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Tabletops from TableLegs.Com ??

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Feb 10, 2013, 10:15:50 PM2/10/13
Has anyone bought a table top from them ( "Classic Designs by
Mathew Burak" out in Vermont)? They make them to your specs and I am
interested in ordering a few... but I have not seen any reviews.

Cheers, Shawn

PS: Also any cabinet/woodworking shops in the SF bay area that could make
me a couple of maple tabletops (one for a counter and a couple for a desk)
at a reasonable price? They don't need to finish, just glue up and sand
flat. The national "custom wood counter" places seem to have a uniformly
ridiculous price... I suppose, I could do the glue-up and find a local
place with a big stationary belt sander, but I am not looking forward to
ripping and joining 12' long planks of 8/4 maple....

Lee Michaels

Feb 11, 2013, 10:04:53 PM2/11/13

"RimaNeas" <> wrote in message
I have used the Grizzly maple bench tops for desk tops, bench tops and
industrial style furniture.


I have even joined tops together by clamping them together, underneath, with
those clamps used for the MDF countertops. You don't get a loot of options
for sizes, but you can cut them up to fit your application. And I know,
these are bench tops. But they work fine for other applications as well.
It ain't fine furniture, but it look a lot better than laminate.

Feb 12, 2013, 12:45:25 PM2/12/13
I suppose, I could do the glue-up and find a local
> place with a big stationary belt sander, but I am not looking forward to
> ripping and joining 12' long planks of 8/4 maple....

Depending on what level of quality you are looking for, Grizzly tools sells Maple workbench tops. They don't typically have any voids or much mineral staining. The difference between tool bench tops and kitchen tops is that the bench tops are not all full length strips, so they will have end butt joints on some of the strips. Boos tops are all full length strips.

I don't know anyone who could do it at a reasonable price considering the price of labor. I used to do it but only have a drum sander now, not a true wide belt. I could only make money by doing them as part of a bigger project, usually a kitchen island.


Feb 12, 2013, 1:05:44 PM2/12/13
I have use , not for table tops but for bun feet.

BE SURE to let them know exactly what you are looking for, assume
nothing. I got 3 different looking glued up bun feet out of a set of 4,
some were solid some were pieced together. All the same species and
shape however. I ended up sending the whole batch back so that they
could resend a matching set of 4. You would think that the puller would
have known to do that in the first place.


Feb 11, 2013, 5:26:22 PM2/11/13
"Leon" <lcb11211@swbelldotnet> wrote in message
> I have use , not for table tops but for bun feet.
> BE SURE to let them know exactly what you are looking for, assume nothing.
> I got 3 different looking glued up bun feet out of a set of 4, some were
> solid some were pieced together. All the same species and shape however.
> I ended up sending the whole batch back so that they could resend a
> matching set of 4. You would think that the puller would have known to do
> that in the first place.

That fills me with great confidence! Thanks for the info.

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