Hi everyone
I'm wanting to learn how to use Recast Detour library, I feel more comfortable learning it using Python language
My map is 512 by 512 pixels. My sprite is 8 by 12,
I have x, y and width and height corrds for two blocks
160 112 48 48
200 112 48 48
I'm aware i need to convert these coords to vertices, but I'm not sure what should be default parameters for the config settings, I've search the mail list and checked the CPP code, but it's not clicking.
Can someone please kindly tell me what the parameters should be for 2D geometry? Alternatively, point me to an example that uses 2D geometry.
cellSize - cell size in world units, should be >= 0.0001
cellHeight - cell height in world units, should be >= 0.0001
agentHeight - agent height in world units, should be >= 0.0
agentRadius - agent radius in world units, should be >= 0.0
agentMaxClimb - agent max climb in world units
agentMaxSlope - agent max slope in degrees
regionMinSize - region minimum size in voxels
regionMergeSize - region merge size in voxels
edgeMaxLen - eEdge max length in world units
edgeMaxError - edge max error in voxels
vertsPerPoly - the maximum number of vertices in each polygon, should be integer from 3 to 6
detailSampleDist - detail sample distance in voxels
detailSampleMaxError - detail sample max error in voxel heights