09 Mai 2005

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May 9, 2005, 2:11:11 PM5/9/05
to referencem...@googlegroups.com
09 Mai 2005
Web : les consommateurs mangent-ils leurs cookies ?
(le 08/05/05) Panique dans le Landerneau de l e-marketing : selon le
cabinet americain Jupiter (...)
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Thousands of brand new Web sites not found in major search engines...
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request that your site be included for free while you wait for the big
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listing your site on NWL), click here.
Deciding Where to Spend Your SEM Dollars
Paid Search Ads (PPC) - 51%
PPC Management Fees - 12%
Organic Optimization Fees - 11%
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Contextual Ads (PPC) - 10%
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Fastclick also recently expanded its ad format choices by launching
Text Ads! Text Ads are in-page display advertisements that allow you to
present a clear, concise message and increase the success of your
marketing campaigns. Text Ads feature the same advanced optimization
and targeting technology that powers Fastclick s other ad formats,
maximizing return on investment.
Who s Knocking on the Door?
or, what you should know about
the Robots.txt file and the Robot s Meta Tag
Hi! You say you re Scooter from AltaVista. Let me check my list. You re
on the list - the door is open. Knock, knock! Who s there? Arach. Arach
who? Sorry, my list says you re from SearchButton.Com. You can t come
User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /ca/av/
Disallow: /ca/ex/
Disallow: /ca/hb/
Disallow: /ca/ly/
Disallow: /ca/nl/
Disallow: /ca/wc/
Disallow: /ca/is/
Hosting in USA ?
[Gmail-Users] Interesting article about Google features by Fred Langa
Most of the privacy concerns he raises in the article will most likely
NOT be of serious impact on typical home/consumer users. But it is
information you need to be aware of.
Also, be aware that Google is not the only service that presents these
privacy risks.

Langa Letter: Google s New Tools: Proceed With Caution May 9, 2005
Before you embrace all of Google s new technologies, consider the
privacy implications. Google s stuff is great, Fred Langa says, but don
t get carried away with the novelty of it all.
Les blogs ou le nouveau journalisme populaire
ImageLa presse en parle de plus en plus. Veritable mode, les blogs ont
envahi la toile. Gadget d adolescent en mal d expression, page
personnelle de professionnels en mal d ego ou veritable outil de
communication, Guillaume du Gardier, de l agence Blogging Planet, fait
le point
Je suis alle voir ta page et j ai regarde son code source.
Bien sur, tu pourrais avoir du cross linking, mais ce n est pas ca qui
te fera remonter ton ranking.

Bon, sans reparler ici de la brillante demontration de l operation
"mangeur de cigogne", ce serait qu a minima tu utilises les balises
mais aussi que tu donnes un contenu indexable sur du contenu et des
requetes par mot-cle.
La, dans la forme actuelle, heureusement que les crawlers savent faire
un follow, mais ca vaut pour les liens que tu proposes. OK donc pour le
processus fils (ce serait perfectible) mais a priori, pour le processus
pere, ta page, tu ne fais pas grand chose pour que les robots la
considerent mieux.

Par ex, quelles sont tes deux seules balises meta renseignees ?
Ton nom et que la page a ete faite par Webexpert.
Il y a bien les balises keywords et description, mais elles pointent
une chaîne vide.

Enfin, la premiere chose serait de donner un nom a ta page : la on a
quoi ? juste l URL....
Alors, le coup de pouce pour les moteurs, la premiere phase importante
depend de toi...

Bon, ce que j en dis... Apres tu fais comme tu le sens !

Gilles guerin a ecrit :

> J ai 2 pages qui uraient besoin d un coup de pouce dans les moteurs:
> A toutes celles zesseu qui voudraient bien faire echange de liens (et
> + si affinite ;-))...
> Ma page de liens/
> http://gg75.free.fr/photomontage/liens.htm
> Page Rank de 3. Pas enorme mais pas negligeable!
> Gilles Guerin
> Ecrivez-moi dans ma bal... m...@gillesguerin.com
> <mailto:m...@gillesguerin.com>
When asked how he became the world's richest man, Bill Gates replied,
"First, I was in the right place at the right time. Second, I saw the
vision. Third, and most important, I took action."
La Nuit de l'Internet le 11 mai de 20h a 24h a Nice dans le cadre de
l'ArtisTIC Tour .
20 euros tout compris !
Tout savoir ou presque ;-)
Denis Marion
Converting Searchers to Buyers
Attracting people to your web site through optimized content or
sponsored links is just the first step in an effective search marketing
campaign. To be truly effective, your site must also persuade visitors
to take advantage of your products or services.
Singaporean shuts blog after libel threat
Reuters - A Singapore student said on Monday he has shut down his blog
and apologized unreservedly...
Singaporean shuts blog after libel threat
A Singapore student said on Monday he has shut down his blog and
apologized unreservedly after a government agency threatened to sue for
defamation. Chen Jiahao, a 23-year-old graduate student in the United
States, told Reuters he closed down his personal Web site after A*STAR,
a Singapore government agency focusing on science and research,
threatened legal action for what the agency said were untrue and
serious accusations.
# Yahoo: Online Display Ads Boost SearchMay 09, 2005A Yahoo Inc. study
released today analyzing financial adviser client HarrisDirect s
campaign claims that online display advertising increased the number of
relevant searches by more than 61 percent.More... Mind Reading for
Better Search
Yahoo Shopping recently unveiled its new Gift Finder, now in beta
testing, which lets you find just the right gift out of more than 60
million items, categorizing those products by the type of person you?re
buying for and the occasion.
DMNews.com | Search Engine Marketing 05/09/05 03:26
ScanSoft Bolsters Search Throughout E-Commerce Chain
Nearly half of marketers already doing online advertising will decrease
spending in traditional advertising channels to pay for an increase in
their online ad spending this year, according to a survey released
yesterday by Forrester Research Inc. Search engine marketing is
expected to fuel much of that growth.
Google Licenses infoUSA Data
Shopping.com Ltd. is targeting the $1 trillion home lending industry
with the beta launch of its mortgage comparison-shopping service.
Google Outage Result of Web Accelerator or DNS Hijack?
Google Outage Result of Web Accelerator or DNS Hijack? On Saturday May
7th, Google shut down from 6:45 to 7 p.m. EST, according to Google
spokesman David Krane. Google has clarified that the outage was not a
result of server downtime or hacked and that the problems were DNS
related. A ..
Take the Search Engine Relevancy Challenge
Search engine articles
One of the top stories to come out of last week's Search Engine
Strategies Conference in Toronto was the announcement of the Search
Engine Relevancy Challenge. It will cause waves far beyond the Great
Lakes region where the news hit first - waves that have the potential
to rock the boats of a couple of top search engines located far, far
away on the Pacific Coast.
The Search Engine Relevancy Challenge is the brainchild of Barry
Schwartz, the Editor of Search Engine Roundtable and President of
RustyBrick. It is the first independent industry effort to identify
the best search engine for relevance. (I should disclose that SEO-PR
is one of the supporters of the Search Engine Relevancy Challenge along
with RustyBrick, PR Web, Text Link Ads, and iHispanic Marketing Group.)
Google Future
Mike Reynolds shares his thoughts on the future of Google services and
Google s Future? GBrowser, GooglePC, Google NetPC and Google ISP
Recent chatter indicates Google may be preparing to launch its own
internet browser. But this might be only the first step in a much more
massive Google strategy that could include a GooglePC and Google ISP
Special Holiday Logos for Mother s Day; Google Artist Profiled
A couple of notes from the search engine holiday logo front today.
Google.com and Google.ca have special holiday logos online today to
celebrate Mother s Day. However, for some reson Google s French
language site for Canada is not carrying the logo (at least when I
Ask Jeeves is also running a special logo today along with a Smart
Search results box containing direct links to history, poetry, and
other info about Mother s Day.
AdSense Demo (Flash)
This interactive Google AdSense demonstration is kind of funny, because
you can integrate any site into the demo - and have AdSense engineer
Greg walk around in front of it.
Search Engine Users Convert into Offline Buyers
Search Engine Users Convert into Offline Buyers Late last year Yahoo!
Search Marketing (then known as Overture) conducted a study with
comScore to capture, among other things, the influence of search on
purchases in the Consumer Electronics/Computers category. The bottom
line was that search had a powerful influence . . . ...
Some SEO sites have been coining the new term "Googlebowling." It s
meant to describe a black-art search engine optimization tactic in
which you link a competitor to oblivion. While Google always said this
isn t possible -- i.e., for outside pages to ...
The Blogger Mobile Jingle
As good as the new Blogger Mobile is, I find myself obsessed with its
catchy jingle: "Snap a photo and type some text; send it to Blogger and
we ll do the rest". Now we know who s responsible for the li l ditty:
Grant Shellen. Grant s got a few words on the ditty on his blog, as
well as the world exclusive extended version (yeah, its 15 seconds; so
Do Google Image Ads Suck?
Fred Wilson says Google AdSense image ads have very bad clickthrough
rates, based on the common appearance of a Dodge ad in his sidebar and
falling clickthroughs. Not exactly a scientific comparison.
Web Accelerator Advanced Statistics
Rolf sends me the info that Google Web Accelerator has an advanced
"races" pages, with far more detailed performance statistics. You get
it by typing in the URL http://localhost:9100/advraces. This page gives
much more insight to how Web Accelerator gets its "time saved" stats. A
sample from my page:
[Gmail-Users] Re: RSS feeds now active in Gmail
It doesn t take up any extra space on the screen, it simply shifts
everything down. I compared 2 accounts, one with RSS the other
without. If you see them side by side, you will know what I mean. Also,
the ads/RSS info is about as unobtrusive as you can get.
Une deuxieme bulle Internet ?
Tandis que l'excitation est a nouveau de mise sur le marche Internet,
le spectre de la bulle semble venir hanter les esprits.
Tous ceux qui ont vecu la premiere bulle Internet vous le dirons, on
sent aujourd'hui la meme effervescence qu'il y a six ou sept ans.
Blogs, wikis, logiciels sociaux, RSS, cameraphones, medias citoyens,
baladeurs numeriques, P2P et autres sont a l'origine de cette
nouvelle excitation.
Une province du sud-ouest de la Chine investit 25 milliards de yuans
dans la mise a niveau technologique
La province du Yunnan, dans le sud-ouest de la Chine, prevoit d
investir 25 milliards de yuans (3 (...)
Use Good Keywords to help your customers find you!
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Good Keywords is completely free. There are no nag screens, no
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Welcome to the RoboGen product home page. RoboGen is the only editor
for robot exclusion files that lets you easily set agent rules
visually. With RoboGen you can create a ROBOTS.TXT file for your web
site in no time.
Ce Forum vous propose des informations quotidiennes sur l actualite du
Referencement Mondial.
Si vous souhaitez debattre sur les sujets du Referencement, je vous
renvoie aux listes "referencement" et "motrech" sur Yahoo.
Si vous souhaitez debattre de veille economique, je vous renvoie sur la
liste "veille" sur Yahoo.
Check&Get 2.3 (new version!)
Professional Bookmark Manager,
Web Change Monitor and Web Archiver.
Manages your browser bookmarks and favorites, Monitors Web sites for
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Mothers are the gardeners
Of wind-blown wild flowers.
They water them with happy tears,
Happy with them many years,
Even as the hours
Ring with sweet, sad melodies
Sighing through their bowers.
Mother s are special and I wish all of you a Happy Day

Jean Paul CONAN

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