Hi all
The changes for resourceType and resourceTypeGeneral are in the latest snapshot for redbox.
For those who want a jumpstart on the sourcecode, the changes can be seen
Apologies for the delay, but I have had difficulty (with staff moving on and my own institution changing) with testing.
However, from what I can see of the xml I'm posting to 'ANDS CiteMyData', it seems to me to be correct - feedback welcome.
The only other caveat, with our rifcs using the 'fullcitation' style, I'm not entirely sure what the correct standard should be (if it includes it at all) for adding resourceTypeGeneral, so I have left this out as I cannot find any updated resource that explains this one way or the other - the rifcs schema documents I'm looking at also do not define resourceType AFAIK - if anyone has this information or knows where I should be looking for it, please let me know. If this is available, and resourceType does have to be included, I'm sure it's a minor change and I could have it done quickly.
Kind regards
Matt Mulholland