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John Fletcher

Oct 11, 2012, 6:42:29 AM10/11/12
I don't see anything going on in Github nor on the blog nor on this mailing list. Nothing has really happened for 6 months.
Can anyone shed some light onto the ongoing plans? Is there any development scheduled for the next 6 months?
Redcar is great as-is, but of course I'd love to see it continue to improve...

Daniel Lucraft

Oct 11, 2012, 3:20:27 PM10/11/12
Hi John

Good question. There may be a few people wondering this, so allow me to set things out in some detail.

Over the years we've had a lot of contributors, with a few long standing ones, in particular Delisa. But still, the driving force behind the project has been me, so as I've stepped back in the last year, development has slowed right down. (Though check out Delisa's excellent RubyMotion plugin work most recently

This is mainly because I've been giving my energy to the startup I work for ( It's also because I've spent five years on this project now, and frankly, I need a break. The days of me waking at 5am to get two hours of work in on Redcar are long gone. (Would you believe it took me six months to figure out why I was falling asleep in meetings? :)

Now, I still use Redcar for 100% of my work at Songkick, so it's still my primary editor, and I would fix any major bugs. It's still the most productive editor I've ever used. But I've also been enjoying experimenting with Vim in what little personal development I do, in order to broaden my experience a bit wider than the Textmate-style that I've been using for so long.

So at this point, I'm not sure what you can expect from this project. There are two realistic futures:

1. One or more of the Redcar contributors who are keen step up and take over active development. I can accept pull requests and offer advice, and allow someone else to be the driver and at some point take over.
2. The project retrenches a bit, with less of an attempt to be all things to all men, and becoming more like a personal project, where I may experiment with interesting things like modal editing and so on. Occasional bug fixes, new features from time to time, but not a grand plan of development. A smaller scoped project would be more manageable.

I'll be very glad if its number 1, but number 2 will be ok as well. I don't intend to make this project my life's work, although it has been fun and I've learned a ton. (Redcar was my first open source project, and my first project in Ruby. Someday let me tell you about the crazy mistakes I made in the first year....)

So, I'm sure that more than answers your question :) and perhaps is TMI, but I wanted to lay things out for the rest of the mailing list too and get this off my chest.


Daniel Lucraft

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Aaron McLeod

Oct 11, 2012, 3:24:46 PM10/11/12
Thanks for the details, Daniel. Was kind of wondering that myself :).
Aaron McLeod

Daniel Lucraft

Oct 11, 2012, 3:30:38 PM10/11/12
Thanks Aaron.
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