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Deciding XM or Sirius ? Here's a review.

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James Dixon

Apr 17, 2003, 8:31:48 AM4/17/03
Now that I have had both services, and having noticed that a google search
yields no definitive answers for people, I wanted to post my personal review
of the two systems.

I have an Alpine CDA-7878 and an Alpine XM unit and a Panasonic Sirius unit,
both with Terk antennas. The Alpine unit was connected to the head unit via
an AiNet cable and the Sirius unit was connected with an auxiliary RCA
adapter available from Alpine (KCA-121B). I had XM since it debuted and
Sirius for a few months in the Pacific Northwest.

The bottom line, for those needing a quick answer, is Sirius is superior in
sound quality, features(free streaming from their website!), and channel
quality(better music, no commercials, better talk). XM has a few more
channels that make very little difference to the end result (read on).

After careful review of both systems, Sirius came out the winnner, as I have
said. The channels are laid out well, lack commercials, sound great, and
are streamed on the internet. The only disadvantage of Sirius was its
oft-sited lack of Nascar, which they seem to be trying to remedy. Also, XM
has an extra comedy channel (it's boring, and features older, censored
comedy), and a few more "experimental" music channels which most will find
totally useless. Surfing XM for music is often like surfing the regular
(terrestrial) radio in a large city-you get nothing but frustration. It's
no wonder XM doesn't stream live on the net so that you can try before you
buy. Also, XM's channel layout was unfriendly, in my opinion.

The greatest and most dizzying drawback in comparing the two, however, are
the staggeringly stupid and annoying XM commercials. Not necessarily the
corporate commercials that come from outside companies (which are annoying
in an expected way), but the ridiculous and loud in-house XM stuff that
makes you have to turn down your radio really quick when you've had it up
loud-especially with the windows open (yes, they are that embarrassing).
This, and the better performance of Sirius, was the deciding factor in my
cancelling XM.

XM, however, holds their own and can satisfy a customer with some decent
music and a fair selection of Talk. If not for Sirius, I would have kept
XM, I think; probably because it IS nice to listen to the same station no
matter where you go. Yet, as is the way of competition, Sirius has offered
everything good that XM does and DONE IT RIGHT. Sirius outshines in the
talk category, with a variety of Right and Left-wing shows, all of the
useful talk channels XM has, and NPR, PRI, and a well laid-out channel plan.

XM does a bit better in the design of their customer care website. Sirius
also has a customer care website, but it is not as robust (less detail).
However, XM doesn't have streaming audio on its website-apparently we all
have to pay XM $6.99 extra in additon to buying another $200 receiver for
the house. In addition to the crappy commercials, this is probably where
the corporate influence of XM being part-owned by ClearChannel and GM shows.
(Clearchannel is responsible for the reason regular radio is so terrible).

So, there you have it. I am not a shill; I was just so overwhelmed by the
chasm between these two services, that I felt compelled to put a proper
review on usenet.

One other interesting tidbit is that I was able to receive both services
with an antenna hidden below the rear-deck of my
car-made possible probably because it has a large rear-window at a steep
angle. Sound quality was the same wherever the antenna was placed-inside or
outside-of course. I understand that there was a professional review of XM
vs. Sirius and that XM was said to have better sound, but the superiority of
Sirius was glaring in my test. I say A-B it at a store with XM, if you can,
on the same system. Do a channel comparison, too-I'm sure you'll see that
what I've written is the case.

Good luck, and, for my two cents, I would support Sirius unless XM does an
about-face. XM may be cheaper by a few bucks, but trust me: you get what
you pay for.

If you have a good question I may respond to you if you would like to send
it to me.

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Apr 17, 2003, 12:05:20 PM4/17/03

James Dixon <> wrote in message

> Now that I have had both services, and having noticed that a google
> yields no definitive answers for people, I wanted to post my personal
> of the two systems.

Thanks for that informative review. I have been considering both
services. For me I am left with judging that XM seems more likely to be
the survivor *if* only one of the services survives, and finding that
Sirius has a better choice of talk programming, especially the NPR

Those who are wringing their hands over how the war on terrorism can
restrict our freedoms are often the same liberals who favored the loose
immigration laws that have put so many terrorists inside our borders,
thereby necessitating restrictions on everyone's freedoms in order to
deal with people who should not have been here in the first
place.---Thomas Sowell


Apr 17, 2003, 1:18:19 PM4/17/03
Actually I chose XM for the real variety of talk. I can get NPR anywhere I
want, they are like cockroaches, but to get things like Smoke This, Bruce
Williams, At Home with Gary Sullivan and some real variety you need to look
at XM


"tscottme" <> wrote in message

Eddie Runner

Apr 17, 2003, 1:18:18 PM4/17/03
as a retailer that sells BOTH
we have sold several hundred XM systems
and less than 10 Sirius systems since they came out!
We have KIOSK displays for both with a Kenwood Head in the Sirius
display and a Pioneer head in the XM display, both are hooked up to
outside antennas and both are tied into our main soundboard... The
displays are as EQUAL as we can get em, and customers can easily
sample both! But XM way way way outsells Sirius....

As a user!
I have BOTH in my tahoe...
ALthough I really like Sirius, I am 99% of the
time listening on XM...!!

They both sound great!
They both have occasional drop outs for 1 second of so a
couple times a month (no biggie) depending on where I
am driving.... (both acceptable to me!)

As far as commercials are concerned...
On the XM music channels I listen to, there are no commercials
On the SIRIUS music channels I listen to there are no commercials.
(I dont listen to ALL channels so I am only relating MY views)

On the news channels I have been listening to lately (cause of the war)
the commercials are about equal on both Sirius and XM...

However, on some of the other channels although SIRIUS brags about
no commercials, they have commercials that SUCK BIGTIME!

A good example is, the old time radio show channel... I sometimes listen to
it on my 30 minute drive to and from work...

SIRIUS has commercial breaks every 7 to 10 minutes! The commercial
breaks are 4 minutes or 6 minutes long AND SUCK! They are the same
commercials everytime and you really get tired of them!

XM has a similar channel for old time radio shows and they do commercials
aprox every 15 minutes of 5 minute duration! And they are not ALL the
same old crap every time....

With XM I can listen to an entire show on the
way to work in the 30 minute time peroid... With Sirius there are so many
commercials the whole show doesnt make it in my driving window...
The commercials are SO BAD on that channel that when I see a SIRIUS
"NO COMMERCIALS" banner or brochure it makes me wanna tear
it up and stomp on it!!!

But, only YOU can judge and a great deal of it depends on the channels
that YOU want to listen to..

They are both pretty darned great!!

Eddie Runner

David Chamberlain

Apr 19, 2003, 9:08:27 PM4/19/03
James Dixon wrote:
> Now that I have had both services, and having noticed that a google search
> yields no definitive answers for people, I wanted to post my personal review
> of the two systems.
> I have an Alpine CDA-7878 and an Alpine XM unit and a Panasonic Sirius unit,
> both with Terk antennas. The Alpine unit was connected to the head unit via
> an AiNet cable and the Sirius unit was connected with an auxiliary RCA
> adapter available from Alpine (KCA-121B). I had XM since it debuted and
> Sirius for a few months in the Pacific Northwest.
> The bottom line, for those needing a quick answer, is Sirius is superior in
> sound quality, features(free streaming from their website!), and channel
> quality(better music, no commercials, better talk). XM has a few more
> channels that make very little difference to the end result (read on).

How can you make an honest sound quality comparison when you're using
different methods to connect each unit?

David Chamberlain


Apr 19, 2003, 9:08:53 PM4/19/03
Been using Sirius since April 2002 when it became available in the NYC area. It
clearly has the the best music choices and on the open road beats the shit out
of XM with solid reception. XM is only good near the cities where their
repeaters are but once you get 20 miles out there's lots of breakup. Sirius
radio sales will pick up once they ramp up their advertising. They won't go out
of business and the worst that could happen is they could be taken over by
another company.

Nick Jeffery

Apr 22, 2003, 1:58:20 PM4/22/03
Eddie Runner wrote:
> SIRIUS has commercial breaks every 7 to 10 minutes! The commercial
> breaks are 4 minutes or 6 minutes long AND SUCK! They are the same
> commercials everytime and you really get tired of them!
> XM has a similar channel for old time radio shows and they do commercials
> aprox every 15 minutes of 5 minute duration! And they are not ALL the
> same old crap every time....

How do these compare to normal FM/AM broadcast radio services in the
States? Advertising at those levels isn't heard of in our radio
market... 15/20 minutes an hour of adverts - a quarter/third of output!

Nick Jeffery.

Eddie Runner

Apr 22, 2003, 1:58:26 PM4/22/03
How do you know that serius is better when you dont have XM to compare it to???

I have both and on the open road they BOTH have great reception ...
I have used mine all over texas !!

Eddie Runner

R J Carpenter

Apr 22, 2003, 1:58:21 PM4/22/03

"ejxit" <> wrote in message

> Sirius
> radio sales will pick up once they ramp up their advertising. They won't
go out
> of business and the worst that could happen is they could be taken over by
> another company.

I still expect Sirius to be taken over by Clear Channel. Clear Channel has
a rather minor investment in XM (about as much money as a couple of FM
stations). They could afford to throw that investment away if Sirius
becomes available on a bankruptcy "fire sale".


Apr 22, 2003, 1:58:28 PM4/22/03

"ejxit" <> wrote in message
> Been using Sirius since April 2002 when it became available in the NYC
area. It
> clearly has the the best music choices and on the open road beats the shit
> of XM with solid reception. XM is only good near the cities where their
> repeaters are but once you get 20 miles out there's lots of breakup.
> radio sales will pick up once they ramp up their advertising. They won't
go out
> of business and the worst that could happen is they could be taken over by
> another company.

I have the Pioneer FM modulated XM unit in my 2001 Ford F150. I've had the
service for over a year; I commute from RURAL central Virginia into the
Washington D.C./Dulles technology corridor everyday - almost exclusively on
two-lane back roads, avoiding the interstates at all costs. I'm clearly NOT
near their repeaters for the majority of my drive.

I have NEVER lost signal for more than a few seconds, and usually this is
caused by being trapped under an overpass in congested traffic (where my
"view" to the satellite is obviously obscured). Even on country roads in
Orange and Louisa counties (i.e. - the middle of nowhere) with thick
overhead foliage, I've never lost signal. I have never experienced any of
the "breakups" you describe. Perhaps you had a poor installation?

There are some improvements that XM could make in the programming - a better
variety of country music is one. But the Pop/Rock/Comedy/Jazz/Dance (I love
BPM - 81) content is superb. If you take the view that XM is like your
cable television provider - there's a lot more variety and a lot more good
content than you get for free over the air. For me, it's definitely worth
the $10/month.


Jeremy Powell

Sal M. Onella

Apr 22, 2003, 1:58:32 PM4/22/03
My partner at work would argue with the breakup story. He loves his XM and
only looses it under some overpasses. (He also lost it in mid-continent on
a coast-to-coast trip, maybe transitioning between satellites; simply
switching his unit off and back on made it work.)

He commutes daily from Temecula, California, to San Diego, through rural
areas that probably have no repeaters at all. Since I don't know the signal
strengths in these areas or the hardware in use or the quality of the
installations, I'd be a fool to go much beyond what I've said.

"ejxit" <> wrote in message

James Dixon

Apr 22, 2003, 1:58:41 PM4/22/03

What commercials on Sirius are you talking about? There aren't any on the
music channels and there aren't any of these really long comercials that I
hae heard on the talk channels. Which channel?

By the way, if people are buying so many more XM units (and, agreed, XM has
more subscribers), what reasons are they citing. I know most of my friends
prefer Sirius, but have Alpine head units and so went with XM...

Were the A-B systems used for comparing the XM and Sirius compared using the
same speakers, etc.? Obviously the head units are probably different...

Personally, I really dont think XM outsells Sirius because the programming
or sound quality is better on XM. I stopped by BestBuy, yesterday, and I
think they must be hella paid to push the XM because that's all you hear
about. Seems like more Clearchannel bully-monopoly pressure to me.

Anyway, glad to see the discussion forming!

"Eddie Runner" <> wrote in message


Apr 22, 2003, 1:58:45 PM4/22/03

> Thanks for that informative review. I have been considering both
> services. For me I am left with judging that XM seems more likely to be
> the survivor *if* only one of the services survives, and finding that
> Sirius has a better choice of talk programming, especially the NPR
> lineup.

I like NPR, but like the next guy says, you can get them in every market
(although some program times vary)

But I'd rather got go with a company that says they only have enough money
to make it to June. They may go belly up this summer. Maybe eventually XM
will pick up NPR and add a couple more channels...

David Eduardo

Apr 22, 2003, 1:58:43 PM4/22/03

"ejxit" <> wrote in message
> Been using Sirius since April 2002 when it became available in the NYC
area. It
> clearly has the the best music choices and on the open road beats the shit
> of XM with solid reception. XM is only good near the cities where their
> repeaters are but once you get 20 miles out there's lots of breakup.
> radio sales will pick up once they ramp up their advertising. They won't
go out
> of business and the worst that could happen is they could be taken over by
> another company.

Sirius spent something like $60 million last year in advertising; if did not
seem to do them much good.

I have driven outside metros extensively with XM; the only dropouts are
occasional ones for a fraction of a second in heavily shadowed urban areas.
On the freeways, I have never had a dropout going between LA and Phoenix,
Albuquerque,Las Vegas, San Francisco, Fresno and San Diego.

David Eduardo

Apr 22, 2003, 4:47:47 PM4/22/03

"James Dixon" <> wrote in message

> Personally, I really dont think XM outsells Sirius because the programming
> or sound quality is better on XM. I stopped by BestBuy, yesterday, and I
> think they must be hella paid to push the XM because that's all you hear
> about. Seems like more Clearchannel bully-monopoly pressure to me.

Clear Channel owns about 6% of XM. The big owners are GM and Honda, with
nearly half the company. Next are several mutual funds, then some of the
interested broadcasters like CCU, HBC and Radio One.

R J Carpenter

Apr 22, 2003, 4:47:57 PM4/22/03

"Al Iverson" <> wrote in message

> I'm driving to Washington DC next weekend, and I fully expect it's going
> to work fine, even when I "get 20 miles out."

It's fine on the Ohio Tpk. You might get a second or so dropout on the
Penna Tpk, and also in the tunnels. I've driven DC to Dayton, DC to
Detroit, DC to Cleveland and coverage is 99.99% perfect [6 seconds in 60,000
seconds]. I'd say no more dropout than 5 seconds + tunnels on your likely

There are a couple of places on I-68 in western Maryland where you are on
the wrong side of a steep hill where the XM sig goes out for a minute or so.
These really are beyond the middle of nowhere.

I am neither an employee nor investor of/in XM.

Apr 23, 2003, 8:27:38 AM4/23/03
Man I'd really hate to see this group in a pc vs. mac fight

"Wavking" <wave...@komkast.not> wrote in message


Apr 23, 2003, 8:27:44 AM4/23/03
Like taken over by whom? XM is the only other company offering the service
right now...

"ejxit" <> wrote in message

Charles Hunstiger

Apr 28, 2003, 10:54:27 AM4/28/03
I had XM installed in my car for a while and really liked it. It had
great sound quality overall. I recently switched over to Sirius
because of the "Commercial Free' music channels. Holy Cow! After
listening to Sirius for about a month now...the Sirius programming is
sooo much better. The DJ's offer insight into the songs (which i
really like). The XM DJ's reminded me of annoying FM DJ's. I also
think that Sirius sounds better to my ears. The music seems like it
breathes more. Kind of like hearing a regular CD and a SACD. XM has a
compressed sound quality to it. Overall, I am ecstatic with Sirius in
my car. I am excited to get one of their home units or boomboxes due
out soon too. Sirius must love me....because of me showing their
system to friends and family...they must have at least an additional
50 subs! I am thinking about investing in the company I love it so
much. I think their shares are like under $1. Unbeleivable! If this
thing takes off....we could have the next microsoft?

James Dixon

Apr 30, 2003, 8:10:39 AM4/30/03
It was very much apples to apples, and if you think about it, you will
realize why. I know very well how satellite works, and this was an
excellent A-B.

I could compare because I was using the same system and the same connection,
albeit in different ways. Let me explain:

The Ai-Net signal from the XM Alpine unit comes in through a proprietary
cable at the AI-Net interface. The panasonic came in through RCA connection
to an auxiliary Ai-NEt adapter Alpine sells.

The only difference could be in the way that Alpine or Panasonic treated the
voltage or other attributes of the signals being output by their units. In
that case, there are two possibilities: first, XM has poor sound quality,
or second, Alpine's XM unit stinks. Of course, it could have been a mixture
of the two.

Bottom line is, the Panasonic CR-SRF100 (CR-SRT100) pushed an infinitely
better signal under exactly the same conditions.

Hope that helps.

"Al Iverson" <> wrote in message

> In article <b7m6rk$g8t$>,

> "James Dixon" <> wrote:
> > After careful review of both systems, Sirius came out the winnner, as I
> > said. The channels are laid out well, lack commercials, sound great,
> > are streamed on the internet. The only disadvantage of Sirius was its
> > oft-sited lack of Nascar, which they seem to be trying to remedy. Also,
> > has an extra comedy channel (it's boring, and features older, censored
> > comedy), and a few more "experimental" music channels which most will
> > totally useless.

> How odd, the "expiremental" musical channels are my favorites and
> comprise most of my presets.

> > The only disadvantage of Sirius was its
> > oft-sited lack of Nascar, which they seem to be trying to remedy.

> Barf, they can have it. I could care less about Nascar. The one thing
> that Sirius has got over XM is NPR. I sure wish those channels were on
> XM.

> > The greatest and most dizzying drawback in comparing the two, however,
> > the staggeringly stupid and annoying XM commercials. Not necessarily
> > corporate commercials that come from outside companies (which are
> > in an expected way), but the ridiculous and loud in-house XM stuff that
> > makes you have to turn down your radio really quick when you've had it
> > loud-especially with the windows open (yes, they are that embarrassing).
> > This, and the better performance of Sirius, was the deciding factor in
> > cancelling XM.

> I too, found this a problem with XM when I first got it (almost a couple
> years ago now). I've noticed that this has been toned down quite a bit.

> > I understand that there was a professional review of XM
> > vs. Sirius and that XM was said to have better sound, but the
superiority of
> > Sirius was glaring in my test.

> You had two different systems hooked up two different ways, it wasn't
> apples to apples. Like satellite TV, you either get the signal or you
> don't. The compression method are probably even similar. It either
> decodes or it doesn't. I'd be curious as to what you heard that made you
> think one sounded better than the other. (I'm hoping it's not the old
> radio trick of louder is better.)
> Regards,
> Al Iverson
> --
> Al Iverson -- -- Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
> Protected by WombatMail! -- Disclaimer: All of my opinions are mine alone.

Eddie Runner

Apr 30, 2003, 12:35:58 PM4/30/03
Was it really a better signal, or was it just louder??

On my Pioneer I have the direct connect XM and the
AUX adapter with the SIRIUS.... They are NOT the same
audio levels!!!

But my Pioneer has a feature where I can adjust the individual
volume levels so that they both are equal... I dont hear any
significant difference in sound quality at all..

My guess is YOU are being FOOLed by the slightly different
audio levels and you think the louder one sounds better....!!

Dont feel bad, folks are fooled by the high volt headunits the exact
same way...

See ya
Eddie Runner

James Dixon

May 1, 2003, 11:34:46 AM5/1/03
Your guess is wrong. This Alpine unit has level controls, as well, and I

Now, if we are done shouting at each other and insulting each other's
intelligence, maybe we can move on to something productive.

In addition, I was able to test these units on a home stereo amplifier, and,
though there was some slight signal difference, of course, it was
embarrrasingly clear the Sirius sounds better. I'm not into being a fanboy,
I'm just calling it as I saw it, and I was very careful to make an equal


"Eddie Runner" <> wrote in message


Eddie Runner

May 1, 2003, 1:36:33 PM5/1/03
Guy must work for Sirius...!

Im sure he got his multimeter and decibel meter out to make sure his
settings were exactly the same....! ha ha ha NOT!!!!

Paul Vina

May 1, 2003, 9:14:04 PM5/1/03
One tenth of a Bel.

Paul Vina

"Sarge" <> wrote in message

> Eddie Runner <> wrote in

> news:b8rlv1$45j$

> > Guy must work for Sirius...!
> >
> > Im sure he got his multimeter and decibel meter out to make
> > sure his settings were exactly the same....! ha ha ha
> > NOT!!!!
> >
> > Eddie Runner
> >

> I have a question for you. Not trying to be a smartass or get in
> any contest, just have a question. What is 1 decibel? Silly I
> know but I'm just curious.
> Thanks,
> Sarge
> --
> There are days when I really want to reach out and touch someone.
> Thumbs on the front, fingers wrapped around the back of the neck.
> But I've never been prone to violence... well not much .... well
> there was that time in .....

Eddie Runner

May 1, 2003, 9:14:02 PM5/1/03
What is it,
as in what does decibel mean, or what does one decibel equate to?

the word decibel means one 10th of a BEL
(named from Alexander Graham Bell)

One Decibel is usually the amount of sound change that is just
by a human with good hearing under ideal circumstances.. Like a hearing

Is this what your looking for?


James Dixon

May 2, 2003, 3:50:43 PM5/2/03

Well, I'm sick of talking to you, but just to clear the air, I don't work
for Sirius. I am an IT admin and an engineer in the Northwest. I got on
this kick after deciding I really only wanted one of the two satellite
services in my car, so I decided to look on Google to see if anyone had the
goods on which was better. I found next to nothing as far as a review went,
so I set about making one myself. Yes, a friend and I did get those meters
out to test what I could to see where the difference was coming from, and
yes, you are a dick for insinuating otherwise. I appreciated the challenge
at fist, but now you're just being stupid. Ask some real questions so this
thread doesn't go to pot - it was getting pretty cool, and it would be great
to hear even more opinions, don't you think?

(flame mode off)

"Paul Vina" <> wrote in message

Eddie Runner

May 2, 2003, 5:06:45 PM5/2/03
So, your now telling us that you and a buddy got out the
decibel meters and set up your car so that XM and SIRIUS were
exactly the same level.???

What did you use for a reference signal?

If I were to do level match something in my lab I would
choose something like a 1k tone and with that it
would be fairly easy to adjust both sources
to be equal...

But I was not aware that SIRIUS or XM had any
reference tones that could be accessed by an end user such as
yourself.. I would imagine it would even be hard to have XM and
SIRIUS to play the same song ! So how on earth did you accuratly
set up a decibel meter in your car to make sure the output level of
XM and SIRIUS were the same??? Playing music the dB meter
would be jumping all over the place and not of much value....!!!

So I would find a decibel meter nearly useless for that, I would simply
adjust the levels by ear...

This is why your claim of using a decibel
meter sounds so far fetched to me...

Its also why I still believe that
any difference you say you heard between the XM and SIRIUS were
likely to be SIGNAL LEVEL differences and not actually sound
quality differences...!! (your not a very good liar)

And now, when I call you on it you tell me

Alot of folks get that sick feeling when they are caught in a lie...

Sorry to bust your chops, but my SIRIUS sounds great and my
XM sounds great as well... One is not noticably better than the other!

Your review was a good idea, but you have to try to stay with FACTS.

See ya - better luck next time.....

Eddie Runner

Steven J. Sobol

May 2, 2003, 5:06:44 PM5/2/03
>From James Dixon (

> Well, I'm sick of talking to you,

Mmmmkay, that's just about enough.

James and Paul, chill out before I am forced to pull out my referee's
whistle, willya? (I know that doesn't sound like much of a threat, but
it tends to hurt when I throw the whistle at people. :P)

Everyone else: is moderated, so all of the
flames in this thread get dumped in my mailbox for review before they
have a chance to make it to Usenet, and I have the opportunity to post
or not post stuff as I see fit. If you have a problem with that,
please feel free to continue to post to all of the other newsgroups
referenced in this post *except* I don't have
a lot of rules here in RRB, but I don't generally allow flamefests to

With warmest regards,
Ye Olde Newsgroupe Moderator

Steven J. Sobol, Geek In Charge,
POTS: Toll Free from anywhere in the USA or Canada, 888.480.4NET (4638)
MAIL: 5686 Davis Drive, Mentor on the Lake, OH 44060-2752

Paul Vina

May 2, 2003, 11:15:27 PM5/2/03
How the hell did *I* get roped into this?! All I did was respond to a
question about the definition of a decibel. It's not my fault he happened
to use my post to respond to Eddie's.

Paul Vina

"Steven J. Sobol" <> wrote in message

Sal M. Onella

May 2, 2003, 11:15:29 PM5/2/03

"Sarge" <> wrote in message
> I have a question for you. Not trying to be a smartass or get in
> any contest, just have a question. What is 1 decibel? Silly I
> know but I'm just curious.
> Thanks,
> Sarge

The answer about the "barely perceptible change in loudness" is correct. In
mathematically, 1 decibel is approximately a 25% change in the power level
of an electrical
signal. Thus, one and a quarter watts of power into a speaker is about 1
decibel more than
one watt. Radio transmitters and receivers are often spec'ed in dB, but
it's RF power, not
audio. (Cable TV spec is different -- let's don't go there.)

A three dB change in power is a doubling (or halving) of power; a 10 dB
change is a change
by a factor of 10, either up or down. Voltage and current have their own
scales but I don't
want to write a textbook here.

Steven J. Sobol

May 3, 2003, 11:51:17 AM5/3/03
>From Paul Vina (

> How the hell did *I* get roped into this?! All I did was respond to a
> question about the definition of a decibel. It's not my fault he happened
> to use my post to respond to Eddie's.

If I misattributed, I apologize.

James Dixon

May 3, 2003, 11:51:18 AM5/3/03
We used average readings for a variety of similar music, yielding a loudness
range which, all other parameters being equal, gave us some gauge of what
level of signal was being amplified. Agreed, we did not compare exactly the
same song.

Man, you're rude. What the hell is your problem? If you're so damn
interested, quit screwing around and post your own review instead of wasting
everyone's time trying to pick mine apart. Jeez.


Do you work for XM?

"Eddie Runner" <> wrote in message

Eddie Runner

May 4, 2003, 11:23:31 AM5/4/03
James Dixon wrote:

> Man, you're rude.

So? I have been called worse....

> What the hell is your problem?

No problem really, except your lack of facts...

I have listened intently for audable differences between XM and SIRIUS.
I have BOTH in my car, and I have both at the stereo shop I work at..
EITHER system is hooked up for EASY A/B switching between the two.

Although SIRIUS claims thier SPLEX sounds better and although XM
claims thier system sounds better, I HAVE YET TO HEAR IT!!!

SIRIUS claims thier three sats are better than XMs two!
XM clains the 2 GEO STATIONARY birds are better cause they dont duck
behind the horizon! I cant tell the difference by listening!!

> If you're so damn
> interested, quit screwing around and post your own review instead of wasting
> everyone's time trying to pick mine apart. Jeez.

I am !! I am!!
My findings have been posted time after time....
I find no significant differences other than the programming! Some folks like

Sirius programing, some folks (appearantly most folks) like XM programing!

My facts can be backed up... I dont have claims based on my magic
decibel meter that cant be duplicated... ;-)

> Do you work for XM?

If I did would I say?
* Sorry to bust your chops, but my SIRIUS sounds great and my
* XM sounds great as well... One is not noticably better than the other!

No, I would probably be spewing one sided propaganda about XM like
you are about SIRIUS.... Maybe you dont work for SIRIUS, maybe
you just bought SIRIUS and have to make up stories about how much
better it is to justify your purchase.... Folks do it about what kind of car
they drive! One guy things Chevys better, one guy thing FORD is king
and they will make up all kinds of stories to justify thier choice....

Eddie Runner

Boston Blackie

May 4, 2003, 11:23:33 AM5/4/03
Jim, thanks for the review.

You ever live in Ft. Huachuca?

Eddie Runner

May 4, 2003, 11:24:07 AM5/4/03
James Dixon wrote:

> Man, you're rude.

So? I have been called worse....

> What the hell is your problem?

No problem really, except your lack of facts...

I have listened intently for audable differences between XM and SIRIUS.
I have BOTH in my car, and I have both at the stereo shop I work at..
EITHER system is hooked up for EASY A/B switching between the two.

Although SIRIUS claims thier SPLEX sounds better and although XM
claims thier system sounds better, I HAVE YET TO HEAR IT!!!

SIRIUS claims thier three sats are better than XMs two!
XM clains the 2 GEO STATIONARY birds are better cause they dont duck
behind the horizon! I cant tell the difference by listening!!

> If you're so damn
> interested, quit screwing around and post your own review instead of wasting
> everyone's time trying to pick mine apart. Jeez.

I am !! I am!!

My findings have been posted time after time....
I find no significant differences other than the programming! Some folks like

Sirius programing, some folks (appearantly most folks) like XM programing!

My facts can be backed up... I dont have claims based on my magic
decibel meter that cant be duplicated... ;-)

> Do you work for XM?

If I did would I say?

Boston Blackie

May 4, 2003, 11:24:09 AM5/4/03

Eddie Runner

May 4, 2003, 11:24:25 AM5/4/03
Just because the answers were not the answer YOU WANTED
does not mean the answers were WRONG..!!
I didnt see ANY wrong answers...
The way you worded the question was not too precise in the first place,
if you noticed in my response I gave you TWO correct answeres and then
asked if thats the ones your looking for! You didnt bother to be more
precise in your question so all you got were very general BUT CORRECT

Kinda like asking if the SKY IS BLUE but the answer you want
is the precise composition and percentages of atmospheric gasses
that make up the blue hue of the atmosphere of the earth at 2100
UTC on Sept 24th measured from a certain mountaintop in UTAH...

Then you act like WERE STUPID!!!?????

ha ha ha ha....

Eddie Runner

Sarge wrote:

> All you techs here and you can't answer what a decibel is. It the
> measure of 1 ma as measured accross 600 ohm.
> Well no one gets credit for today's spot quiz. And yes, you're
> right, I was answering a loaded question. I tend to do that when
> people trot out their degrees and titles.

Margaret von Busenhalter

May 4, 2003, 5:20:35 PM5/4/03

"Eddie Runner" <> wrote in message

> Then you act like WERE STUPID!!!?????

Oh, the irony.

> ha ha ha ha....



Paul Jensen

May 4, 2003, 5:20:40 PM5/4/03
> No problem really, except your lack of facts...
> I have listened intently for audable differences between XM and SIRIUS.
> I have BOTH in my car, and I have both at the stereo shop I work at..
> EITHER system is hooked up for EASY A/B switching between the two.
> Although SIRIUS claims thier SPLEX sounds better and although XM
> claims thier system sounds better, I HAVE YET TO HEAR IT!!!
> SIRIUS claims thier three sats are better than XMs two!
> XM clains the 2 GEO STATIONARY birds are better cause they dont duck
> behind the horizon! I cant tell the difference by listening!!

That sounds more like an opinion, not a fact.


May 5, 2003, 11:26:58 AM5/5/03

> All you techs here and you can't answer what a decibel is. It the
> measure of 1 ma as measured accross 600 ohm.
> Well no one gets credit for today's spot quiz. And yes, you're
> right, I was answering a loaded question. I tend to do that when
> people trot out their degrees and titles.
> Sarge

That would be a dBm.

Eddie Runner

May 5, 2003, 2:34:30 PM5/5/03
Paul Jensen wrote:

You need a dictionary!!

ha ha ha


Eddie Runner

May 5, 2003, 2:34:33 PM5/5/03
BUT SARGE, you said all the guys that
answered "can't answer what a decibel is."


If you had payed a bit of attention back in elementary school
you might have noticed that when your teacher showed you
the DICTIONARY that many words have SEVERAL

And just cause it was not the answer YOU WANTED
does not make them wrong!

You must be new here if you think I have thin skin.
Are you new here???

I been here pissin folks off with facts since 1994 or so...ha ha ha

Keep em comin, I dont even have a killfile!
ha ha

Eddie Runner

Sarge wrote:

> Eddie Runner <> wrote in

> news:b93bb9$lam$

> > Just because the answers were not the answer YOU WANTED
> > does not mean the answers were WRONG..!!
> > I didnt see ANY wrong answers...
> > The way you worded the question was not too precise in the
> > first place, if you noticed in my response I gave you TWO
> > correct answeres and then asked if thats the ones your looking
> > for! You didnt bother to be more precise in your question so
> > all you got were very general BUT CORRECT answers....
> >
> > Kinda like asking if the SKY IS BLUE but the answer you want
> > is the precise composition and percentages of atmospheric
> > gasses that make up the blue hue of the atmosphere of the
> > earth at 2100 UTC on Sept 24th measured from a certain
> > mountaintop in UTAH...
> >
> > Then you act like WERE STUPID!!!?????
> >
> > ha ha ha ha....
> >
> > Eddie Runner
> >

> First, the question was very precise, what is 1 db. Don't see
> where that could have been any more precise. It was a friendy
> question. Your response seems that you are upset at my critque.
> It makes me think your skin is a bit thin. If I offended you, my
> apology. Is there something incorrect in my answer? Is that not 1
> db? If you think that is too harsh, let me know and I'll tone my
> answer/question for someone that is less than tolerant. Or maybe
> you will want to add me to your killfile. Your choice.
> Sarge

Paul Jensen

May 6, 2003, 9:07:42 AM5/6/03
> > > Although SIRIUS claims thier SPLEX sounds better and although XM
> > > claims thier system sounds better, I HAVE YET TO HEAR IT!!!
> > >
I cant tell the difference by listening!!
> >
> > That sounds more like an opinion, not a fact.
> You need a dictionary!!

How so? The above-referenced comments are subjective opinions, not fact as
the original poster claims. What is it that you think I should be looking

Eddie Runner

May 6, 2003, 1:07:17 PM5/6/03
So now who has THIN SKIN?

ha ha ha

Sarge wrote:

> Sorry, I don't play grade school games, gave that up long ago.
> But go ahead and have fun if that trips your trigger, I'll sit
> and watch.
> Sarge

Eddie Runner

May 6, 2003, 1:07:19 PM5/6/03
Wake up Paul,

(in an A/B test)

It may also be my opinion they sound the same, but that doesnt

get the dictionary out man!!!
Words MEAN something, and for your proper understanding of what the words
could mean it is important that you pay attention to them and realize that even
a dictionary there could be several meanings.... FACTS and OPINIONS both
have wonderfull meanings, and just because I used one does not mean I did not
use another! A sentence or paragraph CAN HAVE my opinion and ALSO
state some FACTS!

I would rather argue the techical aspects of the SIRIUS vs XM as this thread is

titled, than the elementary school crap that some of you guys scrape off the
bottom of the barrel cause thats ALL YA GOT!!!

Eddie Runner

Paul Jensen

May 6, 2003, 8:04:34 PM5/6/03

"Eddie Runner" <> wrote in message

> Wake up Paul,
> (in an A/B test)

That doesn't mean others couldn't tell the difference. It is your opinion.
Someone else could listen to the same thing and hear something different.
Your hearing is not the the standard of measurement for all of humanity. I
am awake!

Eddie Runner

May 6, 2003, 9:49:52 PM5/6/03
Paul Jensen wrote:

> That doesn't mean others couldn't tell the difference.

How true...
However, I have been in the audio biz for nearly 30 years
and have had my share of setting up A/B tests...
I woud bet that most of the folks out there would not be able to tell if I cant
tell... ;-)

Of course I would encourage you to try! ya never know....

In fact, the whole point of my getting involved in this thread in the first
was to encourage folks to LISTEN and form thier own judgements on
which system is better for them! And not believe the idiots that say
(with no A/B comparisons) that one sounds better than the other!

Too many folks buy an XM and blindly clain it sounds better!
Too many folks buy a SIRIUS and blindly claim it sounds better!
Too few folks have the opportunity to compare both!

> It is your opinion.

No, its FACT that I cannot tell the sound quality difference by listening
in my own vehicle or our store display while switching back and fourth
from Sirius to XM.... It is FACT that other folks have experienced the
same thing on my system and our store display as well.

IT IS MY OPINION, that most folks that have not already listened to
my vehicle or the store systems would not be able to point out a significant
difference either.... You welcome to come take a listen though! ;-)

> Someone else could listen to the same thing and hear something different.

Could be, Maybe! nothings impossible ya know! ;-)
But would you wanna bet???

> Your hearing is not the the standard of measurement for all of humanity.

No, but it is the standard for ME.... Just as yours is the reference for

> I am awake!

Yes Paul, this time your statements are much better than before...

Eddie Runner

Boston Blackie

May 10, 2003, 2:06:14 PM5/10/03
In article <b99oo0$spk$>,
Eddie Runner <> wrote:

> No, its FACT that I cannot tell the sound quality difference by listening
> in my own vehicle or our store display while switching back and fourth
> from Sirius to XM....

Can it really be an A/B comparison when you can't listen to the same
program service on both Sirius and XM? Or maybe you did? You don't say.

Eddie Runner

May 10, 2003, 7:36:41 PM5/10/03
Your right!
It would be unlikely that anyone could have the exact same song
on both units..... I can however switch back and fourth quickly
but the songs are not the same.....

But randomly sampling at different times of day or night with different
songs on each one each time we compare, I would think that once
in a while it would be lopsided.... But I cant tell any noticable difference
either way, anytime....

What I mean is lets say

if XM was better fidelity than SIRIUS
and if Traffic was better fidelity than the Beatles

So if the worse fidelity song was on the better fidelity service when
we might interperate that to SOUND THE SAME.....

However, since both services play Traffic and both plays the Beatles
(in other words the songs are random on both services) then it would
be likely that some times one service would sound better than the other...

I dont hear any significant sound quality differences on them at all.
Typicly they are both very very good... No complaints at all on the
sound quality of either one....

There are folks out there that might say one sounds better than the other, I
imagine that most of these folks that say that are under the influence of
advertising propaganda and not an actual comparison....

Eddie Runner

Oct 11, 2003, 10:48:53 PM10/11/03

I agree with your review.

I have BOTH services and ended up canceling XM. Sirius has a far better
selection of music.
The only station I really listened to on XM was Ethel, on Sirius they
have about 5 Ethels!

I read in the past about Sirius sound quality not being as good as XM,
well all I have to say is no way, Sirius has better sound than my XM ,
its crisp and clean. XM always sounded muffled.

I am so glad I tried out Sirius, it won me over with quality and great
music selection.

Dave Yeager

Oct 25, 2003, 10:05:46 PM10/25/03
apologies for my ignorance, but what is "Ethel"? Am interested in hearing
more about your comparison

"" <> wrote in message


Oct 25, 2003, 10:06:09 PM10/25/03
Sirius blows, and every audio magazine out there agrees. Sirius is heading
for Chapter 11, while XM is about to pick up its 1,000,000th customer.

"" <> wrote in message

Rich Wood

Oct 26, 2003, 6:07:48 PM10/26/03
On 26 Oct 2003 02:06:09 GMT, "JL" <> wrote:

>Sirius blows, and every audio magazine out there agrees. Sirius is heading
>for Chapter 11, while XM is about to pick up its 1,000,000th customer.

You must be reading different audio magazines than I am. Mine say
Sirius sounds cleaner.

I chose Sirius because it sounds less compressed to my ears.



Oct 26, 2003, 6:08:11 PM10/26/03
I also have XM, have for the last 2 yrs. I am very pleased with the
service. I looked into Sirius and wasnt too impressed. Just my 2 cents
"JL" <> wrote in message news:bnfa6h$n5i$


Oct 26, 2003, 6:07:37 PM10/26/03
within the hallowed think tank known as:bnfa6h$n5i$,
JL <> employed much intellect to add:

> Sirius blows, and every audio magazine out there agrees. Sirius is
> heading for Chapter 11, while XM is about to pick up its 1,000,000th
> customer.
Based on just what I've heard I agree Sirius blows. They use 'PAC' which
the standards committee rejected for IBOC because it is substandard for the
lower bitrates Sirius uses. Doesn't take a genius to take those facts and
spell Sirius as DOA.

Oh, and I've heard both and XM does sound better.


Dec 15, 2003, 1:19:41 PM12/15/03
I have XM and the Talk Radio is better with FREE AM
XM does not have any good host except Hannity.
The open road would be good if they dumped Bozo.
He makes us all look like dumbies.
On 26 Oct 2003 02:05:46 GMT, "Dave Yeager" <>

Rich Wood

Dec 16, 2003, 11:12:55 AM12/16/03
On 15 Dec 2003 18:19:41 GMT, Phillip <> wrote:

>I have XM and the Talk Radio is better with FREE AM
>XM does not have any good host except Hannity.
>The open road would be good if they dumped Bozo.

Hannity isn't an XM product. The show is owned by ABC and is just
carried by XM. Same with Truckin' Bozo (Clear Channel). Both can be
heard on terrestrial radio.

>He makes us all look like dumbies.

I'm biting my tongue. Taking a shot at this one is just too easy.



Mar 26, 2004, 5:38:57 PM3/26/04
I have XM and the Talk Radio is better with FREE AM
XM does not have any good host except Hannity.
The open road would be good if they dumped Bozo.
He makes us all look like dumbies.
On 26 Oct 2003 02:05:46 GMT, "Dave Yeager" <>

>apologies for my ignorance, but what is "Ethel"? Am interested in hearing


Mar 28, 2004, 12:38:59 AM3/28/04

"Phil" <> wrote in message

> I have XM and the Talk Radio is better with FREE AM
> XM does not have any good host except Hannity.

Pure opinion
I like 165 and 166. Especially Dave Ramsey. Also David Lawrence on 152. John
and Jeff are tolerable overnight. Phil Hendrie is funny in small doses.

Ever listen to Janet Parshall on 170? Daytime 2-5pm eastern.

Sal M. Onella

Mar 29, 2004, 1:27:56 AM3/29/04

"Wavking" <> wrote in message

< snip >

Phil Hendrie is funny in small doses.

< snip >

Small doses is about right. I burned out on Phil Hendrie after I realized I
constantly listening to a rehash of previous bits.

He only has a few hours of material in his repertoire.

Rich Wood

Mar 29, 2004, 12:28:13 PM3/29/04

> XM does not have any good host except Hannity.

That's not exactly what I'd call setting your standards high.

>> The open road would be good if they dumped Bozo.
>> He makes us all look like dumbies

The last sentence makes me understand why Hannity is your first

What's a dumbie? An offspring of Dumbo?


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