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Getting ERROR for site owner: Invalid key type in google reCAPTCHA V3

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Jun 11, 2018, 8:18:05 AM6/11/18
Hi All

I am working on some internal project where they have been already integrated google reCAPTCHA V2, but now i have to integrate google reCAPTCHA V3. 
While integrating the latest version of google reCAPTCHA V3  i am facing one error. 
Exact error is :     "ERROR for site owner: Invalid key type in google reCAPTCHA V3"

Even though i have valid site and secret key (created in  google reCAPTCHA V3 )

And also i implemented by setting the below options.
1. First Case :
I listed "localhost" in domain listing area and checked the domain name validation checkbox.

2. Second Case :
I listed "localhost" in domain listing area and unchecked the domain name validation checkbox.

And also could anyone help me what should be the value of action variable. Whether it should be any resource url or it should be any callback function name.
grecaptcha.ready(function() {
grecaptcha.execute('SITE-KEY', {action: 'action_name'})
.then(function(token) {

May I know if anyone could share some resource about implementing reCaptcha V3

Many thanks for the help!


Roger Davies

Nov 30, 2019, 11:29:33 PM11/30/19

Same here - I don't think v3 is working

I followed the guide a few times, being sure to include the v3 generated key but none fo these work at all - 

however, as soon as I tried to implement v2 it worked right away.

I think v3 is either completely non-functional or still in development, but either way, not in a working or usable state from what I can see.

Try v2 though, it does actually work!
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