ReDBox Workshop and Activities at eResearch 2018

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Gavin Kennedy

Aug 15, 2018, 4:22:46 PM8/15/18
Dear ReDBox Community,

As discussed previously, the ReDBox 2 workshop has been accepted into the eResearch Australasia 2018 workshop schedule and will be held 9am - 12.30pm on Monday, October 15 at the Pullman Melbourne in Albert Park.

In the workshop we will provide a detailed discussion on the ReDBox 2 design, an end to end data life cycle demonstration (including UTS demonstrating provisioner and data packaging with datacrate) and a hands on session to show how it can be customised. The workshop is pitched at both technical staff and research administrators and does not assume any technical skills.

So please register and join in.

We have also had our oral presentation on ReDBox 2 accepted, but the presentation program has not been announced yet. We will also schedule a lunchtime ReDBox User Group meeting during the conference. I will post details here when they are available.

Natasha Simons from the ARDC will also be running a BoF on Data Management Planning, which will be valuable to those institutions wanting to use the DMP features of ReDBox and ReDBox 2. Keep an eye on the program for this one.

I am looking forward to catching up with everyone and showcasing the new, significantly improved, ReDBox (and Provisioner).

Best regards,

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