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Should I write my own redis server?

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Irae Hueck Costa

Mar 19, 2024, 7:47:47 AM3/19/24
to Redis DB


I am considering writing a relatively simple redis server based on:

- and sqlite

redcon is a library in golang that implements the redis protocol. I would then basically map redis commands to SQL which would be executed in sqlite. This would give a redis with all typically used commands but with slightly different properties:

* Leveraging multi-core processes
* The database can be served from disk
* One static binary
* Extensions and customizations are easier as you can use golang instead of C

My question is more or less: Is there a business case for that? How many people really want to sacrifice the speed of serving from RAM in order to gain a cheap terabyte sized database? The performance-properties I would get in the end is also not clear to me. First tests showed that just the overhead from redcon makes everything roundabout twice as slow.

Any thoughts?


Irae Hueck Costa

David Maier (Redis)

Mar 20, 2024, 3:44:40 AM3/20/24
Hi Irae,

Let me give you my two cents and answer from a technical point of view: Redis is not only about the protocol. One of the advantages is that you gain very efficient access to the underlying data structures (skip lists, zip lists, ...). There is overhead if doing for instance a "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id='x'" vs just doing "GET x". So translating a "GET" behind the scenes to a SELECT which involves parsing the query, building a query execution plan, doing a scan, fetching data into memory pages ... doesn't seem to be a good approach in regards to time complexity.


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