Cy Schubert <Cy.Sc...@komquats.com>
FreeBSD UNIX: <c...@FreeBSD.org> Web: http://www.FreeBSD.org
I think I would be fine with a meeting. As before, I could talk for a short
time on making input methods or BBEdit language plugins, but there should be
another speaker for the rest of the time. -- Darren Duncan
I don't have much to talk about either. Been spending most of my time in
the new FreeBSD USB stack diagnosing an esoteric problem with USB floppy
drives, somewhere in the umass <--> CAM interface.
Cy Schubert <Cy.Sc...@komquats.com>
I was there. Where was everyone else?
It seemed to me that there was no actual decision to have a meeting. I said I
could talk on a certain thing but that there should be another speaker too, and
no one said they could do it. Also, there was no formal announcement of a
meeting, which seemed to cement the status of "not this time". -- Darren Duncan