalty
Yahoo! and I have always had an excellent relationship, which is why I
was so perturbed to find that they banned a site I've been working with
for several years - www.avatarfinancial.com.
Last week, a site:avatarfinancial.com command at Yahoo! brought nearly
400 results. That number has now dropped to 8. Obviously, a careful
inspection of the site is warranted to see why Yahoo! has instituted
this penalty. I've always been very wary of breaking any of the search
engines' terms of service, and Yahoo!'s is, to me, particularly clear
and well written.
I've also dived into searching for others with similiar issues, only to
find the major forums bombarded by people who've been thrown out of
Yahoo!, both recently and over the last few years. Here are some of the
more pertinent threads:
* Kicked out of Yahoo! - SEO Chat
* Banned by Yahoo! - SEW
* Yahoo Update - HighRankings
With Yahoo! not sending any traffic (except for the few people every
day who type in the URL and get sent over), it was also time to
carefully examine my historic traffic levels to see what was missing.
The results show Yahoo! sending, on average, 30% of the traffic Google
sends - around 15-20% of total traffic. What has struck me as very odd
is that ever since the Yahoo! traffic turned off (which was actually
almost 3 weeks ago - just before my trip to SES Toronto), traffic from
MSN, AskJeeves & Google has picked up a bit. One hypothesis is that
Yahoo! searchers are unhappy in general with the results for the search
terms that brought up avatarfinancial.com and are switching to MSN, Ask
& Google to attempt another search.
While investigating the cause, I did find many thousands of spammy
sites linking to Avatar, causing me to get suspicious. Most of them,
however, look like content scraper sites that are constantly crawling
the web and search engines to steal and re-post content. It would be
tragic, indeed, if these sites were responsible for the loss thanks to
their unwanted link programs.
Amies poofs,

Bientôt l'ete et ses tres longues soirees a meubler. Cette
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deleguee syndicale
le portail des femmes qui sont fieres d'etre des connes
Dutch Join French in EU Treaty Skepticism
Should the EU constitution manage to win approval in France, it
faces as big a battle in a Netherlands referendum just a few days
later. But officials aren't worrying -- yet.
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AOL lance un Netscape 8.0 inspire de Firefox
Strategie - La division du groupe Time Warner publie la huitieme
version de son navigateur, largement basee sur le code de Firefox. Elle
compte capitaliser sur le succes de ce logiciel libre dont elle avait
pourtant initialement refuse le projet.
Le ROI est mort, vive qui ?
« Desormais, des que nous essayons de proposer une technologie ou de
presenter un projet informatique, les DSI degainent l'argument massue
pour nous renvoyer dans nos cordes : prouvez-nous le ROI de votre
solution (Return on investment, retour sur investissement en français
dans le texte). Or la preuve est souvent impossible a apporter, et les
DSI le savent tres bien. Leur exigence n'est donc pas, comme on
pourrait le croire, revelatrice d'une saine gestion des deniers de
l'entreprise. Mais plutôt d'une propension tres actuelle a botter
en touche des qu'on leur propose de sortir leur porte-monnaie ». Une
reflexion, quelque peu desabusee, entendue lors d'une reunion recente
sur Internet, le CRM (Customer Relationship Management, GRC pour
Gestion de la relation client en français) et les moyens de relancer
les projets notamment dans le monde bancaire. Et les participants de
chercher des preuves alternatives a la necessite d'investir, etant
entendu que le ROI est mort...
OCDE : Statistiques du commerce international
Les bases de donnees statistiques suivantes ont ete mises a jour et
sont maintenant disponibles en ligne sur SourceOECD pour les
etablissements abonnes a www.sourceoecd.org. Pour obtenir plus
d'informations, consultez SourceOCDE Statistiques.
Loïc Damilaville, Afnic: «Nous ne pouvons pas reattribuer des noms de
communes en .fr deja enregistres»
Reglementation - Selon le chef du service communication de l'organisme,
la deuxieme etape de la protection des noms de domaines en .fr des
communes françaises devrait etre fixee dans quelques semaines. En
attendant ces modalites, leur enregistrement est bloque.
Alerte a une vaste escroquerie par cheque bancaire sur internet
Express - L'association française des usagers des banques (Afub) a
sonne l'alerte pour denoncer une vague d'escroqueries aux cheques
bancaires sur internet.
Le guide JDN des prestataires de services B2B
Entierement refondu, l'annuaire Journal du Net des prestataires s'etend
et s'affine. Services telecoms ou d'integration, cabinets de conseil en
strategie ou en marketing, agences de publicite ou de relations
publiques... Les competences, les chiffres-cles, les references.
"Dark sites" : les sites de crise fantômes
Utilises par les entreprises pour repondre rapidement aux situations de
crise, les sites caches s'inscrivent dans une tendance de fond,
faisant du Web un outil de gestion des crises en amont.
Create New Pages for PPC Search Landing Pages
By Kevin Lee - Pay-per-click search's control is a gift. By not
exercising that control, you hand it to your competition. ...10 reasons
your existing Web site may be completely wrong for your PPC search
landing pages.
Ezine As A Viral Marketing Tool
A very popular method of marketing ezines and newsletters is by
making them viral. If your newsletter contains information of
value, such as tips, hints, news or tutorials, you'll find that
subscribers will forward it on to others.
No girls allowed: Is gaming too much of a guy thing? BBC technology
editor Alfred Hermida was struck by the 20something and 30something men
playing fighting games in the presence of "booth babes," even as ESA
president Douglas Lowenstein urges a cultural shift to remind women
that games are for them, too.
WomenGamers.com seems intent on proving that there is an audience for
such a shift, and one parent on the site urges the gaming industry to
give everyone a few options for "wusses" like her."
As for the "booth babes," game maker Agetec launched an "Anti Booth
Babe" movement this year, complete with a bunch of guys wandering
around with wigs. Surprisingly, these guys aren't showing up in a lot
of the wire service photos from Los Angeles this week.
Get $50 For One Hour Of Blogging
Blogger is willing to pay you $50 to come down to Google for one hour
and help imrpove the design and usability of Blogger. Very cool. The
program runs through early June, and is only eligible to people who
have blogged for at least 2 months...
Study Finds Google News Unbiased
Brad Hill reports on a study which charts Google News and determines
that it is unbiased...
News: Google Users Worry About Personal Data Privacy
Google users love having access to the rich information
resources served up by search engines as long as they don't
discover their personal information.
News: Malicious Bots Hide Using Rootkit Code
Experts warn that "Rootbots" are emerging as a threat:
remote control bots that borrow stealth features from
rootkits to creep in undetected.
Music for Rent
Yahoo! Music Unlimited, now in beta testing, is following
the new music rental model pioneered by Napster and Rhapsody,
but does them both one better: Yahoo's service is much
cheaper. There are still some bugs to be worked out, but the
size of the music catalog goes toe to toe with competitors,
and the price can't be beat. Read more online.
Les Nations Unies lancent un appel a contribution de 16,2 millions de
dollars pour repondre a la crise alimentaire qui sevit au Niger. Une «
crise silencieuse » se developpe dans ce pays qui connaît des taux de
malnutrition parmi les plus eleves de la region et ou 63% de la
population vit avec moins d'un dollar par jour, alerte l'ONU.
Les Nations Unies ont lance un appel a contribution de 16,2 millions de
dollars pour repondre a la crise alimentaire qui sevit au Niger,
aggravee par la secheresse et les invasions de criquets migrateurs au
cours de l'annee 2004, indique un communique du Bureau de la
coordination des affaires humanitaires de l'ONU
<"http://ochaonline.un.org/">(OCHA) publie hier simultanement a Niamey,
Geneve et New York.
Metier : Web-ergonome
Quels sont les domaines d'intervention du Web-ergonome ? Comment
exerce-t-il sa profession au quotidien ? Comment a-t-il ete amene a
cette fonction ? Quels sont ses outils de travail. Temoignages et
fiches pratiques pour faire le point. (19/05/2005) Sommaire complet
e-Gurukul.com :
Indian Education Encyclopedia e-Gurukul Resources of OFFICIAL WEBSITES
OF Indian Institutes MANAGEMENT INSTITUTES IN INDIA, yogesh ahire
description" content="e-Gurukul.com :Indian Education Encyclopedia
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Institutes,e-gurukul Education Abroad, list, directory, index, resource
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content="e-Gurukul.com :Indian Education Encyclopedia yogesh
ahiree-Gurukul Resources of OFFICIAL WEBSITES OF Indian Institutes
MBA, e-gurukul MCA,BCA,IAS,IES,IAS,e-gurukul BANK P.O.s, RRB, LIC,
Education Worldwide: e-gurukul Univercities, Institutes,e-gurukul
Education Abroad, RRB, LIC,Education Abroad, list, directory, index,
resource guide, india, indian websites, web sites
"Le potentiel du marche publicitaire sur Internet reste largement
Les nouvelles formes de liens promotionnels, l'arrivee de MSN et de
Wanadoo sur ce marche, les performances des mots-clefs... Le point avec
le DG Europe du Sud d'Overture, filiale de Yahoo.
Cerbere Quand Google a annonce, en decembre dernier, son intention de
numeriser et mettre en ligne quinze millions d'ouvrages issus de sept
bibliotheques americaines, la France a crie au scandale, qualifiant le
projet de nouvel exemple de "la domination ecrasante de la culture
americaine". Pour certains, ce tolle n'est rien de plus qu'un elan de
fierte gauloise. Mais le soutien de la Commission europeenne, qui va
debloquer 96 millions d'euros pour numeriser les ouvrages de plus de
vingt grandes bibliotheques europeennes, prouve que la reaction
française a fait mouche. Google est desormais perçu comme une menace
culturelle sur le Vieux Continent. Au-dela du reflexe anti-americain,
cette reaction denote la nouvelle crainte des bibliotheques : qu'elles
soient depossedees de leur fonction de gardien de la culture par les
moteurs de recherche. [Lire l'article de Wired]

Oedipien Moins de trois ans apres avoir ete rachete pour 1,5 milliard
de dollars par eBay, PayPal ambitionne de s'emanciper de sa
maison-mere. Apres tout, meme un geant comme eBay ne represente que 10
% du marche de l'e-commerce aux Etats-Unis. La societe specialisee dans
les paiements via e-mail a deja conclu un certain nombre de
partenariats independants d'eBay aux Etats-Unis, aussi bien avec les
pizzerias de quartier qu'avec de gros acteurs tels que Overstock et
iTunes Music Store d'Apple. Et elle se deploie aujourd'hui rapidement a
l'international. Mais avant de devenir "la norme" des paiements sur
Internet et de s'affranchir de la tutelle d'eBay, PayPal doit encore
regler les problemes de fraude en ligne dont ses membres sont victimes.
[Lire l'article de Business Week]

Audio blog Quel est le point commun entre Paris Hilton et le pape ? Ce
sont tous les deux des Podcasters. Les podcasts (pod issu de iPod et
casting, abbreviation de broadcasting) sont des fichiers audio, crees
par des professionnels ou des amateurs, telechargeables par RSS sur
ordinateur ou sur un baladeur MP3. Enfant technologique naturel des
blogs, le podcast n'en est qu'a sa premiere annee d'existence, mais sa
popularite connaît une expansion fulgurante. [Lire l'article du New
York Times]

Personalize Your Homepage
See information you care about on your Google homepage
5/19/05 - Give us feedback - Discuss with others
How Do Search Engines Work?
By Gallianno Cosme - Search Engine Guide - This article aims to shed
some uncertainty you may have about search engines. After all, if you
want to benefit from being listed on search engines, you'd better know
how they work.

SEM Growing More Complex
By Jim Hedger - Search Engine Guide - Search marketing has become more
important and is thus becoming more professional. With growing
acceptance of online communication tools, and a number of alterations
to the faces of search engines themselves, the marketing arena has been
upgraded from a three-ring circus venue to a Super Bowl sized stadium.

Don't Disable Your Site for Handicapped Users
By Matt Bailey - SearchDay - Are you designing web sites that are
accessible to disabled users? If not, you're overlooking a powerful
market segment of millions of searchers and potential buyers.
Adverbe est une agence specialisee dans le developpement des
entreprises a l'aide de l'Internet : conseil editorial, redaction,
formation a l'ecriture ; audit, evaluation, promotion et animation de
sites web.
Adverbe est votre auxiliaire des verbes etre et agir sur le web.
Case Study: Gaming Site Finds Winning Strategy
How do you build a Web site with a base of more than
7 million users and growing? Two ways: Go mobile
and partner. Read how they did it at skilljam.com.
ICANN requires that your domain's whois record include a
valid contact, but it doesn't have to be your contact
information. Some registrars let you hide behind their
information. Find out how with this week's Security Tip.
The Great E-Book Debate

David Coursey thinks e-books are brain-dead. He's put
together eight reasons why e-books don't work. He makes a
couple of valid points, but I think he's mostly missed the
boat. And he got me so riled up I just had to respond. So
start with David's story about why e-books missed the mark,
and then check out why I think he's wrong. And then, if you
disagree with both of us, let us know!

Why E-Books Are Failing:

Jean Paul CONAN - http://Referencement.LouiseTV.com
plus vite, plus souvent, plus complet

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