Peter van Hardenberg
unread,May 5, 2009, 5:37:51 PM5/5/09Sign in to reply to author
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Come one, come all. RCSS is meeting tonight.
Tonight, Tuesday, May 5th, 7:00PM
ECS building ground floor (look for a small group of people with laptops)
This month's topics will be database related.
Noel will be giving a talk about his recent use of Perl's Parse::RecDescent to make a little
SQL-like language parser for a database report generator.
Peter will talk about SQLite and how it executes SQL queries as a form of byte code.
Afterwards we'll head over to Maude Hunter's.
See you there,
Peter van Hardenberg
Victoria, BC, Canada
"Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt." -- Kurt Vonnegut