ANN: Muldis DB projects now on GitHub also

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Darren Duncan

Sep 26, 2009, 2:59:19 AM9/26/09

As a quick update concerning the Muldis database related projects, I'm letting
you know that all the existing ones are now also hosted on GitHub, in addition
to the public repositories they had before:

I created that GitHub account back on 2008.08.22 but didn't get around to
actually using it until now, since my previous Git host still worked fine (and
it still does).

With this move, it should now be much easier than before for people to follow
the progress of these projects, and in particular should be much easier for
people to fork them / participate in their development, as they see fit.

As a heads-up, the very next thing I plan to do is split up the "Muldis D"
repository / distribution into 2 parts, with the original repo keeping just the
spec proper (what's in the lib/ dir; POD files), such that updates to it
afterwards constitute a new version of the language spec itself, while the new
repo, perhaps to be named "Muldis D Manual", will start off containing all the
supplementary docs (the archives/ dir) and utilities (the util/ dir) that aren't
part of the spec itself, and most forthcoming interesting docs will go there too
(as a new lib/ dir; POD files), such as tutorials and examples and comparisons
and so on.

If you have a GitHub account, feel free to follow me.

P.S. GitHub plans to go down for maintenance a couple times this weekend, once
around now and once on Sunday; the latter is a host move from Engine Yard to

-- Darren Duncan

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