RedSleeve 8.5 / armv6 almost done compiling

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Jacco Ligthart

Dec 15, 2021, 6:54:25 PM12/15/21
Hi List,

I was at 80% of building 8.4 when 8.5 was released upstream ...

At that point I made the decision to also shift my attention to 8.5.

Now most has been build an it's time to publish the result.

my proposal is:

1. stop syncing from me to

2. move the 'el8' directory on to 'el8-armv5' or similar

3. I'll prepare a new sync on my end with 8.5 / armv6

4. start the sync again.

This way we'll archive all the armv5 stuff and do not have too much
overlap between the armv5 and armv6 trees.

Till now I build all of BaseOS (with some exceptions that don't make
sense to build), most of AppStream (almost all 'plain' Appstream and
about half the modules), most of PowerTools (same story) and only the
needed things from Devel.

Still todo are some AppStream modules, "fresh" kernels and root images.


Gordan Bobic

Feb 21, 2022, 1:25:00 PM2/21/22
to Jacco Ligthart, redsleeve-users
Is the new build hard-float or soft-float?
The only ARMv6 device that I can even think of is the original
Raspberry Pi - and that has a FPU.
So I am not sure if there is any point any more in soft-float once
moving past ARMv5.
Additionally, since CentOS seems to be dropping arm32 completely,
there is perhaps a vacuum to fill with ARMv6 hard-float on new builds?

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Robert Moskowitz

Feb 22, 2022, 8:45:54 AM2/22/22
to Gordan Bobic, Jacco Ligthart, redsleeve-users
Well if it will work on my Cubieboards....

I do have a Cubie3 (Cubietruck) running RS6 with my handcrafted
mailserver, and it is past time to upgrade.

I was able to have all partitions on my HD, only uboot on the SD card.

I hope I can do this with this current build... ???

Robert Moskowitz

Feb 23, 2022, 12:18:03 AM2/23/22
to Gordan Bobic, Jacco Ligthart, redsleeve-users

I am only seeing 8.2?  when might 8.5 be there?  Should I work for now
with 8.2?

On 2/21/22 13:24, Gordan Bobic wrote:

Jacco Ligthart

Feb 23, 2022, 2:48:41 PM2/23/22
Hi Gordan,

The new build (8.5) is "-march=armv6 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=vfp"

So yes hardfloat, but not neon. I think this should fit all current
raspberries and also older odroid machines. I now have a odroid HC1 as
buid machine (the XU4 died on me :( )

I was hoping that you could 'archive' the current armv5 items that are
now in the RSEL8 tree.

after that, I can remove them from my server and put the armv6 items there.

This should enable me to make final redsleeve-release packages and then
also working images for raspberries.


Jacco Ligthart

Feb 23, 2022, 2:49:17 PM2/23/22
this will probably work. I don't see a reason why it should not work. I
do not own such a machine, this will make it difficult for me to make
images or make detailed instructions on how to accomplish this.

If you made this on RSEL 6, I'm confident that RSEL8 will also work for you.


Jacco Ligthart

Feb 23, 2022, 2:52:22 PM2/23/22
8.5 has finished building, we just need to finalize some infra things.

Do not start on 8.2, that has been compiled for armv5 and will not see

8.5 is compiled for armv6 and is not an upgrade path from 8.2


Robert Moskowitz

Feb 23, 2022, 3:22:23 PM2/23/22
to Jacco Ligthart,
Great.  I want to use this for a replacement for my DNS servers. Simply
using BIND and Webmin should do it and include DNSSEC that I could never
manage to roll myself.

Robert Moskowitz

Feb 24, 2022, 8:56:26 AM2/24/22
to Jacco Ligthart,
What is the prospect of epel?  I need a number of rpms from it for my
mail server.

Gordan Bobic

Feb 24, 2022, 9:02:06 AM2/24/22
to Robert Moskowitz, Jacco Ligthart, redsleeve-users
Probably relatively low at the moment, unless somebody from the
community steps up to maintain such a thing.
> To view this discussion on the web, visit

Robert Moskowitz

Feb 24, 2022, 9:28:00 AM2/24/22
to Gordan Bobic, Jacco Ligthart, redsleeve-users
And that kind of kills RS for my mail server.  I will probably move up
to a RPi4 and Almalinux.

RS on a cubieboard for DNS only.

Gordan Bobic

Feb 24, 2022, 9:40:11 AM2/24/22
to Robert Moskowitz, Jacco Ligthart, redsleeve-users
You should be able to get the fedora SRPMs for the packages you need
add rebuild them yourself. It shouldn't be too difficult if it is only
a few packages and you don't end up in dependency hell.
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