On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Pierre Chapuis
<catwell...@catwell.info> wrote:
Indeed! Until you bumped on all the hidden obstacles, the experience
is rather horrible. When Redis blows up on production — it usually
costs developers a few gray hairs :-)
If learning curve is flat, it usually means that the tool is too
casual to be useful.
On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Pierre Chapuis
<catwell...@catwell.info> wrote:
> Others:
> Quentin Adam, CEO of Clever Cloud (a PaaS) has a presentation that says
> Redis is not fit to store sessions:
> http://www.slideshare.net/quentinadam/dotscale2013-how-to-scale/15 (he
> advises Membase)
I don't quite understand the presentation to be super-honest, what
means "multiple writes" / "pseudo automic"? I'm not sure.
> Then there's the Disqus guys, who migrated to Cassandra,
I've no idea why Disqus migrated to Cassandra, probably it was just a
much better pick for them?
Migrating to a different does not necessarily implies a problem with
Redis, so this is not a criticism we can use in a positive way to act,
unless Disqus guys write us why they migrated and what Redis
deficiencies they found.
> This presentation about scaling Instagram with a small
> team (by Mike Krieger) is very interesting as well:
> http://qconsf.com/system/files/presentation-slides/How%20a%20Small%20Team%20Scales%20Instagram.pdf
> He says he would go with Redis again, but there are
> some points about scaling up Redis starting at slide 56.
This is interesting indeed, and sounds like problems that we can solve
with Redis Cluster. [...]
Let's face it, partitioning client side is complex. Redis Cluster
provides a lot of help for big players with many instances since
operations will be much simpler once you can reshard live.
We suspect that trading off implementation flexibility for
understandability makes sense for most system designs.
— Diego Ongaro and John Ousterhout (from Raft paper)
One of the big challenges we had with redis in mercadolibre was size of dataset. The fact that it needs to fit in memory was a big issue for us.
We used to have, on a common basis, 500gb DBs or even more.
Not sure if this is a common case for other redis users anyway.
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It's not that we planned it. Developers started using it for something they thought will stay small but it grew. And it grew a lot. We ended up using redis to cache a small chunk of the data and the as a backend data store mysql or oracle.
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