Hello everyone
I've just recently taken over system management of the Curtin University Library's RedBox server, and I'm still trying to learn what I can as I move along.
I was alerted by ANDS that they were seeing some strange text in the Person Description field.
The text found in the Person Description is "$util.encodeXml($util.get($item, "data", "Name"))"
If you do a Person search in ANDS with Curtin University as a Data Provider, some of the Person summary entries turn up with the above text in the Description.
Being a complete and utter newbie to managing RedBox I've been grep-ing and find-ing my way around the system and I found the same string in the mint/templates/person/rif.vm file (/registryObjects/registryObject/party/description).
The section in question is:
### Description
#set ($value = $util.get($item, "data", "Description"))
#if ("$!value" != "")
<description type="full">$util.encodeXml($value)</description>
<description type="full">$util.encodeXml($util.get($item, "data", "Name"))</description>
I really don't understand what is going on and if that is where that text in the Person Description is coming from.
Could anyone advise me why this is happening (missing description field in the source meta-data, maybe?) and what to do?
Thanks very much in advance to any and all who will respond.
Kind regards
David Lewis
Library Management Systems Analyst