GIthub questions

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Robert Moskowitz

Feb 27, 2022, 9:55:23 AM2/27/22
to redsleeve-users
I am having problems with the readme.

**Usage of**
- Edit template/cubietruck.xml and set image path in the image tag

First is this installing RedSleeve7 or Centos7?

The template for cubieboard2 has:

    <image size="4G" type="raw"

Where is the image?  I don't even see a RS7 image on

Please provide some guidance.

Gordan Bobic

Feb 27, 2022, 10:00:52 AM2/27/22
to Robert Moskowitz, redsleeve-users
Those are el7 images, as you might infer from the directory tree they are in. They are, IIRC, ZFS root images based on zfs-fuse. I vaguely recall that Kirkwood is based on mainline 3.10 kernel. Not sure what kernel the exynos image has.

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Robert Moskowitz

Feb 27, 2022, 12:57:26 PM2/27/22
to Gordan Bobic, redsleeve-users
I have no problem starting with EL7 right now.  Just want what I need to set up a Cubieboard2.

Gordan Bobic

Feb 27, 2022, 1:03:08 PM2/27/22
to Robert Moskowitz, redsleeve-users
Sure. Note what I said about the root image being based on zfs-fuse
file system. So make sure you are familiar with ZFS before you use
I believe the kirkwood image boot is based uboot that supports EFI as
the 1st stage bootloader, and then grub2-efi as the second stage
In either case, you will need to use a kernel/initramfs suitable for
your hardware, but note that the ROOT file system is on zfs, so you
will need to bake zfs or zfs-fuse into your initramfs for the new

Robert Moskowitz

Feb 27, 2022, 3:52:20 PM2/27/22
to Gordan Bobic, redsleeve-users
This is sounding more than I want to take on just for 7.

Is this due to it being 'soft float'?

What will be involved with RS8 being 'hard float'?

And I have not worked at all with zfs file system.  Still pretty much
just on ext4.  :)

Gordan Bobic

Feb 27, 2022, 3:56:09 PM2/27/22
to redsleeve-users
On Sun, Feb 27, 2022 at 10:52 PM Robert Moskowitz <> wrote:
> This is sounding more than I want to take on just for 7.
> Is this due to it being 'soft float'?

No, it's purely because ZFS is what I use, and Kirkwood and Exynos is
what I used when I made those images years ago.

> What will be involved with RS8 being 'hard float'?

I'm going to wait for Jacco to answer that, I haven't really been very
involved in the RS8 era.
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