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Connective Theories, 30 years of Neural - Neural 74

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Alessandro Ludovico

Jun 13, 2024, 7:58:06 AM6/13/24

“Connective Theories, 30 years of Neural” (Neural #74) is still available!

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ISSN: 2037-108X
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Neural #74, “Connective Theories, 30 years of Neural”

Centrefold30 Artists Celebrate 30 Years of Neural + 20 of Crónica. 


. Olga Goriunova
. Siegfried Zielinski
. Luciana Parisi
. Hito Steyerl
. Jussi Parikka


. The Neural Archive

. xcoax 23
. Renaissance 3.0 ZKM

. Rwm Mk1, manipulating physical radio space.
. Interface, augmenting senses.
. Biological_Data_Transmission, sniffing and recording particulates.
. Prompt Portraits, testing the bias on your face.
. ReCollection, recreating memories.
. Recharge, energy needs closed eyes.
. Terra Xenobiotica, forever chemicals airport soil.
. Deep Hysteria, AI is an old sexist.
. Etching Sound, cutting TikTok sounds.
. This is Not a Good Sign, AR poetic signs for change.
. Antenna, receiving and playing electromagnetic waves.
. Take and response. Tres improvisaciones para Rayuela, playing dynamic signs.
. BONES, connecting underground and overground through our bones.
. How deep Is the Dark Water?, Unanswered problematic questions.
. Offset, reverse engineering the carbon offset ceertificates.

. Edited by Martin Howse / Becoming Geological / V2_ 
. Stephen Coates / Bone Music: Soviet X-Ray Audio / Strange Attractor Press
. G. Douglas Barrett / Experimenting the Human, Art, Music, and the Contemporary Posthuman / The University of Chicago Press
. edited by Oreste Bossini / Biennale Musica 2023: Micro-Music / La Biennale di Venezia
. Paul Cournet, Negar Sanaan Bensi / Datapolis / nai010, TU Delft 
. Omar Kholeif / Internet_Art / Phaidon Press 
. Laila Shereen Sakr / Arabic Glitch / Stanford University Press
. Jussi Parikka / Operational Images, From the Visual to the Invisual / University of Minnesota Press
. Andrés Burbano / Different Engines, Media Technologies From Latin America / Routledge
. Tiziana Terranova / After the Internet, Digital Networks between Capital and the Common / Semiotext(e)
. Alexander Refsum Jensenius / Sound Actions, Conceptualizing Musical Instruments / The MIT Press
. Chris Salter / Sensing Machines, How Sensors Shape Our Everyday Life / The MIT Press
. Danielle Shlomit Sofer / Sex Sounds, Vectors of Difference in Electronic Music / The MIT Press
. Stephen Cornford / Petrified Media / The Eriskay Connection
. edited by Rosa Menkman & Luzi Gross / Reader No. 4 im/possible images / Lothringer 13 Halle

 music reviews:

Diego Behncke : Machine Anamnesis : Prensa Manual
. Bosch & Simons : Three Music Machines : staalplaat 
. David Lee Myers : Strange Attractors : Crónica
. Eric La Casa : Barri​è​res Mobiles : Swarming
. Geins’t Naït + Scanner + Laurent Petitgand : OLA : Mind Travels Series
. Giulia Rae : Nocturnal Drift : SØVN Records 
. Hannes Seidl : Befreit die Maschinen : Gruenrekorder 
. Jana Winderen : The Blue Beyond : Touch 
. Lisa Stenberg : Monument : Fylkingen Records 
. Marc Richter : MM​∞​XX Vol​.​1 & 2 : Cellule 75 
. Marginal Consort マージナル・コンソート : 06 06 16 (St. Elisabeth Kirche, Berlin) : 901 Editions 
. Maurizio Bianchi : Computers S​.​P​.​A. : Verlag System
. Nad Spiro : L’important : GaSaG 
. Natasha Barrett : Reconfiguring the Landscape : Persistence of Sound 
. Paul Baran : Pan Global Riot : Fang Bomb 
. Ruth Anderson & Annea Lockwood : T​ê​te​-​à​-​t​ê​te : Ergot Records 
. Schneider TM : Ereignishorizont : Karlrecords 
. Stefan Goldmann : Call and Response : Ash International 
. ASA : Radial : Raster
. Leonardo Barbadoro : Musica Automata : Helical

Neural magazine
Neural Archive

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