Querying redbox solr database looking for doi

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Sep 25, 2018, 2:27:41 AM9/25/18
to ReDBox
Hi All,

I am trying to get some data out of the underlying solr database via the web query interface for use by another application. I know how to format the query string and get the data I want from the fascinator core except for the DOI.  Do I have to change something to make this available?



Andrew Brazzatti

Sep 25, 2018, 8:58:59 PM9/25/18
to redbo...@googlegroups.com
Hi Marianne,

The value should be available in the search index result document as all fields in the form are indexed. If it's a DOI that you've entered in the identifier field in the management tab then it should be there in a field named "dc:identifier.rdf:PlainLiteral". If it's a DOI minted by the ANDS service then it'll be stored in a field that's configured in the ANDS DOI configuration by default this is andsDoi.


-- Website: http://www.redboxresearchdata.com.au
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Marianne Brown

Sep 26, 2018, 2:59:14 AM9/26/18
to ReDBox User List
Hi Andrew,

That's what I thought - we are minting with ANDS, and the ANDS DOI configuration hasn't been changed from the default (apart from setting the api key) and it's not showing up. I have found a dataset with a doi that is displayed when viewing published view but I don't get the doi when I do the solr query. I was wondering if there was a schema document that was used when outputting fields via the query interface that we may not have updated at some point??? (grasping at straws here)

This is the query string I'm using - figure this should give me all the fields in the fascinator core for the object with the given ID. It returns everything as far as I can see but no andDOI field and not value that is equal to the items DOI.
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