Sentinel [WIth ACL] Client connection

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Ankur Goyal

Feb 18, 2024, 9:31:34 AMFeb 18
to Redis DB
Hi Team,
My redis and sentinel  both are ACL secured. Do i need to provide 2 set of username and password for client to connect, One username+password to authenticate sentinel and another one to authenticate redis ?
Is there anyway to just redirect client from to redis, with single username & password when both redis and sentinel are ACL secured?

vishal macom

Feb 20, 2024, 12:08:09 PMFeb 20
Hi Ankur,

I would say not to share sentinel configuration details with the client,
because it is private to the redis instance. and it might impact the HA of the redis cluster or master slave architecture.

If a requirement arrives, then u need to have a backup sentinel like 1 master and 2 sentinels and it's better to share one of it.

Thanks & Regards,
Vishal Macom

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Ankur Goyal

Feb 21, 2024, 6:44:30 AMFeb 21
to Redis DB
Thanks for update Vishal,
But one credentials not fulfilling requirement. I am using redis-insight as client.
To authenticate with sentinel i need sentinel user/password and then to control accesses over redis redis user/password is required. How can redis user authenticate with sentinel? Can you please help on same.

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