Redcap Open

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Welcome to REDCap_Open.

This Q&A and discussion forum is a place I developed to post useful tips, so that I can find them later. It is open to anyone using REDCap at one of the REDCap Consortium sites. 

This is a moderated group so to join you need to provide some information about your institutional affilliation and interest in being part of the group - no information - no entry as this is needed due to people spaming the community.

This group  is NOT the  official REDCAP Community forum for use by the REDCap Development team and the Consortium leadership (admins from each site). That site is a high level closed user group. This site is NOT that forum.

It  is intended to provide a place to store REDCap experiences, and for  peer support. Users, working on projects, may need from time to time some way to discuss issues with peers within and outside your own institution. Every institutions version of REDCAP is likely to be a little different, with regard to operational rules e.g. can an end user create new projects, do projects need to be approved prior to going into production etc.  Yet the core functionality  is largely common to all and everyone has to work out how to make REDCap do what they want it to do.

Another use for this site is to post things you have learned about REDCap and might want to find later - you will know where to come to "look up the answer" and because you posted it for others, it will have all the detail you need to recall what you learned. 

Issues that seem to relate to your local institutions setup and policies  should be escalated to your  local administrator. 

Getting help with REDCap
  • There is excellent REDCAP help in user and advanced user manuals and video demonstrations available via your REDCAP installation or video links online
  • If you need help and you have local support via a manager/administrator, do use that, if convenient.. If you find a bug (broken software) report that to your local manager/administrator
  • Google the question - there is a lot of local institutional support material online and accessible via the web
  • If you have something to ask, have learned and wish to contribute - put it on REDCap_Open
  This site is initially created and managed by Peter MacIsaac, a health informatician and former institutional REDCap administrator in Australia. Comments can be directed to