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Bob Vila: What qualification(s) does he have as a carpenter, craftsman, designer, etc?

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Mark Naylor

May 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/13/00
What qualifications does Bob Vila hold? ie. carpenter, craftsman,
designer, etc?

He seems to me an inept character who initially went round picking
peoples brains and now comes across as an 'expert' in all aspects of
home design.

I am correct in saying his company has a stock market

I can see him standing for public office. Just watch.

Mark Naylor


May 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/13/00
I recall that he doesnt have any such training in these areas, however I
cant remember what he past experience was
"Mark Naylor" <> wrote in message

Mike Watson

May 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/13/00
I thought I had heard someplace that he was at one time a general

Kevin wrote in message ...

Jim Warman

May 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/13/00
AHH... Boob Vile..... the "man" everyone loves to hate. That quiche-eating
waste of skin doesn't even have the qualifications to be the same species as
the rest of us. Any discussion of this cretin should actually occur in
alt.barney.die.die.die .

Of course, those of us in the GWN can always afflict ourselves with the
Canadian version of Boob - none other than Yawn Eek after we overdose on the
master of nothingness.

Jim Warman


May 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/13/00
He is an arcitect.

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May 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/13/00
Actually Bob Vila was into restoring houses himself in the late 70's to
early 80's. He was approached on location by a TV station or some sort and
asked to document the repair, restoration. That show became a hit and
became This Old House.
"Kevin" <> wrote in message

> I recall that he doesnt have any such training in these areas, however I
> cant remember what he past experience was


May 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/13/00
No. really Jim, how do you really feel about Bob Vila?
"Jim Warman" <> wrote in message

> AHH... Boob Vile..... the "man" everyone loves to hate. That quiche-eating
> waste of skin doesn't even have the qualifications to be the same species
> the rest of us. Any discussion of this cretin should actually occur in
> alt.barney.die.die.die .
> Of course, those of us in the GWN can always afflict ourselves with the
> Canadian version of Boob - none other than Yawn Eek after we overdose on
> master of nothingness.
> --
> Jim Warman


May 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/13/00
Bob Vila and Norm were on the original This Old House. Back when they
actually fixed them up and didn't do yuppie "we must destroy it to save it"
interior renovations. Bobbo started hawking Craftsman tools and I guess PBS
said buh-bye Bobbo. Steve Thomas now has Mr. Vila's job. Basically window
dressing and a liason between those who work and those who pay.

David Kihn

May 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/13/00
In the late 70's I knew some guys that were renovating old homes in San
Francisco for resale. One of the fellows approached the PBS station to
consider doing a home renovation show. The whole idea was very promising
and one day came to halt of no intereset in such a program. Then some time
shortly there after, out of Boston comes "THIS OLD HOUSE" which was the guys
in SF idea". The Bob Vila was there. Of course he does desire credit for
his name "VILA".
He seems to have learned on the job over the years. I'm not sure he many
qualification at the start of the program. He speaks with authority of the
subjects and for me that is always subject.



May 13, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/13/00
Bob Vila' bio


"Sproule" <> wrote in message

> Kevin wrote:
> > I recall that he doesnt have any such training in these areas,

> All you have to do is watch him for about 30 seconds and you will realize
> is as dumb as a nail, no wait the nail knows what to do.
> AL Sproule

David F. Eisan

May 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/14/00
Dear Jim,

> Of course, those of us in the GWN can always afflict ourselves with
> Canadian version of Boob - none other than Yawn Eek after we overdose
on the
> master of nothingness.

You forgot John Siloats, Canada's King of the brad nailer, who while
being a really nice fellow (I spoke to him for 10 minutes about Delta
vs. Taiwan import bandsaws at the wood show here in London) and a Police
Staff Sergeant in Toronto, also seems a little lacking in the Fine
Woodworking department. His shows seem rushed and they don't take a
project to completion but instead just show some steps. He is a lot
bigger in person, I am almost 6', he must have been about 6'3" 225+#,
but softer spoken in person then on TV as well.



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May 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/14/00


May 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/14/00

Jim Warman wrote:

> none other than Yawn Eek after we overdose on the
> master of nothingness.

Jim, Yawn Eeks, the King of table saw jigs I could not agree more. LOL
AL Sproule


May 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/14/00
On Sat, 13 May 2000 21:51:35 +0000, Mark Naylor
<> wrote:
>What qualifications does Bob Vila hold? ie. carpenter, craftsman,
>designer, etc?

At one time, Bob studied/majored in architecture. IIRC, his dad was a
mason (not Masonic) or was in some other trade.

Jim Warman

May 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/14/00
I didn't want to lump Mr. ButtJoint in there simply because he does actually
create "stuff"......even if it doesn't look like it'll last as long as the
payments on the tablesaw. At least he can remember his own name (quite
unlike Rene who had a lot of trouble with Graham McCullough).

In Johns defence, he openly admits his addiction to MDF as one of the "nicer
hardwoods". This *may* be better than Yawns addiction to Readers Digest home
repair CDs. Either way, I'm embarrassed to learn that these guys openly
admit to being Canadian.

In all probability, His Plaidness has a bigger budget for one show that
Silaots has for a whole season (hey, it's the canajun way).

"David F. Eisan" <> wrote in message

Jim Warman

May 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/14/00
Weelllllllll, if he lived on someone elses planet.........

"Leon" <> wrote in message

Charles Self

May 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/14/00
routerbit writes:

>>What qualifications does Bob Vila hold? ie. carpenter, craftsman,
>>designer, etc?
>At one time, Bob studied/majored in architecture. IIRC, his dad was a
>mason (not Masonic) or was in some other trade.

Yeah, but he got a degree in communications, whatever that is.

Charlie Self
Word Worker


May 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/14/00
OK guys..Bob Acts that way because of all the viewers that are new to
restoration, repair, and woodworking. An article about him once indicated
that he wanted to ask the type of questions that a novice would probably
ask. Basic. You must admit that his original, This Old House, show has
brought an enormous interest to the subject and many similar shows have done
the same since. Like it or not he started the whole process that worked and
it has lasted.

"Kevin" <> wrote in message
> I recall that he doesnt have any such training in these areas, however I
> cant remember what he past experience was
> "Mark Naylor" <> wrote in message
> > What qualifications does Bob Vila hold? ie. carpenter, craftsman,
> > designer, etc?
> >

richard wardrop

May 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/14/00
The expression I like to use is 'dumb as a sack of hammers'.

I have yet to meet a general contractor (who makes an honest living at it)
as apparently inept as Bobby 'sack of hammers' Villa.

Sproule <> wrote in message
> Kevin wrote:

> > I recall that he doesnt have any such training in these areas,

Rick V.

May 14, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/14/00
Bob is a very successful pitch-man. As far as his on-screen knowledge of
construction.....Bob is a very successful pitch-man.

I kind of miss the way he used to cut off people answering his questions and
the way he would, I assume, inadvertently insult the owner or tradesman.

I bet you he'd be a good guy to have a beer with though....lots of stories.



May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
When he did his own house for his show, he certainly did answer the question
"How much red is TOO much!!!"


May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
>The expression I like to use is 'dumb as a sack of hammers'.

My fave is "dumb as a box of rocks," followed by "a waste of human flesh."
Then again, "Intellectually speaking, so-and-so is wearing a bikini/thong" is
also quite useful. You have to adjust for gender, of course.
Also, "She/He's not the thickest book on the shelf" is a good one. And when
you're in the South, you can slam/insult/rail against anyone you please, as
long as you follow it up with, "Bless their heart." That tiny little rejoinder
will remove your insults from the list of bad deeds that you'll eventually have
to face up to when you reach the gates of St. Peter...Well, one can
hope...bless their hearts.....

"Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. But I
repeat myself." Mark Twain


May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
>Weelllllllll, if he lived on someone elses planet.........

I coulda sworn I saw him as an extra in "Battlefield Earth." He was riding
business class on the teleporter.


May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
>Yeah, but he got a degree in communications, whatever that is.

It means he still cuts off the subcontractors on the job when he talks to them.
It also means he listens to them just enough to get a gist of what they're
describing, and he then immediately interrupts them and takes over the dialogue
himself (since now he understands finally what it was they were telling him.)

He's a yuppie boob. He's faking his way through it, and he talks WAY too damn
much, IMHO.

See ya's,

Jon Endres

May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
Well, that explains everything. It means he's completely unqualified to
build anything.

I think all architects should apprentice under a carpenter or builder for
several years so they can understand how things are built and what it takes
to get the job done. Architecture is considered a degree in art in many
cases. No building knowledge required.

Keith <> wrote in message

Chuck Callaghan

May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
I don't know what the original thread of this line is BUT::

Your comment that "no building knowledge is required" is a gross
misstatement as any person taking the Architectural licensing exam will tell
you. Any person representing themselves as an Architect must have a
qualified degree (usually 5 or 6 years) 3 years of internship prior to
taking the exam which very few pass the first time. I do agree that
experience in the field would be very helpful. Many Architectural students
do work for construction companies during the summer to gain this
knowledge.Yes there are some who know more than others but that is true in
any profession. Any Architect who would design a building and not know
anything about building would not be very smart as the lawyers would have a
field day.

Jon Endres wrote in message ...


May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
Try working as a machinist for a while. Engineers are the same way. Most of
them haven't a clue how to build something.

Jon Endres <> wrote in message

Larry W

May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
A little qualification to your answer perhaps. I am an electronics
NON-Degree engineer that started life as a technician. I would agree that
many College grad engineers don't know how to build anything but one that
has started out as a tech and worked up is another story.


"CW" <> wrote in message


May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00

You surely must be referring to Mechanical Engineers huh? And I am glad you
qualified your statement with"Most of them......" as I am an engineer and think
I can handle building things (as I have now for 30+ years).......

I won't hold your being a machinist against you! (I do have my share of time on
Bridgeports and Hardinge's as well as DoAlls)


Larry W

May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
I think one of the biggest problems is that most industries put WAY too
much importance on College graduation, much more than experience. Also
tests, if you can pass the test you get the job even if you have 0 hands on
experience and cant find your but with both hands. I fought that battle all
my life. As a tech I worked for many engineers that I had to train.
There also are few if any apprentice jobs anymore. It seems that no
matter how much experience you have they will always hire a green college
grad over you. Only the small companies go for the experience. Seems the
only way around it is to start your own company.


"CW" <> wrote in message

> Well Philski, you caught my point. I have spent my time in the engineering
> department my self but keep going back to the shop. There is something
> hands on that appeals to me.
> --
> CW
> Philski <> wrote in message

Dr. B. J. Feng

May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00

Jon Endres wrote:
> Architecture is considered a degree in art in many

> cases. No building knowledge required.(snip)

That's why we have civil and architectural engineers.

John F.

May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
he has never said he had any qualifications. he is a builder and a tv
host not a cralfsman

Chuck Rush

May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
The same applies to a lot of engineers. If it weren't for the draftsmen, nothing would ever get built since mechanical draftsmen are usually required to take machine shop and welding classes. I've been a computer programmer for 15 years, but before that I was a mechanical designer/draftsman for an equipment manufacturing firm. I had an engineer who wanted to reem the inside diameter of a tube about 10 inches in diameter and 12 feet long. Tolerances supposedly had to be +/- .002. When I told him he couldn't do it, he got mad and who was I do dictate to HIM!?!?!?! I took him out into the shop and showed him that, not only did we not have a tool that could even REACH that far, (not to mention to his tolerances), but I didn't think there was a tool made anywhere that could do it that we would be able to afford. I then took him to the shop foreman. I had the guy explain to the foreman what he wanted. I've never seen anyone laugh that hard! We ended up making the things in 3 pieces and joining them together...

Jon Endres wrote:

> Well, that explains everything. It means he's completely unqualified to
> build anything.
> I think all architects should apprentice under a carpenter or builder for
> several years so they can understand how things are built and what it takes

> to get the job done. Architecture is considered a degree in art in many
> cases. No building knowledge required.
> Keith <> wrote in message
> > He is an arcitect.
> >
> > * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's Discussion Network
> *
> > The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!
> >

Chuck Rush
Pond Rushes,
Anti-spam note - to reply, remove the _nojunkmail from the address.

Primum id abscidemus, tum id occidemus.
First we're gonna cut it off, then we're gonna kill it.

Chuck Rush

May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
Passing an exam and swinging a hammer are 2 different things. Book knowledge will not replace practical experience.

Chuck Callaghan wrote:

> I don't know what the original thread of this line is BUT::
> Your comment that "no building knowledge is required" is a gross
> misstatement as any person taking the Architectural licensing exam will tell
> you. Any person representing themselves as an Architect must have a
> qualified degree (usually 5 or 6 years) 3 years of internship prior to
> taking the exam which very few pass the first time. I do agree that
> experience in the field would be very helpful. Many Architectural students
> do work for construction companies during the summer to gain this
> knowledge.Yes there are some who know more than others but that is true in
> any profession. Any Architect who would design a building and not know
> anything about building would not be very smart as the lawyers would have a
> field day.
> Jon Endres wrote in message ...

Thomas Renshaw

May 15, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/15/00
check out his site then you will know...


May 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/16/00

I didn't mean any insult to those that do know what they are doing. The ones
I was refering to were just as you described, college grads with no
practical experience. The vast majority are of this type. I have worked with
engineers that have worked their way up starting in the shop and they are by
far the most qualified.
Larry W <> wrote in message

> A little qualification to your answer perhaps. I am an electronics
> NON-Degree engineer that started life as a technician. I would agree that
> many College grad engineers don't know how to build anything but one that
> has started out as a tech and worked up is another story.
> Larry
> "CW" <> wrote in message
> news:8fphhh$ink$

> > Try working as a machinist for a while. Engineers are the same way. Most
> of
> > them haven't a clue how to build something.
> >
> > --
> > CW
> > KC7NOD
> > Jon Endres <> wrote in message
> > news:RMRT4.78746$


May 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/16/00
Well Philski, you caught my point. I have spent my time in the engineering
department my self but keep going back to the shop. There is something about
hands on that appeals to me.

Philski <> wrote in message
> CW:
> You surely must be referring to Mechanical Engineers huh? And I am glad
> qualified your statement with"Most of them......" as I am an engineer and
> I can handle building things (as I have now for 30+ years).......
> I won't hold your being a machinist against you! (I do have my share of
time on
> Bridgeports and Hardinge's as well as DoAlls)
> Philski
> CW wrote:


May 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/16/00
One to dream, another to do....

Dr. B. J. Feng <> wrote in message

> Jon Endres wrote:
> > Architecture is considered a degree in art in many

Larry Jaques

May 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/16/00
On Mon, 15 May 2000 22:43:06 -0400, "Thomas Renshaw"
<> spake thusly:

>check out his site then you will know...

Yeah, and check the Whitehouse website for the absolute
truth about our honest prez.

I'll apologize for offending someone...right
after they apologize for being easily offended.
----------------------------------------------- Inoffensive Web Design

mike hide

May 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/16/00
On Tue, 16 May 2000 07:43:18 -0700, Larry Jaques <>

The major qualification Vila needs is the ability to explain the
subject matter he is talking about in a simple and understandable way
Personally for all his many faults you all find with him ,I think he
does that rather well [ even better than norm i would say], I takes
supreme confidence to address millions on a TV camera ,most of us I
would venture to say would freeze even if we were talking these words
we type anon in front of a crowd of just a few thousand...mjh

Ken Day

Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00
Speak fro yourself. I think he has a pretty good show. Like someone
else on here said, he asked a lot of questions fro the benefit of the
audience. Most people wouldn`t do that because they wouldn`t "look
smart".......since you have already blown your chance to look smart
why don`t you make some more lame,dumbass comments. BTW...what can you
On Sat, 13 May 2000 23:51:05 GMT, "Jim Warman" <>

>AHH... Boob Vile..... the "man" everyone loves to hate. That quiche-eating
>waste of skin doesn't even have the qualifications to be the same species as
>the rest of us. Any discussion of this cretin should actually occur in
>alt.barney.die.die.die .
>Of course, those of us in the GWN can always afflict ourselves with the
>Canadian version of Boob - none other than Yawn Eek after we overdose on the
>master of nothingness.

Ken Day

Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00
Keyword:experience. Know and worked with lots of
engineers,architects,contractors over the span of almost 38 years.
Know many people who worked in the some degree... of
architects and engineers.Those who worked their way up with no
formal education were great at their jobs. Those with the formal
training who tried to use it along with common sense and drawing from
the knowledge of others with experience in their field made fine
Architects and Engineers. It all boils down, IMHO,whats inside a
man. Thats my 2 cents worth.Probably about all it`s worth.
On Sat, 13 May 2000 21:41:51 GMT, "Kevin" <>

>I recall that he doesnt have any such training in these areas, however I

JLucas ILS

Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00
I am with you Ken. He is good and probably qualified in lots of areas. And if
nothing else, he is making mucho dollars. I don't have to work with him and I
can shut him off when I want...and I chuckle at all the missing digits Riley
has, but there is still alot to be learned from them. Probably his best
qualification is that he doesnt have to read news groups.


Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00
Wow!!! 3 of that believe that Bob Vila knows what he is doing.

"Ken Day" <> wrote in message

Larry Jaques

Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00
On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 22:13:16 GMT, (Ken Day) spake

>Keyword:experience. Know and worked with lots of
>engineers,architects,contractors over the span of almost 38 years.

I'm sorry that the Bobster is your hero. I'd much sooner trust
Robin (of Robin's Butt fame) to put together a home for me than
rely on the "experience" of Vila. Hell's bells, he even trusts
Crapsman tools! Pass.

The Titanic. The Hindenburg. +
The Clintons. + Website & Graphic Design

Alec Jones

Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00
Well, Leon. What have you done lately that got you national attention and
lots of money? I don't see any TV show named for you.

At least he's working. You're just bitching!


Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00
Yeah, three of four posts in support of the Boobster! What's this group
coming to?

Larry Bailey
Illegitimi non carborundum

Leon <> wrote in message

Thomas Bunetta

Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00
Not to mention a pretty nice butt!

Maker of Fine Sawdust and Thin Shavings
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> Robin's butt....hmmmm...brings back memories of a great

Larry W

Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00
In the defense of Bob, Norm, Steve, and Dean and whoever else has there
own informative TV show. They provide entertainment, they provide ideas,
they provide information for which YOU have to decide what is good and what
is no good, they are hosts of a national show, they have the credentials,
they make a good living and they have the respect of a lot more people than
the bitcher's. I have never heard any of them say that they were the
foremost experts of anything. Its just a TV show not a college course. Is
there anybody that cant be criticized? Nobody's perfect, if you can do
better then tell us when your show is on the air and maybe we'll watch, then
again maybe not.
At least Bob asks questions so you can learn something and keeps the show
moving. I also never heard Bob claim to have the qualifications to do all
those jobs. Norm has built about everything in about every way it can be
done to make it fun and has turned me on to woodworking. I watched Steve
while I was building my house and used may ideas I got from his show, and
Dean does some nice projects and also has Robin. What's the point for all
the criticism anyway? Jealous? If your not entertained then don't watch.
My opinion.



Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00
Actually Alec I meant to include myself as the third person to like him.
Have liked him for 14+ years. He started the whole thing.
"Alec Jones" <> wrote in message

David Kihn

Jun 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/20/00
Well, interesting comments from all.
I often have thought that I know more than the Villa guy. But its a
combination of talent that it takes to make a TV show. Some knowledge,
appearance that is appealing to the audience and good voice is an important
element, personal manner and presence and the ability to ask the important
questions of the trades persons on the job, plus things that I don't even
knowl. How many of us could do the job as well as Bob? I have been in a
couple of technical videos and I know that is hard to believe but you would
hate how you come off in a video. Although it appears easy, this is really
hard to do to well. We are used to seeing so many excellent broadcasts by
the finest of actors and writers that real people don't often look so good.
So my take is this; good job Bob Villa! I am still watching and in spite of
a few things that I knew better or questions that I would not have ever
asked. Yes, I am still watching this guy even the old classics that
include Norm. In fact, Norm Abrams re-ignited my interest in woodworking
and I now have a shop that he would like. I still enjoy all of their shows
and I have probably seen them a couple of times.

David Kihn


Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
>I'd much sooner trust
>Robin (of Robin's Butt fame) to put together a home for me than
>rely on the "experience" of Vila.

Robin's butt....hmmmm...brings back memories of a great thread....

JLucas ILS

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
Larry - right on. They have success. That is the bottom line. And they each are
good. They have turned millions of people into motivated
woodworkers/do-it-yourself persons/etc...and a few complaines.

Charles Self

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
jlucas ILS notes (Re: Bob Vila):

>Probably his best
>qualification is that he doesnt have to read news groups.

Damn. I knew I didn't WANT to read this NG, but someone is forcing me to.

Charlie Self
Word Worker


Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
Rkniemiec wrote

>Robin's butt....hmmmm...brings back memories of a great thread....
Anybody got a pic? ;)

"Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. But I
repeat myself." Mark Twain

Wood Chips

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
In article <>, says...

> Speak fro yourself. I think he has a pretty good show. Like someone
> else on here said, he asked a lot of questions fro the benefit of the
> audience. Most people wouldn`t do that because they wouldn`t "look
> smart".......since you have already blown your chance to look smart
> why don`t you make some more lame,dumbass comments. BTW...what can you
> do?
> On Sat, 13 May 2000 23:51:05 GMT, "Jim Warman" <>
> wrote:
> >AHH... Boob Vile..... the "man" everyone loves to hate. That quiche-eating

Haven’t we milked Bob Vila to death!

No spam, remove the 2 Q's in the e-mail address.
90% of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.


Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00

And did she really leave the show with Dean to become a stand up
comedian...????? What a waste of a good...... well, you know.....

Mike Hartigan

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00

Actually, it was Joann Liebler (sp?) who left the show to do comedy.

Mike Hartigan <>

Why is it always the guy with the moustache and three twenty
dollar bills in his hatband?

Waterworks International Corporation

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
> > Robin...????
> > And did she really leave the show with Dean to become a stand up
> > comedian...????? What a waste of a good...... well, you know.....
> Actually, it was Joann Liebler (sp?) who left the show to do comedy.

Robin was originally on a show called Travelers that was on the Discovery
Channel. There were 3 girls and 3 guys. Any 3 of them would be grouped
together and they would go to some location. Anywhere from Kentucky to New
Orleans to Timbuktu to Australia to India to Sweden. Usually there was some
sort of local festival going on and the 3 Travelers would talk to people, do
local things and the show would end up on the final celebration of the local
festival. It was a great show and had the added bonus of showing the girls
in swimsuits or whatever...

Robin was ok but there was a Hawaiian girl who was absolutely gorgeous. The
best show was when they were in Finland taking a sauna. They would then
rush to the ocean and jump in then run back to the sauna. Needless to say
after she jumped in (in a red one-piece IIRC) she was rather embarrassed and
ran back with her arms covering up strategic spots of her anatomy that had
popped out like a groundhog in February.

Robin showed up after one season with a big engagement ring on her finger
and then was gone at the end of that season. She was replaced by some
blonde who looked like she borrowed her mouth from a Clydesdale...

Mike Hartigan

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
He actually did quite a bit of hands-on stuff in his early days on PBS.
One multi-episode sequence, in particular, comes to mind in which he
turned an empty room into a kitchen. All by himself - nobody else on
the show. He explained each and every measurement and cut. I learned
quite a few things on that one, not the least of which being that it
doesn't take a crew to do a job like that. Those were the days when
home-improvement shows were something other than infomercials.

Fighting an urgent need to smoke, Ken Day wrote:
> Speak fro yourself. I think he has a pretty good show. Like someone
> else on here said, he asked a lot of questions fro the benefit of the
> audience. Most people wouldn`t do that because they wouldn`t "look
> smart".......since you have already blown your chance to look smart
> why don`t you make some more lame,dumbass comments. BTW...what can you
> do?
> On Sat, 13 May 2000 23:51:05 GMT, "Jim Warman" <>
> wrote:

>>AHH... Boob Vile..... the "man" everyone loves to hate. That quiche-eating

>>waste of skin doesn't even have the qualifications to be the same species as
>>the rest of us. Any discussion of this cretin should actually occur in
>>alt.barney.die.die.die .
>>Of course, those of us in the GWN can always afflict ourselves with the
>>Canadian version of Boob - none other than Yawn Eek after we overdose on the
>>master of nothingness.

Mike Hartigan <>

Why didn't you do that to the monkey
BEFORE he sold the car?

Larry Jaques

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
On 21 Jun 2000 11:12:53 GMT, rebe...@aol.comnojunk (RebelYowl) spake

>Rkniemiec wrote
>>Robin's butt....hmmmm...brings back memories of a great thread....
> Anybody got a pic? ;)

Shame on you, Mere. (Posted to a.b.p.f.)

Charles Self

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
WIC posts:

>Robin showed up after one season with a big engagement ring on her finger
>and then was gone at the end of that season. She was replaced by some
>blonde who looked like she borrowed her mouth from a Clydesdale...

As long as she didn't look like she borrowed her butt from said Clydesdale...

Charlie Self
Word Worker

Waterworks International Corporation

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00

Oops -- wrong Robin -- the Robin below is the "other" Robin (Kipp)-- from
show with Harvey (Gimee Shelter?)

> Robin was originally on a show called Travelers that was on the Discovery
> Channel. There were 3 girls and 3 guys. Any 3 of them would be grouped
> together and they would go to some location. Anywhere from Kentucky to
> Orleans to Timbuktu to Australia to India to Sweden. Usually there was
> sort of local festival going on and the 3 Travelers would talk to people,
> local things and the show would end up on the final celebration of the
> festival. It was a great show and had the added bonus of showing the
> in swimsuits or whatever...
> Robin was ok but there was a Hawaiian girl who was absolutely gorgeous.
> best show was when they were in Finland taking a sauna. They would then
> rush to the ocean and jump in then run back to the sauna. Needless to say
> after she jumped in (in a red one-piece IIRC) she was rather embarrassed
> ran back with her arms covering up strategic spots of her anatomy that had
> popped out like a groundhog in February.

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
>> And did she really leave the show with Dean to become a stand up
>> comedian...????? What a waste of a good...... well, you know.....
>Actually, it was Joann Liebler (sp?) who left the show to do comedy.

And failed pretty miserably at that, Now ole' Jo' can be found on HGTV
doing decoratin' and fix'm shows. But I can't stand her! She was
better when she was doin' it with Dean. (But Robin is still the
Ya'll wanna blast ole Bob, but since I got a dish (sat) I've found
that there are PLENTY of others out there that are Far Worse than Bob.
Bill Lewis
REMOVE both "nospam-" in return address to reply.

Hank Metz

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
<> wrote in message

Agreed, Bob should have a new intro line: Hi, I'm Bob Veeeela, and I suck
less. On today's show...


Hank Metz
A Woodworker's Notebook

Larry Jaques

Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
On 22 Jun 2000 00:45:35 GMT, (JollyMann) spake

>Bob has an attitude that can get under your skin but overall he introduces a
>lot of people to many construction options/techniques they probably did not
>know about.

This is akin to Evel Kneivel teaching people how to drive motorcycles.

Never put off 'til tomorrow |
what you can avoid altogether. | Executive Gifts Online


Jun 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/21/00
Bob was on TV doing the same thing before TOH. A TV reporter found him
remodeling a house. Yes Him. Thought it would be a good idea to put home
repair and reconstruction on TV.
<> wrote in message
> All right people, lets remember that BOOB Vila,did not originate his
> persona. Rus Morash the producer of This Old House, New Yankee Workshop
> and The Victory Garden, selected him to be an on screen presence.
> Vila did this till the gleam of Sears gold lured him away.
> I would have done the same thing, if I were Vila but,that aside, he is
> still an obnixious son of a bitch who thinks he knows it all,and belive
> me he don't.
> Norm comes across as a nice bland fellow and at least respects the other
> 'actors' on the shows.
> I have wondered if Norm or the Silva Bros.ever wanted to take a poke at
> So to repeat myself, it was Rus Morash we owe the TV revival of home
> remodeling and woodworking to.
> PS:
> Lest we forget the inept one, Under'the hill'. Ha Ha Ha
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00

On 21-Jun-2000, "Waterworks International Corporation" <>

> Oops -- wrong Robin -- the Robin below is the "other" Robin (Kipp)-- from
> that
> show with Harvey (Gimee Shelter?)

As a matter of disinterest Harvey used to be a radio dj in Philly. WOW,
that's really related to WW!



Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
Rumor central here in LA has it that Bob did a house in Malibu. The owner was
not satisfied and they ended up in court. While on the witness stand, Bob
stated that his profession was entertainer. As with all rumors, I could find
nobody that actually witnessed the affair let alone had first-hand knowledge.

Bob has an attitude that can get under your skin but overall he introduces a
lot of people to many construction options/techniques they probably did not
know about.


Charles Self

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
Tekkie writes:

>As a matter of disinterest Harvey used to be a radio dj in Philly. WOW,
>that's really related to WW!

Oh, I dunno. The DJs I've heard over the years tend to sport solid wood

Probably walnut from the noise of nuts dropping.

Charlie Self
Word Worker

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00

Charles Self

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
Larry Jaques writes:

>>Bob has an attitude that can get under your skin but overall he introduces a
>>lot of people to many construction options/techniques they probably did not
>>know about.

>This is akin to Evel Kneivel teaching people how to drive motorcycles.

You know, it just came to me. I had the final check on my right knee, after
surgery on 5/11. Had to get a cortisone shot in the left knee (those are just
great fun!). And it is all EK's fault for jumping, or trying to jump, so many
obstacles. As a 30 year old idjit, I emulated him over a couple things (my
take was on the line of the VW bug, and at crossroads and off bluffs in the
back of beyond, on 3000 acres just north of Albany, NY, though. That was a
long time ago. Betcha 5 bucks that area is now apartment buildings). Maybe I
should sue him or his family. Nah. I had my fun, and lots of it. Now, I pay.

Charlie Self
Word Worker

mike hide

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
On Wed, 21 Jun 2000 18:54:11 -0700, "Hank Metz" <>

Talking about qualifications brought a smile to my face .there used to
be a baseball player by the name of John Kruk [sp] who played for the
phillies .
One day he was in the dugout smoking a cigarette ,an older lady leaned
around the corner ,admonished him and said atheletes are not supposed
to smoke cigarettes ,his answer , lady we arnt atheletes we are
baseball players ....mjh

Brian Belliveau

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
" America ... what a country "

Yakov (sp) Smirnoff (sp)

"JLucas ILS" <> wrote in message

JLucas ILS

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00

Great story. Very applicable.

Brian Belliveau

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
The 'party line' I've heard is he did a local (Boston) heritage restoration,
caught the attention of the local PBS ( Rus Morash, producer? ), that
started This Old House. Subsequently B.V. was offered an endorsement /
on-screen spokesman / money paying job to flog Craftsman. This went against
the integrity of PBS ... they wanted him to drop Craftsman ... he took the
money and ran, rather than cave in to the high integrity of the PBS concept.

I understand B.V.'s training was in Architecture ... may not have finished
... one of those damn irresponsible college dropouts ... like that guy in
Redmond, Washington ( or has he moved to B.C. today? )

If you can't take what these guys do, please tune out ( I know ... 57
channels, and nothing on ). They are popularizing a trade / craft that to
most is kind of 'out there'. Showing people what goes in to getting
something done makes it less likely that some con artist will get away with
charging $ 500.oo (+ parts) to change a toilet, and more likely that another
guy will pay me and you a fair rate to get something done, because he
appreciates what it is we do, and what it is that we're supposed to know.

I'm quite impressed with the father and son team ( and family, by the look
of the credits) that create 'The Router Workshop' ( a Canadian production,
out of Manitoba).

I have a hard time with 'Ren Molnar' (how the hell do you sp that?) on radio
( Saturday mornings here in the Great White North) ...

It's a sad state of affairs to be virtually certain that Bob & Steve & Norm
& the Silva bros. & Dean & Joann (Jo Ann / Joe Anne ) & 'the Router Guys &
Ren Molnar & Yawn Eeks ( sp by another poster) & Robin ( how's your agility
going? ) ... et al, are reading these posts, but have to resist the urge to
defend themselves simply because the (silent) majority will simply smile and
nod, while the disgruntled masses will crawl out of the worm holes ( not the
kind that add character to project ) to flame and bait. And it would be even
worse if they tried to contribute on an even footing with the rest ( of us
? ). They are in a no win situation.

Except that they may be out here in the news groups under an alias ( very
carefully crafted, of course ), but ... what would be the point.

And remember ... use safety glasses ... but damn it Norm, shouldn't you get
side shields?

Brian Belliveau
Thunder Bay, Ontario

"Leon" <> wrote in message

| Bob was on TV doing the same thing before TOH. A TV reporter found him
| remodeling a house. Yes Him. Thought it would be a good idea to put home
| repair and reconstruction on TV.
| <> wrote in message
| news:8iruna$7es$

Al Taylor

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00

God bless Bob Vila!!!!


Charles Self

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
Al Taylor writes:

>God bless Bob Vila!!!!

Well, why not. If Tiny Tim can say "God bless us all, every one," why exclude
Bob Vila?

Charlie Self
Word Worker

Al Taylor

Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00

Al Taylor writes:
>>God bless Bob Vila!!!!

On 22 Jun 2000 15:10:48 GMT, (Charles Self) wrote:

>Well, why not. If Tiny Tim can say "God bless us all, every one," why exclude
>Bob Vila?
>Charlie Self
>Word Worker

: )



Jun 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/22/00
What's the line from Fiddler on The Roof?

"Rebbe, is there a proper blessing for the Tsar?"

"Certainly, my son. May God bless and keep the Tsar ... far away from us."

Charles Self <> wrote in message

> Al Taylor writes:
> >God bless Bob Vila!!!!
> >


Jun 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/23/00

Wood Chips wrote: Haven’t we milked Bob Vila to death!
Not possible the only thing I like about Boob is hating him.
AL Sproule


Jun 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/24/00
Bob and Martha Stewart to wed on TV this fall. The DIY event of the year.
Norm will be the best man.
Sproule <> wrote in message

Buddy Matlosz

Jun 24, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/24/00

jeffery_1 <> wrote in message

> Bob and Martha Stewart to wed on TV this fall. The DIY event of the year.
> Norm will be the best man.

He always was.


Lee DeRaud

Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
On 22 Jun 2000 00:45:35 GMT, (JollyMann) wrote:

>Rumor central here in LA has it that Bob did a house in Malibu. The owner was
>not satisfied and they ended up in court. While on the witness stand, Bob
>stated that his profession was entertainer. As with all rumors, I could find
>nobody that actually witnessed the affair let alone had first-hand knowledge.

The house's original owner bailed...purchaser was actor Stefan
Gerasche (sp?), who had no end of trouble with the home automation
system, ended up having to have the whole house rewired
conventionally. The HA was buggered up so bad that light switches in
bedrooms were turning on appliances in the kitchen...randomly. The
local newsies had a ball with the story.


Lee DeRaud

Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
On Thu, 22 Jun 2000 02:47:10 GMT, wrote:

>Norm comes across as a nice bland fellow and at least respects the other
>'actors' on the shows.
>I have wondered if Norm or the Silva Bros.ever wanted to take a poke at
I don't think the Silva's ever worked a TOH project during the Vila
regime. Norm, OTOH, was probably careful to keep away from BV whenever
he (Norm) had an air nailer in his hand: the temptation would have
been overwhelming.
I do recall one homeowner in BV's last TOH season who probably wanted
him dead: Boob practically called the guy a wimp on-air because the
(5'6", 130lb or so) homeowner couldn't swing a 30lb sledge up over his
head to break a cast-iron drain line. I shudder to think what was
going on off-camera.


Andy Hastings

Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
I saw a show about this "problem he had in Malibu, It was one of those "Magazine"
type shows like entertainment tonight or something. The house had exstensive
restorative work done to it, The guy buying it thought , "Well, its Bob Villa's
house, how can I go wrong?" The house fell apart like a year later.
HA He is a hack! So by Bob's thinking because I know a good carpenter that makes
me one??
My $.02

JollyMann wrote:

> Rumor central here in LA has it that Bob did a house in Malibu. The owner was
> not satisfied and they ended up in court. While on the witness stand, Bob
> stated that his profession was entertainer. As with all rumors, I could find
> nobody that actually witnessed the affair let alone had first-hand knowledge.

> Bob has an attitude that can get under your skin but overall he introduces a
> lot of people to many construction options/techniques they probably did not
> know about.

> Jolly

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Larry W

Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
I just wondered if any of you guys that bash Bob so much about his
relationship with Norm have any personal information that the two did not
get along? Did Norm or Bob say as much? I have seen most all of the old
shows and I don't see where you get the idea from the show, it appears that
all of the shows were scripted with little ad lib as compared to the newer
shows. I never saw Bob being disrespectful to Norm, on the contrary. Were do
you get your information? or is it just based on speculation?

On the subject of the Malibu house, yes Bob was the contractor who
contracted a new home automation system that did not work properly,
shouldn't we give some of the blame to the home automation company that
installed and designed the unit? If you called an air-condition contractor
to install a new air condition in your house and it never worked right who
should get the blame. You for calling them in the first place or them for
installing a crappy system?
Maybe we could blame Bob for the leaning tower of Pizza or something.


"Andy Hastings" <> wrote in message

Waterworks International Corporation

Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
> I just wondered if any of you guys that bash Bob so much about his
> relationship with Norm have any personal information that the two did not
> get along? Did Norm or Bob say as much? I have seen most all of the old
> shows and I don't see where you get the idea from the show, it appears
> all of the shows were scripted with little ad lib as compared to the newer
> shows. I never saw Bob being disrespectful to Norm, on the contrary. Were
> you get your information? or is it just based on speculation?
> On the subject of the Malibu house, yes Bob was the contractor who
> contracted a new home automation system that did not work properly,
> shouldn't we give some of the blame to the home automation company that
> installed and designed the unit? If you called an air-condition contractor
> to install a new air condition in your house and it never worked right who
> should get the blame. You for calling them in the first place or them for
> installing a crappy system?
> Maybe we could blame Bob for the leaning tower of Pizza or something.
> Larry

Couldn't agree more on the home automation aspect; however, I did talk to
Rich Trethewy (sp?) at a home show for about 1/2 hour while it was slow and
he was saying what a royal PITA Bob was. They would do dry runs of the bits
where the contractor would explain how the process worked. During the
shoot, Bob would take the guys lines and explain it all leaving the
contractor looking like some slack jawed yokel.

Everyone kept it professional but Rich said that nobody was sad to see him
go. He said the best ever was at the beginning of one season where Bob had
to walk into the front door, say some words and then close the door. He
kept blowing the lines, and after about 4 takes, slammed the door real hard.
The lady had glass shelves in the window next to the door full of little
glass animals. Needless to say, everything came crashing to the floor...


Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00

it's Pisa! not Pizza.....


(you musta been hungry huh? - the Leaning
Tower of Pizza is right down the road from
the Leaking Tower of Beer!)

Larry W wrote:
> I just wondered if any of you guys that bash Bob so much about his
> relationship with Norm have any personal information that the two did not
> get along? Did Norm or Bob say as much? I have seen most all of the old
> shows and I don't see where you get the idea from the show, it appears that
> all of the shows were scripted with little ad lib as compared to the newer
> shows. I never saw Bob being disrespectful to Norm, on the contrary. Were do
> you get your information? or is it just based on speculation?
> On the subject of the Malibu house, yes Bob was the contractor who
> contracted a new home automation system that did not work properly,
> shouldn't we give some of the blame to the home automation company that
> installed and designed the unit? If you called an air-condition contractor
> to install a new air condition in your house and it never worked right who
> should get the blame. You for calling them in the first place or them for
> installing a crappy system?
> Maybe we could blame Bob for the leaning tower of Pizza or something.
> Larry


Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00

You might try chasing down this site:

It kinda shows his ego-centric attitude -
although in fairness, it does not mention
the outcome of the lawsuit....


Steve Wilson

Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
The Silva's and Richard (the plumber) were on many TOH's with
Bob. Tom Silva with jet black hair and looking quite young.
The episodes where Richard introduces us to radiant floor heat
were special. The whole gang was there and the project was
quite good.

Got questions? Get answers over the phone at
Up to 100 minutes free!


Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
And yet the complainers keep watching and coming back for more. They just
love hating Bob. Or is it, they hate loving Bob? He seems to be doing
quite well for himself despite all his short falls. He is smart enough to
make them work for him. He commands those around him like most all teachers
and professors do. He leads.

Larry W

Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
at last some real information


"Waterworks International Corporation" <> wrote in message

Larry W

Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
I realize that but thanks for pointing it out. I was going to say pizza pan
but it didn't look as good.


"Philski" <> wrote in message

> Larry:
> it's Pisa! not Pizza.....
> Philski
> (you musta been hungry huh? - the Leaning
> Tower of Pizza is right down the road from
> the Leaking Tower of Beer!)
> Larry W wrote:
> >

Larry W

Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
I guess that's my point also. I suppose if we had some real inside
information on any of the TV personalities we watch would have a lot to
complain about. I don't watch the show to have something to complain about
I remember when Bob quit the show I was in the middle of building my
house and I thought Steve would never be as good but now I do like Steve
much better and there seems to be a repor between Steve and Norm I think
this is by design. In the early shows Norm looked a little stiff and uneasy.
I don't know how they are in person, it might all be an act but that is not
really important to how they come across.


"Leon" <> wrote in message


> And yet the complainers keep watching and coming back for more. They just
> love hating Bob. Or is it, they hate loving Bob? He seems to be doing
> quite well for himself despite all his short falls. He is smart enough to
> make them work for him. He commands those around him like most all
> and professors do. He leads.

Larry W

Jun 27, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/27/00
"Carol Berger of Leaburg, Ore., east of Eugene, says the "Home Again" host
allegedly injured her back and caused her lasting psychological trauma. Her
lawsuit seeks $100,000 for pain, suffering and mental anguish, and $26,673
for medical care and lost earnings. "

Interesting story, not to defend Bob but I wonder how much of it is
inspired by the fact that he is a personality and is sueable? Im sure she
really has psychological trauma over it. People always get psychological
trauma when they are attacked by a personality. Remember how that rather
LARGE woman got psychological trauma when little Gary Coleman attacked her?

What we need is MORE lawyers.


"Philski" <> wrote in message

> Larry:
> You might try chasing down this site:
> It kinda shows his ego-centric attitude -
> although in fairness, it does not mention
> the outcome of the lawsuit....
> Philski

Jun 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/28/00
On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 13:52:27 GMT, (Lee DeRaud)

The Silva Bros. did do at least one house that I can remember while BV
was around. It was probably the first.
It was the Duplex house owned by and engineer and his wife, that had
moved up to the Boston area from the south. They put an enormous
addition on to one half of the back of the house (their side). The
house also included a handicapped accessible mother-in-law "suite".
they were one of the few and maybe one of the last homeowners who
really put forth some "sweat-equity"
Boob was assisting the son ripping out the original kitchen cabinets,
and closed one of the old cabinet doors on the son's hand. It looked
like it really hurt.
BTW, I remember the sledgehammer incident, but that is nothing to
compare to another incident that the same homeowner had with BV. The
Homeowner wanted to strip and clean up the old brick on the old
kitchen fireplace, and keep the brick exposed. BV basically told him
no way, couldn't be done, and that it'd look like crap when it was
done. Granted, the brick work was not done in a fashion that would
easily allow it to be exposed. It was obviously done with the
intention to plaster over it, But with a few brick replacements, and
repointing (which it needed anyway) the brickwork could have been
beautifired to the point of making them exposed.

Jun 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/28/00
On Tue, 27 Jun 2000 12:29:01 -0700, Steve Wilson
<> wrote:

>The Silva's and Richard (the plumber) were on many TOH's with
>Bob. Tom Silva with jet black hair and looking quite young.

Yea that's when he had hair, and a big bushy 70's disco mustache.

Jun 28, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/28/00
>Everyone kept it professional but Rich said that nobody was sad to see him
>go. He said the best ever was at the beginning of one season where Bob had
>to walk into the front door, say some words and then close the door. He
>kept blowing the lines, and after about 4 takes, slammed the door real hard.
>The lady had glass shelves in the window next to the door full of little
>glass animals. Needless to say, everything came crashing to the floor...

Sad to hear about the dust collectors, but I'd really like to see an
hour long episode of TOH bloopers. Hometime did it once, I think it
was the final episode with Joanne Liebler.

Woody Glover

Jun 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM6/30/00
My favorite Boob Story was when he was walking around a house in Florida,
with a landscape contractor, to size up the job. "What is this?" asked Boob
as he fingered a small plant. "That is poison ivy" replied the contractor
as Boob hastily wipes his hand on his trousers.


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