How do I configure Redcar to log to a file on Windows?

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Pauli Price

Jul 24, 2012, 2:15:34 PM7/24/12
Running Redcar on Win XP, I created a launcher to run redcar from the start menu and a desktop icon.  (Getting files to open in Redcar from the explorer file & folder menu is a work in progress.)  I have experienced a crash or two - haven't isolated the reason, principally because I haven't been able to locate a log file.  

How do I configure Redcar to log to a file?  Reading through the documentation, I've come up blank.

About: Redcar
Version: 0.14.0dev
Ruby Version: 1.8.7
Jruby version: 1.6.7
Redcar.environment: user

My launcher script is as follows:

Dim ArgObj, arguement
arguement = ""

' WshShell
Set ArgObj = WScript.Arguments
If (ArgObj.Count > 0 ) Then
argument = ArgObj(0)
End If

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

WshShell.Run "ruby C:\tools\redcar-014-beta\bin\redcar " & chr(34) & argument & chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing

Matthew Scharley

Jul 24, 2012, 10:36:07 PM7/24/12
Crash logs should be output on STDOUT as I recall, so redirecting that to a file should work. Last I checked Windows supports similar redirection stuff that *NIX does, so you should be able to do the following on the command prompt:

ruby C:\tools\redcar-014-beta\bin\redcar > file.log

Not sure if this will work with your launcher/WScript though.
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Daniel Lucraft

Jul 25, 2012, 3:36:58 AM7/25/12
It should log to a file in your home .redcar directory automatically. You can increase the log level to debug by starting redcar with --log-level=debug

Pauli Price

Jul 25, 2012, 11:55:35 AM7/25/12
Thanks.  I swore I had looked there -- obviously I missed it, because there it is.  No crash stack traces though.  I can only assume errors are related to the crashes.  I updated the log level to debug in my launch script, so maybe next time.  

This is one of the earliest errors (below).  I see similar 'permission denied' errors later on, all prefixed with [project_search].  Either I adjust the process owner (some XP version of setuid, whatever that is), adjust the  filesystem permissions, or log an issue on the Redcar tracker?  


error [06/29/12 13:28:55] [project_search] error indexing file C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Temp/hsperfdata_pprice/5836: Permission denied - C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Temp/hsperfdata_pprice/5836
error [06/29/12 13:28:55] [project_search] error indexing file C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Temp/etilqs_y0pPAy2UR1MXaTf: Permission denied - C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Temp/etilqs_y0pPAy2UR1MXaTf
error [06/29/12 13:28:55] [project_search] error indexing file C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Temp/etilqs_xHR7jsChDKW6b8L: Permission denied - C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Temp/etilqs_xHR7jsChDKW6b8L
error [06/29/12 13:28:55] [project_search] error indexing file C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Temp/etilqs_vaodrylnWEAppdp: Permission denied - C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Temp/etilqs_vaodrylnWEAppdp
error [06/29/12 13:28:55] [project_search] error indexing file C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat.LOG: Permission denied - C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft/Windows/UsrClass.dat.LOG
error [06/29/12 13:28:55] [project_search] error indexing file C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Current Tabs: Permission denied - C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Current Tabs
error [06/29/12 13:28:57] [project_search] error indexing file C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Cache/data_0: Permission denied - C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Cache/data_0
error [06/29/12 13:34:36] [project_search] error indexing file C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/ntuser.dat.LOG: Permission denied - C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/ntuser.dat.LOG
 info [06/29/12 13:34:52] Sessions::Loader: opening files last open for C:/tools
error [06/29/12 13:43:53] [project_search] error indexing file C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/ntuser.dat.LOG: Permission denied - C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/ntuser.dat.LOG
error [06/29/12 13:43:53] [project_search] error indexing file C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Cache/data_0: Permission denied - C:/Documents and Settings/pprice/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Cache/data_0
 info [06/29/12 13:57:48] Sessions::Loader: saving files last open for C:/Documents and Settings/pprice
 info [06/29/12 13:57:48] Sessions::Loader: saving files last open for C:/tools
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