Safe Routes "not in national interest"

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Jim Willis

Jul 9, 2011, 1:36:10 PM7/9/11
to RedBankSafeRoutes
hi all.

i receive this from the Adventure Cycling Association today. worth
reading or at least clicking and giving your 2cents.

-thx Jim Willis

***Congress threatens to end ALL dedicated bike/ped funding - contact
your Senators and Representative today!***


House Transportation Chairman John Mica announced today that his
proposed long-term federal transportation bill will eliminate
dedicated funding for biking and walking -- including Transportation
Enhancements, Safe Routes to School and the Recreation Trails Program
-- referring to these programs as "not in the national interest."

Not Transportation?
Biking and walking make up 12 percent of all trips in the US - even as
funding for biking and walking projects only accounts for 1.5% of the
federal transportation budget. That's more than 4 billion bicycle
trips and 40 billion walking trips a year -- including trips to work,
school, shopping and for recreation and tourism.

Bicycling and walking programs build bikeways, walkways and other
facilities for millions of Americans, improving access and saving

The Facts
Biking and walking are important forms of transportation (and
recreation and tourism). Funding for bicycle and pedestrian
improvements is a very efficient use of federal transportation
dollars. Portland, Oregon built a city-wide bike network for the cost
of one mile of highway.

These projects also create jobs and build local economies. Building
bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure creates 46% more jobs than
building road-only projects per million dollars spent.

Finally, eliminating 1.5% of transportation spending would have a very
small impact on the federal budget, but instead decrease
transportation options for American families in a time of rising gas
prices and an uncertain economy.

Help Protect Transportation Enhancements, Safe Routes to School and
Recreational Trails.
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