Andrew White
QRIScloud National Relations Manager
T: +617 3735 6735 | M: 0468 989 096 | E:
Hi ReDBox Community Members,
We want to bring you up to speed on some exciting enhancements to ReDBox we are currently working on as a result of recent RDS Project Funding. The attached information sheet outlines the project we are currently working on to develop the RDS funded DLC portal and how the current ReDBox platform (versions 1.8 & 1.9) will also incorporate the portal's functionality. It then outlines the vision for future ReDBox enhancements. These enhancements will ensure ReDBox continues to remain an integral tool for institutions in managing research data throughout the Research Data Life Cycle. QCIF are currently pursuing opportunities to fund these enhancements and expect work to begin this year. It should be noted these project enhancements are in addition to the priorities agreed in the ReDBox RUG last year, and will be incorporated into the ReDBox 2.0 release.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss these further with the ReDBox community. For those attending the Open Repositories 2017 Conference we will be holding a ReDBox Workshop and Poster Presentation. In addition we are organising an informal get together at the conference to continue the discussion (details to be provided).
Andrew White
QRIScloud National Relations Manager
T: +617 3735 6735 | M: 0468 989 096 | E: