[PSA] Redis 6.2 RC1 is out

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Dec 14, 2020, 7:40:14 PM12/14/20
to Redis mailing list
Hi everyone,
The first release candidate of Redis 6.2 is here. Without further ado, here are the full release notes that speak for themselves (https://github.com/redis/redis/blob/6.2/00-RELEASENOTES):

Introduction to the Redis 6.2 release

This release is the first significant Redis release managed by the core team
under the new project governance model.

Redis 6.2 includes many new commands and improvements, but no big features. It
mainly makes Redis more complete and addresses issues that have been requested
by many users frequently or for a long time.

Many of these changes were not eligible for 6.0.x for several reasons:

1. They are not backward compatible, which is always the case with new or
extended commands (that cannot be replicated to an older replica).
2. They require a longer release-candidate test cycle.

Here is a comprehensive list of changes in this release compared to 6.0.9,
each one includes the PR number that added it, so you can get more details
at https://github.com/redis/redis/pull/<number>

New commands / args:
* Add SMISMEMBER command that checks multiple members (#7615)
* Add ZMSCORE command that returns an array of scores (#7593)
* Add LMOVE and BLMOVE commands that pop and push arbitrarily (#6929)
* Add RESET command that resets client connection state(#7982)
* Add COPY command that copies keys (#7953)
* Add ZDIFF and ZDIFFSTORE commands (#7961)
* Add ZINTER and ZUNION commands (#7794)
* Add GEOSEARCH/GEOSEARCHSTORE commands for bounding box spatial queries (#8094)
* Add GET parameter to SET command, for more powerful GETSET (#7852)
* Add exclusive range query to XPENDING (#8130)
* Add exclusive range query to X[REV]RANGE (#8072)
* Add GT and LT options to ZADD for conditional score updates (#7818)
* Add CLIENT INFO and CLIENT LIST for specific ids (#8113)
* Add IDLE argument to XPENDING command (#7972)
* Add local address to CLIENT LIST, and a CLIENT KILL filter. (#7913)
* Add NOMKSTREAM option to XADD command (#7910)
* Add command introspection to Sentinel (#7940)
* Add SENTINEL MYID subcommand (#7858)

New features:
* Dump payload sanitization: prevent corrupt payload causing crashes (#7807)
Has flags to enable full O(N) validation (disabled by default).
* ACL patterns for Pub/Sub channels (#7993)
* Support ACL for Sentinel mode (#7888)
* Support getting configuration from both stdin and file at the same time (#7893)
Lets you avoid storing secrets on the disk.

New features in CLI tools:
* redis-cli RESP3 push support (#7609)
* redis-cli cluster import support source and target that require auth (#7994)
* redis-cli URIs able to provide user name in addition to password (#8048)
* redis-cli/redis-benchmark allow specifying the prefered ciphers/ciphersuites (#8005)
* redis-cli add -e option to exit with code when command execution fails (#8136)

Command behavior changes:
* EXISTS should not alter LRU (#8016)
In Redis 5.0 and 6.0 it would have touched the LRU/LFU of the key.
* OBJECT should not reveal logically expired keys (#8016)
Will now behave the same TYPE or any other non-DEBUG command.
* Improve db id range check for SELECT and MOVE (#8085)
Changes the error message text on a wrong db index.
* Modify AUTH / HELLO error message (#7648)
Changes the error message text when the user isn't found or is disabled.
* BITOPS length limited to proto_max_bulk_len rather than 512MB (#8096)
The limit is now configurable like in SETRANGE, and APPEND.
* GEORADIUS[BYMEMBER] can fail with -OOM if Redis is over the memory limit (#8107)

Other behavior changes:
* Optionally (default) fail to start if requested bind address is not available (#7936)
If you rely on Redis starting successfully even if one of the bind addresses
is not available, you'll need to tune the new config.
* Limit the main db dictionaries expansion to prevent key eviction (#7954)
In the past big dictionary rehashing could result in massive data eviction.
Now this rehashing is delayed (up to a limit), which can result in performance
loss due to hash collisions.
* CONFIG REWRITE is atomic and safer, but requires write access to the config file's folder (#7824, #8051)
This change was already present in 6.0.9, but was missing from the release
* A new incremental eviction mechanism that reduces latency on eviction spikes (#7653)
In pathological cases this can cause memory to grow uncontrolled and may require
specific tuning.
* Not resetting "save" config when Redis is started with command line arguments. (#7092)
In case you provide command line arguments without "save" and count on it
being disabled, Now the defaults "save" config will kick in.
* Update memory metrics for INFO during loading (#7690)
* When "supervised" config is enabled, it takes precedence over "daemonize". (#8036)
* Assertion and panic, print crash log without generating SIGSEGV (#7585)
* Added crash log report on SIGABRT, instead of silently exiting (#8004)
* Disable THP (Transparent Huge Pages) if enabled (#7381)
If you deliberately enabled it, you'll need to config Redis to keep it.

Bug fixes:
* Handle output buffer limits for module blocked clients (#8141)
Could result in a module sending reply to a blocked client to go beyond the
* Fix setproctitle related crashes. (#8150, #8088)
Caused various crashes on startup, mainly on Apple M1 chips or under
* A module doing RM_Call could cause replicas to get nested MULTI (#8097).
* Backup/restore cluster mode keys to slots map for repl-diskless-load=swapdb (#8108)
In cluster mode with repl-diskless-load, when loading failed, slot map
wouldn't have been restored.
* Fix oom-score-adj-values range, and bug when used in config file (#8046)
Enabling setting this in the config file in a line after enabling it, would
have been buggy.
* Reset average ttl when empty databases (#8106)
Just causing misleading metric in INFO
* Disable rehash when Redis has child process (#8007)
This could have caused excessive CoW during BGSAVE, replication or AOFRW.
* Further improved ACL algorithm for picking categories (#7966)
Output of ACL GETUSER is now more similar to the one provided by ACL SETUSER.
* Fix bug with module GIL being released prematurely (#8061)
Could in theory (and rarely) cause multi-threaded modules to corrupt memory.
* Fix cluster redirect for module command with no firstkey. (#7539)
* Reduce effect of client tracking causing feedback loop in key eviction (#8100)
* Kill disk-based fork child when all replicas drop and 'save' is not enabled (#7819)
* Rewritten commands (modified for propagation) are logged as their original command (#8006)
* Fix cluster access to unaligned memory (SIGBUS on old ARM) #7958
* If diskless repl child is killed, make sure to reap the child pid (#7742)
* Broadcast a PONG message when slot's migration is over, may reduce MOVED responses (#7571)

Other improvements:
* TLS Support in redis-benchmark (#7959)
* Accelerate diskless master connections, and general re-connections (#6271)
* Run active defrag while blocked / loading (#7726)
* Performance and memory reporting improvement - sds take control of its internal fragmentation (#7875)
* Speedup cluster failover. (#7948)

Platform / toolchain support related improvements:
* Optionally (not by default) use H/W Monotonic clock for faster time sampling (#7644)
* Remove the requirements for C11 and _Atomic supporting compiler (#7707)
This would allow to more easily build and use Redis on older systems and
compilers again.
* Fix crash log registers output on ARM. (#8020)
* Raspberry build fix. (#8095)
* Setting process title support for Haiku. (#8060)
* DragonFlyBSD RSS memory sampling support. (#8023)

New configuration options:
* Enable configuring OpenSSL using the standard openssl.cnf (#8143)
* oom-score-adj-values can config can now take absolute values (besides relative ones) (#8046)
* TLS: Add different client cert support. (#8076)
* Note that a few other changes listed above added their config options.

Info fields and introspection changes:
* Add INFO fields to track diskless and disk-based replication progress (#7981)
* Add INFO field for main thread cpu time, and scrape system time. (#8132)
* Add total_forks to INFO STATS (#8155)
* Add maxclients and cluster_connections to INFO CLIENTS (#7979)
* Add tracking bcast flag and client redirection in client list (#7995)
* Fixed INFO client_recent_max_input_buffer includes argv array (#8065, see #7874)
* Note that a few other changes listed above added their info fields.

Module API changes:
* Add CTX_FLAGS_DENY_BLOCKING as a unified the way to know if blocking is allowed (#8025)
* Add data type callbacks for lazy free effort, and unlink (#7912)
* Add data type callback for COPY command (#8112)
* Add callbacks for defrag support. (#8149)
* Add module event for repl-diskless-load swapdb (#8153)

Module related fixes:
* Moved RMAPI_FUNC_SUPPORTED so that it's usable (#8037)
* Improve timer accuracy (#7987)
* Allow '\0' inside of result of RM_CreateStringPrintf (#6260)

Thanks to all the users and developers who made this release possible.
We'll follow up with more RC releases, until the code looks production ready
and we don't get reports of serious issues for a while.

A special thank you for the amount of work put into this release by:
- Wang Yuan
- Felipe Machado
- Filipe Oliveira
- Tatsuya Arisawa
- Yang Bodong
- Jim Brunner
- Wen Hui
- Guy Benoish
- Chen Yang
- Nitai Caro
- Meir Shpilraien
- Madelyn Olson
- maohuazhu
- Valentino Geron
- Tyson Andre
- Michael Grunder
- alexronke-channeladvisor
- sundb
- WuYunlong
- Yoav Steinberg
- Uri Shachar
- Nykolas Laurentino de Lima

Migrating from 6.0 to 6.2

Redis 6.2 is mostly a strict superset of 6.0, you should not have any problem
upgrading your application from 6.0 to 6.2. However there are some small changes
of behavior listed above, please make sure you are not badly affected by any of

Specifically these sections:
* Command behavior changes
* Other behavior changes


The Redis team
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