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I have a very important question

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Jun 6, 2022, 4:22:50 AM6/6/22
to RecSys-Challenge-2022
I have concern regarding how is the winners determined in June 21?

As the solution source code is not reviewed mandatory before June 21st, our team submits the final result according to the rules, while other teams do not follow the rules(leveraging other session data etc) and ultimately we may not be included in the winner list. If this is the case, what should we do?  

Nick Landia

Jun 6, 2022, 2:29:21 PM6/6/22
to RecSys-Challenge-2022

Should it be the case that we review the code and a solution is against the rules we have no choice but to disqualify it and the next team moves up. Having said that we still rely primarily on the integrity, honour and attention to detail of the teams themselves in following the rules. Us checking the code is the last safeguard, it should not come down to that.

We will pay closer attention to the code if there is a team that is way ahead of others (like your team on the leaderboard right now) to verify that the difference is because of a better approach and not because of using data that is against the rules.

In terms of timelines we are currently working on the code upload functionality and will most likely enable that a bit earlier than planned, so we may ask the top teams to upload their code starting on the 15th so we can start reviewing earlier.



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